". . . but you're sexually abusing your children . . ."
"What about our indigenous rights being . . ."
"Not only are you sexually abusing your children in all your aborigine communities, the money that the Australian goverment gives each of your communities for food, clothing, and health-care is being used for alcohol -- drunkeness and sexually abusing your children will destroy your people. That's why the government had to send soldiers and police into your communi . . ."
"The soldiers and police are taking away our human rights . . ."
The aborigines of Australia constitute 2 percent of Australia's population and has higher rates of unemployment, substance abuse, violence on each other, and shorter life expectancy than other Australians. Sound familiar?
In the United States we still hear -- in the 21st century -- these "bleeding hearts" whining, "Poor colored peoples of the world" trapped in poverty while other people have millions and billions of dollars." What about the difference in cultures of these "poor colored peoples of the world" and the culture of these rich people?
What is not being said by these "gurus" constantly weeping that especially "blacks" (carbon copies) have a higher jobless rate than other groups in the United States is that carbon-copies don't have a culture that emphasizes creating businesses as do other ethnic groups.
Thanks to years of segregation imposed by English-speaking segregationists -- their superior culture having given them control of all the sources of wealth -- carbon copies demonstrated -- even with their inferior carbon-copy culture -- that they could create many jobs for themselves. In addition to singing gospels and blues and tap-dancing for whites, their businesses included restaurants, nightclubs, grocery stores, movie houses, a few hotels, banks, and hospitals -- to name a few. In fact, early in the 20th century, in a carbon-copy neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there were so many rich carbon copies, including millionairs, that it was referred to as "black wall street."
In other countries, the Spanish, Portuguese, and French-speaking segregationists also controlled all the sources of wealth. But carbon copies in those countries not only pretended that there was no discrimination against them but tried -- and try, even today -- to identify as Spanish, French, and Portuguese for paternalistic favors from their mestizo masters.
Why, then, in all these centuries of years, has no agency among these "poor colored peoples of the world" dared to tell these incompetent people that it is their worthless "culture," their culture-ritis that keeps them from advancig as a people?
Giving them welfare, giving them homes, giving them food, giving them ... giving them ... giving them ...
Why not force them to update their "cultures" and supply their own needs before they self-destruct out of existence?