Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Has Snowden -- endangering the lives of Americans -- thinking he's accomplished some great praise-worthy service for mankind by sticking his snout out with security information helpful to our enemies snowed himself?

Won't the masses throughout the world -- who always have and always will -- continue to befriend any befuddled, bloody bloc boasting a bigger better bowl of beans and bottle of beer?

And won't the sun go on sharing its rays with country after country, century after century millenniums following Snowden and his cesspool of "a day late and a dollar short"-fellow terrorist conspirators have been introduced to "Up Against The Wall!"?

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Spectators filled every seat in the courtroom, and the Judge slowly turned pages in the defendent's file.  The defendent, a middle-aged woman with wheat-colored hair and wearing a short-sleeved gray blouse and blue slacks jumped up, knocking her chair over backwards.

"Officer, restrain the defendent!" the Judge called out.

The defendent, wearing black patent-lethered shoes with three-inch stiletto heels, snatched the shoe from her right foot, drew it back, as if preparing to throw a fast ball, and yelled, "Don't you come near me -- I plead guilty with an explanation, Your Honor . . ."

The officer, a tall, muscular crew-cut blond, looked at the Judge who waved him off.  "Let's hear it," the Judge said.

"Your Honor, I used that word that I'm accused of, but -- God is my witness -- those people, themselves, young and old, use it loud all over the place.  On buses, in the streets, schools, stores, and nobody says anything to them about it.  But let a white person say it and they start screaming and hollering.  Some of these rappers have been saying it world-wide in their kindergarten-rhymes for decades, but nobody has brought a lawsuit against them.  And do we dare say that there are no racial pejoratives used against whites or people of other races or ethnic groups?  Your Honor, down South we don't 'hem and haw' -- we bring it straight up, 'it is what it is.'  Like most Americans I'm out every day trying to make an honest living, so you can believe me when I say that I'm not a racist, but I do despise self-righteous race-hustlers, and . . ."

"Case dismissed!" the Judge thundered, and the spectators roared, clapping and cheering.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


He stood at the bus-stop in Los Angeles that night staring at the man about 20 feet from him and he squeezed the gun in the black briefcase that he held at his side.  No other people were around.  He wondered whether he could bring the briefcase up and the gun out before the man made a threatening move.

The man took short steps back and  forth, constantly glancing over at him, then suddenly the man came toward him so quickly that the element of surprise gave the man the advantage.  The man's empty hands came up, palms out, as if he were obeying the order of a policeman.  "I come in peace," the man said.

"You had me nervous," the other replied.
"Being alone in the dark with another black had me thinking about blacks killing each other this past weekend in Chicago," the man said.
"Oh, Chur-cago," the other declared.  "It could happen just as easily here in Chur-L.A. or Chur-D.C. or any black community."
"What's this 'Chur?' "
"Churches . . . we've got so many in our black communities, yet we've got all this self-hate and violence and so-called 'black' culture . . ."
"Somebody's lying in some of these black churches . . ."
"And I wonder -- with so many Muslims rioting, burning, killing, and destroying all over the place -- does FREEDOM OF SPEECH allow us to say that somebody's lying in some of these mosques, too? -- Give everybody equal time."

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Hold up -- not so fast on the "white minority-bit."  What about this business of "whites who are not Hispanic?"  Aren't people who call themselves "Hispanics" identifying as Spaniards, with Spain?  Haven't we heard some Mexicans refer to Spain as la madre patria (the mother country)?

Spaniards -- like Italians, French, and Portuguese -- are called Latins, but they are of the Caucasian race, white.  There is no Latin or Spanish or Italian or French or Portuguese race.  There is the Caucasian race, the white race -- and there's only one.  So what is this business about "whites who are not Hispanic?"  One is either white or one isn't.

Granted, there're millions of people looking like Indians and Afrikans but calling themselves Latins -- and that gives them a "white" identity.  But when we look at the people on Latin TV shows and in movies, newspapers, and magazines we don't see any Indian-looking or Afrikan-looking people; we see only people resembling Europeans, whites -- and that tells us that there's a whitening process at work.

So the propaganda might be that white people will soon be outnumbered by the minorities, but reality is that the minorities are disappearing into white -- increasing the white population.  And thank God that some whites came outta those caves and created a powerful cutlture.  Otherwise we'd still be living in grass huts and tepees.