Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Palestinians, Jews, et al.

". . . we give our children to Hamas . . ! screamed the wild-eyed women dressed in tattered flowing black gowns, their heads covered with black rags.  Hundreds of them lofted babies over their heads as they huddled near armed terrorists filling a shelter built by the UN to protect non-military personnel.  Other women knelt about the shelter beating their heads with their fists and shouting, "Death to the Jews!  We will kill them all for killing our innocent children . . .!"  Still others, turning, twisting, whirling about, shaking their fists over their  heads, their faces contorted, their tongues flapping, screamed ceaselessly.

Given that they dedicated their children -- and themselves -- to be used as shields for terrorists to hide behind as they shot rockets at Jews one had to question whether their screaming and weeping was anything more than histrionics for the news cameras filming them.

"Oh, the pictures of poor innocent Palestinian children wounded and killed by Jews attacking are heart-wrenching in America and throughout the world," a reporter, in tears, murmured.

One of the women rushed up to  him, shaking her tiny fist in his face and growling:  "You bad people, no be like America president.  Him good friend to Muslim people.  Him send much money -- Palestinian people use money build tunnels to Isreal for kill Jews!  Much friends of him good friends to Muslims, too . . . soon we go America -- kill Americans.  Muslim people good people, Christian people no good people . . . we kill all no Muslim people!  We kill American children in school, in hospital, in street, sleep in bed.  We kill!  Kill!  Kill for Hamas!"  She jerked around, leaving the reporter.

"Oh, I just agonize for the poor, innocent, abused Palestinian people," the reporter moaned.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Chaos Now

In other words  chaos suddenly popped into existance yesterday or last night or today; that is, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Iran and all the rest of the hot spots of ignorant, backward people had no warlords of tribes and vicious political factions held in check by dictators.  The moment a dictator bit the dust thousands of dissenting forms just suddenly materialized from outer space with instant extremist political views.

The chaos that has had so-called "great black leaders" and "civil rights activists" and "black revolutionaries" and leftists trembling in nightmares for generations lurks under the heading SELF- HATE.  The most  anti-black and anti-indigenous people are not whites -- constantly accused of racial animosity -- but so-called "blacks" and Indians."

The Europeans who had moved on to gun powder, nation-building, education, science, and inventions went into Afrika and came into what we call the Americas, saw blacks and indigenous people riveted into tepees, grass huts, bows and arrows, and spears and knives.

"Hey, this is gonna be 'good rocking'.  These funny-looking people need to wake up and 'smell the coffee'," the Europeans logically concluded.  They returned to their ships, ate breakfast, then went back on shore, kicked butt, colonized, and returned to Europe in time for lunch.  In the aftermath, a couple of astute indigenous dudes in the Americas and a few in Afrika 'smelled the coffee' and thought, "These funny-looking people from across the pond 'got it going on'.  We better copy their style."

One would think that "blacks" and indigenous people would prefer the identity of our original ancestors over that of the Europeans who kicked the butts of our indigenous and Afrikan ancestors.  But today's "blacks" and indigenous people -- and other "people-of-color" lackeys -- would "rather fight than switch."

Think we're seeing chaos now?  Scum-bag reporters and news commentators continue to always show only images of the police trying to subdue some scum-bag thug -- especially if he or she is a "scum-bag of color" -- and never show the thug initiating the attack, encouraging other dumb scum-bags to resist arrest so that they use them for sensational "news" and to promote chaos."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

President of the World

"You're grinning," I said in what I heard as in a dream.  "And it's strange that you should still be grinning, given your bungling of unconditional support for the Jews when evil Palestinians -- like Nazis -- are attacking the Jews.

"What naive idealistic nonsense made you think that you could be President of the world?  Didn't you know of the rep that Presidents of our country had when times were so rough that nobody ever smiled, before you learned to walk or talk?  Presidents in those days belonged to a race that produced men who took charge.

"They went into Asia where they were outnumbered a million to one by Asians and they took over; went into Afrika and they -- again outnumbered a milliion to one -- took over; kept keeping it up in "Latin America" (a name that disrespects the indigenous people there).  In every country that they entered as Presidents of the United States they were looked upon and accepted as The President, The most powerful man in the world.

"The people of the world looked upon the Presidents of our country as men of a race who could tell us black citizens where we could live in a city and where we couldn't; what public place we could enter and what place we couldn't; where we could sit down and where we couldn't; where we could drink water and where we couldn't.  The people -- even blacks -- throughout the world knew that they could enter our country and only had to disrespect us and they would be accepted by people of The President's race.

"You were not old enough in the '60s when we -- and whites -- "sold out," went into the streets with fire and bullets and spilling blood.  You were never even part of a neighborhood teenage gang or group poised 24-hours a day to "throw down" on those we considered our enemies.

"People of the world -- especially Asians and Arabs and "Latin" Americans (most indigenous people don't call themselves "Latins") -- never saw in their country one of our race in such a high position as you occupy.  They do not see you as The President, The most powerful man in the world.  Do you find that funny?  You're still grinning."

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ever Wonder wandering?

Ever wonder what the world would be like without our artists?  Without people who play music, sing, dance, paint, sculpture, perform, write?  A person who can release his or her inspiration, joy, sorrow, humor, sarcasm, anger, love, lonliness, is blessed.  Have you recorded, written, performed any pieces?  Or are you a self-fulfilling artist?  That is, do you just release when you want to express your mood?

Ever wonder about the IQ of these hypocritical, lying Palestinians who openly scream that they're going to kill all Jews?  They attack Jews, then moan and whine, "Oh, world, see how these Jews are kicking our butts?  And we po' people ain't done nothing to them.  Oh, we po' ignorant people is all so innocent.  Please, world, make these Jews understand that they shouldn't kill us po' ignorant people just because we is trying to kill them!"

And they address this ignorance to "sob-sisters" -- white Americans addicted to "white guilt" -- and misguided Europeans (English, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and their imitation carbon-copies and copper-copies).

Ever wonder at the IQ of these po' parents who run to fling their children atop boxcars to travel unprotected thousands of miles, being hungry, dirty, sick, and sexually molested so that their po' parents can one day use them as passports to the U.S. where they can live "la dulce vida" without having done anything to deserve it?

Ever wonder whether these po' parents ever belonged to an organization to improve the society of their worthless country or if they ever thought about the tons of blood millions of men and women lost for years in making the U.S. the greatest country on this magnetic rock revolving and evolving in space and called the planet Earth?

Is your art in your blood as music is in the blood of musicians, acting in the blood of actors, and writing in the blood of writers?  Keep up the good work and cheer up this war-torn, angry world with your art.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Black Female Culture

What the hell is it?  Where the hell is it?  Maybe it's black female natural hair hiding under a white woman's wig.  Perhaps it's black female hair tinted blond or red, colors associated with the hair of whites.  Could it be the custom of attaching black ropes to black female hair so it can hang long like the white woman's hair.  Isn't hair common even for dumb animals -- dogs, horses, sheep, gorillas, apes, skunks?  People who allow others to warp them with an inferiority complex don't have a culture worth a damn.

A language is the doorway to a people's culture.  What is the cultural language of black female culture?  Did black females create it from European languages or did it float down to earth from outer space written on a cotton sack?  People methodically create a culture for socio-economic reasons.  We take our identities from its language; write our books and music in its language; and our customs are identified by its language.

A monumental majority of so-called blacks glorify the identities of Europeans and Arabs -- people who don't even identify as Blacks.  What does that tell us about "blacks" supposedly identifying with "black" culture?

Kwanzaa is the one legitimate black cultural feature that we Afrikan Americans have.  But today, some fifty years after an Afrikan American created it we can't find a single black community built around its Seven Principles; we find many celebrating Kwanzaa who can't even pronounce its Swahili words.

Now, after learning that there's a "black female culture," we know why we have all these "black" boys filled with self-hate and killing other "blacks," in spite of tons of so-called "great black" leaders, writers, teachers, preachers, and college graduates for over a hundred years.  These "black" boys raised in homes under the influence of "black female culture" are frustrated and confused by an infruriating affront to their male nature.

                      "Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation"