Friday, September 19, 2014

EBOLA Without Warning

Part Two

On the backpage to the frontpage story the picture of throngs of blacks in Monrovia Liberia swarmed outside the gates of the U.S. Embassy pleading for the United States to send soldiers to save Liberians from the war between Liberia's government troops and rebel forces.  Images of  millions of starving, illiterate blacks in dirty, tattered clothes across the continent of Afrika -- in the 21st century -- intruded; followed by the tribal massacres in Rwanda in the 1990s . . . black men with machetes dripping blood, chopping off the heads, the arms and legs of hundreds of thousands of helpless black men, women, and children.

Today, in 2014, Liberia with EBOLA, in the news again . . . the President sending thousands of troops into Afrika to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease.  The troops will clash with villagers led by so-called "leaders" who keep them gripped by stoneage superstitions against health workers and modern medicine.  Villagers will actually stone foreigners who risk their life to help them.  In fact, how could theses geniuses sending soldiers into Afrika figure out how to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease, but have no idea how to rid young "black" thugs of such self-hate that they want to kill  anybody who looks like them?  And aren't they afraid that some of these soldiers will be infected with EBOLA and return to the United States with it?

'Maybe self-hate is a clever way of keeping the population of people of color under control . . .'
'What do you mean "people of color"?'
'Black people.'
'But all people have color.'
'No, white is the absence of color.'
'Others say that "black" is the absence of color.'
'If I come into your paint shop and say I want some of that absence of color paint, what would you give me?'
'If it were my shop, I would give you a quick kick in the butt to get your crazy ass out of my face.'

Visited the Gaslamp Quarter in the East Village of modern downtown San Diego that evening  . . . feeling an admiriation entangled with a disconnection as I walked the blocks of elegant cafes with sidewalk tables . . . cassually dressed white men and women chatting over white plates, sparkling wine glasses in hand in the warm evening.

Aftercwards went up around University and 29th Street to the Claire de Lune Cafe Shop and listened to the poetry and prose of writers taking their turn at life via an open-mike.  Thought intruded:  One day, talk to them about some of these intrusions that come without warning . . . maybe . . . .

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

EBOLA Without Warning

Part One

EBOLA brings it back . . . strolling with the crowd that sunlight afternoon in June of 2003 . . . Old Town San Diego in Historic Park.  Stern eyes in white faces looked in my driection, but could not see me.  They stared from the walls of the first public school, general store, dentist office, saloon, and court house, evidencing the foundation of modern San Diego, California.

Words intruded as if they pulled on boots and strapped on guns for some "heart to heart."  They rode hard on that day's front-page story in the local newspaper.  A black man on a motorcycle, chashed by a cop's car, crashed into a building and died on impact.   A mob of blacks  blamed the white cop for the black's death.  They rioted, burning the homes of blacks.  A picture of two black teenagers in XL white T-shirts standing near the smolderig ashes of one of the homes covered half the front page.

A black man interviewed in the story complained:  "They rioted out of frustration of no jobs."  . . . a decades-old excuse pulled out and "dusted off" whenever blacks rioted.  Pictures of thousands of blacks in cap and gown graduating with business degrees for generations from colleges and universities instantly annoyed me.  Where were the the black businesses to employ black people as other cultural groups created jobs to provide work for their people?  We didn't have a  culture that encouraged us to create businesses as one of its features.  In fact did we have a culture or just a subculture of inferior imitations of features from Anglo culture?  June 19th, just three days away, known as JUNTEENTH and celebrated for over a  hundred years by blacks in certain regions of the country as the date of our ancestors emancipation from slavery . . . still haven't created a culture; still glorifying the identities of the Anglos, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and Arabs.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Women and Men Violently

There are no prisons for women.  Why should there be?  No woman has ever said a provocative vulgar word to a man or another woman or a child.  No woman has ever drowned her baby or babies.  No woman has ever thrown her baby out of a second or third-story window or flung one into a garbage disposal.  No woman has ever robbed or stolen.  No woman has ever committed a "hit 'n' run,"  And no  woman ever poisened or shot or slit a man's throat.  No woman has ever been sentenced to death by a court.

That's why there are no prisons for women.  Women are the only humans who have never sinned and never will sin.  They will go on living sinless lives becaise never having committed a sin, what is there about them that needs correcting?

And what about men?  Is it true that Jesus said:  ". . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . . ."  Did He mean that just for the people of His time?  Careful, now.