Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Twilight Zone?

Are masses of  black people deliberately kept in a state between low intelligence and no intelligence, a twilight zone?  There's overwhelming evidence provoking one to ask that question.  Just consider, for example, that segment -- if you have the stomach for it -- that is most vocal on TV, radio, and in newspapers, magazines, and books as apologists for the rioting and lootin' and anti-police rhetoric of the masses.

This distructive rhetoric spews from the mouth of the highest black politicians in the land to the lowest black preachers, teachers, community activists and organizers -- and even athletes and entertainers.  These wouldbe-apologists are actually nothing more than race-hustling charlatans -- no matter the political office they occupy -- and the moment their face appears on TV many intelligent people turn to another channel or turn off the TV until they believe that the blabbermouth has finished.

Unfortunately, these blabbermouths know that they can always encourage the ignorant masses with their chaotic marching and rioting to keep them supplied with opportunities to run their putrid mouths on TV, and radio.  So dig in America, influence over these loose-brained masses, whether they be thugs or college and university students, seems to grow with the election of certain blabbermouthed politicians, aided by "holy" preachers and other agitators.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thy Hint Of Scent Rent?

Ah, but what glorious courage of ol'
 their polygynous tales of polygyny told

Yet, seemed only an instant-broker passsing precious,
questionable heresy?

Enigma be, all on call to perish in pith or pitfall,
in Poly's caress, lush magnitde in her Southern drawl:
"Yon ragged Monog, from on his horny thorn
besmirched, smitten through wind, bright sun, and snow,
speaks hunger of me all men would know:

" ' True, twas thee sweet Poly who first upon mine cognizance
did prick and sway,
perturbing gaiety, frailty, my soul to pay.

" 'And comes now a whiff of thee to scatter me -- which way?

" ' Oh, blessed is he in whom a hint of that polygynous feast
is rent
By thy strong, prolonged monogynous scent.' "

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Where Truth Lies

"They constantly search for it on TV, in newspapers and magazines and books, even big-time politicians and preachers and community organizers are calling for a national conference on it."
"But why?"
"Why?  Because  it is essential if we're to save the people of these communities, and it affects our national security."
"But how did it get to this point, after 9/11 and other disasters when we boasted, 'We are one, now, we are together'."
"Well, people need to openly face the truth."
"Everyone expressing an opinion swears that he or she's telling the truth, even physically attacking each other and their communities in outrage over their truth."

"Then somebody's lying.  The truth -- if you're sincere -- won't have you fighting each other and desroying your communities.  It'll have you coming together in peace, building up your communities."

"But what if you've got communities tilted with hypocrites and liars and they know that they're hypocrites and liars?  They'll disrespect and hate each other for being hypocrites and liars and you'll have communities filled with violence and destruction and the people will exemplify that on the streets, on their jobs, in the schools, in  churches, in Congress -- so that's why these people are always whining for a national conference, their modus operandi, for hoodwinking the people . . ."

"They've been floor-showing with conferences for decades, even generations, and while one of these national conferences, or jokes by any other name, is in session there's always a swarm of 'abused' people hot-footing to live in communities of their so-called 'abusers.'  These ignorant leeches would destroy not only their communities but by creating chaos in our streets and trying to paint all police as racists would place our entire country in danger from any forces dedicated to destroying us.  To such scum we must say, Get outta my face you hypocritical leeches!"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Surely You Jest, Ol' Fellow

"Sammy Davis Jr., extraordinarily talented song and dance entertainer, you know."
"Once in a movie starred as an American cowboy."
"American cowboy, that icon of the wild west."
"Prompted an intrepid film critic to write:  'It is not enough to act like an American cowboy, one must look like a cowboy."
"American cowboy, daunting height, big-boned, angular jaw, bold-eyed, rough, tough, butt-kicker, straight shooter, hard riding, filling scenes of the Ol' West.  Sammy's small body strained to reach five foot, seven."

"Reminds me of a European man propositioning a black dude:  'Say, me Pedro, me speak Spanish'."
"Centuries before, you know, an Arab said to black people:  'Follow me, I give you Arab name, Arab religion'."
"Other European man say, repeat after me:  'Me Jorge, me speak Portuguese'."
"And another say, repeat:  'Me Francois, me speak French'."
"Still another was told to say:  'Me Sam, me speak English'."
"And in the 1960s came a roar with fire and bullets:  'Look in mirror, you look Arab, look like European?  Need own identity, own culture.  Hear black this, black that; contradict what you see in mirror.'  But parents and grandparents rejected that roar."

"Now, they whimper, smothered by their incompetence in 21st century, confusion in self, hear 'All men created equal' -- and still piggy-backing on other peoples' identity.  But black leaders, preachers, teachers, politicians, community organizers have no culture to counter those spending their only life on this Earth piggy-backing on the identities of non-blacks.  So,by example, they teach them to hustle the race-card, blame whites for all their problems, provoking them to violence . . ."
"With terrorists inside and outside our borders, you speak culture change?  After centuries of the European touch, I say, that damsel there in the bikini doeth look a bit light of cheek . . ."
"Softer to cuddle, I do openly and heartily swear."
"I say ol' fellow, surely you jest.  You're quite mad, you know."
"Laughter down empty halls.  Per chance t'is pure folly, you know.  But as that great one, dear ol' Ben Franklin, has said:  'We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately'."

Monday, May 11, 2015

Unseen Side Streets

"May I help you, sir?"
"Madam, I wanna change my race."
"What is your race, sir?"
"Why is it called that, sir?"
"Before I was born they had this race picked out for me and they didn't know whether I wanted to be in this race or not.  Started off calling me 'Negro,' then years later said I was 'colored', and years after that said I was 'Afrikan American' or 'black' --"
"So what's  your problem, sir?"
"What's my problem?  If half the time I don't know who I is how people 'spect me to act?  Most the time I be quiet, but all of a sudden I start doing crazy stuff, knocking people down in the street -- and these people ain' done nothing to me, I don' even know them . . ."
"Well, in large cities we get a variety . . ."
"But then I start marching through the streets with some crazy-acting people and we's screaming 'Off the police,' and we rioting, setting fires and lootin' stores . . ."
"That shouldn't surprise you, especially if a Mayor says that it's nothing but property and tells the police not to interfere with you . . ."

"But it gets worse. Somebody ups and puts me -- without asking me -- with this band of racists called 'people of color,' and that includes black, brown, Indian, and Asians.  Now it seems to me that some of these 'people of color,' like some black people, have been searching day and night through their ancestry for anyone they can call white, and the last thing they want is to be in the company of each other.  We don't ever see them interacting with each other on TV shows or in their movies."
"Well, isn't it their right to associate with whomever they please?"
"And maybe there's racism among them, especially the Asians, and nobody wants to mention it."
"I'm not familiar with any Asian people."

"Yesterday, one sat next to me on the bus and that shocked me.  I thought, She must have just arrived here.  Asian women don't sit next to black men on a bus . . . they'll ban her from the Asian community.  And then I thought, Maybe she's setting me up and in a moment she'll start yelling, 'Stop harassing me, you rapist!'  Immediately I jumped up -- probably scared her and she'll never sit next to a black dude again -- and I got off the bus at the next stop and took another bus.  So I'm starting a new race for me"
"What are you going to call it, sir?"
"I want an authorized document for identification saying that I'm in a race called 'Majority Of One' and nobody can get in it but me . . ."
"Oh, I understand your  problem now.  You want the department on that side street arond the corner."
"What's the address?"
"It doesn't have an address.  It's the only two-story black iron building in one of those seldom seen side streets -- lots of people get lost in them.  Think you can find it?"
"I got a head full of 'em.  Do it have a name?"
"There's a black iron sign in front of it with big white letters."
"What they say?"

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Meat, Meet Meat

"I've been wanting to meet you, Meat, ever since we started that Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot business and I saw you decked out in yo' suit and tie and representing our meat on FOX, MSNBC, and CNN for the whole world to see us -- and I think them ICE-IS --"
"-- yeah, ICE-IS, they likes what we is doing in the streets against the police.  In fact, I heard that Eye-ran --"
"-- Ih-rahn."
"-- yeah, that Eye-ran man, I think they call him Eye-tol-yuh --"
"-- yeah, Eye-tol-yuh, spoke up for us meat people, too."

"Well, Meat, as long as meat is working down here in the Hood and people like us are on TV uptown, we've got them in locks . . ."
"They got to change quick, fast, and in a hurry if they want us to lighten up . . ."
"Meat, I know what we mean uptown when we say 'they,' but I'm not sure we're on the same page  --"
"In the Hood we mean anybody who don't put the blame for our problems on the people that we do."
"Then we together.  They hate us because we stand up for meat people and they're jealous that we can speak with such great substance."
"Every time I run it to 'em that they got to change the local, state, and federal police, the schools, teachers and students, lawyers and Judges, parents and their children, they walk it back on us, telling us that we got to change, too . . ."

"Well, Meat, I throw it to them that we're not going for that because all we've been doing all our lives is going through changes for them, got us scared to have hair -- even dumb animals have hair -- or an identity, language, and customs different from them."
"Thank God some of our big-shot politicians, athletes, and entertainers are meat people and do whatever we demand."
"By the time we get through changing everybody in this country if some of the old-timers who built it could come back I can see them crying at what they're seeing and hearing . . ."
"They think we ain' innerlekchuls --"
"Can't say that word, but we's it."
"Meat, it's been a pleasure, but I better get back uptown.  It wouldn't be to our advantage for them to see us togethr.  Keep up the good work, Meat."
"You, too, Meat."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Community Organizer

They're in the room with seated reporters, he and the visiting Prime Minister.  They stand about 20 feet apart at podiums, talking about Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Iran, and he suddenly felt the jerk and upward fling inside his body,  as when he was speaking at the UN and remembered the first time he'd heard about the jerk and upward swing.  He'd been 19 or 20 then and stood watching it, listening to its sounds seeming to come from every direction, not all understandable or logical.

"Can you ride it?"
He had looked over at the stooped, gray-haired old man staring at him.  "I believe I can," he'd answered, thinking, I can take it over, make it respond to me.
"It's deceiving, dangerous," the old man said, "you can't trust it.  Standing over here on the side lines it looks quiet, peaceful, harmless to us, but the moment it feels you in the saddle it starts bucking and making wild sounds and you wish you'd never come near it, but it's too late it's got you in the saddle and you've got to ride, can't let  go.  All the time, it's thinking, 'make a few moves, find out what he's made of,'  and it makes a jerk here, a jerk there, then an upward swing.  Did you flow in it's jerk, flow in it's upward swing or did you strain against its maniacal power?  If you did the latter -- as most do -- it knows it has you, knows just what moves to make to control you.

"And the next thing you know it's no longer you and it, but only you, holding to nothing, high above it, falling, trying to grasp space with your hands, and you hit the dirt.  It's on you with all four feet, smashing you for daring to control it . . . you shouldn't have trusted it.  Every thing it does is self-serving."

Remembering the jerk-and-upward-swing warning he'd felt before referring to it at his UN speech, he glanced over at the Prime Minister.  He didn't show restraint at the UN and he wasn't going to back down now.  He turned back to the reporters:  "Excuse me, Mr. Prime Minister, for prolonging this, but this racial issue is important . . ."

A reporter murmured to another:  "To bring that up with the Prime Minister present is inappropriate and he denigrates the Office he occupies by usurping the work of a petty agitator trying to organize a community."
"Yeah," the reporter said, "it's like someone being presidential candidate, but dosen't know a damned thing about politics . . . wants to be seen and hear himself talk . . . the Office must be respected.  Race and gender be damned.  Our lives and our country are threatened by these incompetent people."

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Street Justice

"Excuse me, sir, I'm with the Morning Noon And Night Vituperative Press and I observed you here last night and again tonight not participating in these distructive demonstrations of mostly black people, so would you tell me your definition of justice?  I hear all this screaming of 'No Justice No Peace . . ."
"Well, now, there's only one justice, justice is the same justice everywhere and, besides, I'm out here tonight 'cause a few minutes ago somebody set the apartment building where I was living on fire and I ain' got no where else to go 'cept these streets . . . ain' got no job to go to . . ."
"Do You know why you -- now I'm gonna  bring it to you straight -- don't have a job?"
"I guess 'cause I ain' got no education and no skill . . ."

"Listen, let me set this up for you.  For over a hundred years you and all these black masses have been whining, 'We is mad 'cause we ain' got no jobs and racist and every body is agin us.'  You don't have jobs because you don't have a culture that emphasizes creating jobs.  For example, many objective onlookers have agreed that Mexicans took a tortilla and created an industry.  That tortilla came out of their culture and has been creating menus and jobs for millions of Mexicans and other people all over the world.  I'll bet you that you could go into the darkest of Afrika and somebody would be there selling tacos, burritos, and enchiladas.

"Isn't there something in 'Afrikan American' culture that can be used to create jobs?  No!  Because there is no 'Afrikan American' culture.'  And so-called 'black leaders' never mention that.  They come like some preachers and politicians from the 'Hood' with their polished street-sophistry, apologists for rioting and violance to support and appease the empty-headed masses and civil-rights hypochondriacs . . .  But, wait, have we been premature and much too harsh in our criticism of these well-meaning multitudes?  Here comes the largest group demonstrating among the wild mobs here tonight.

"Oh, how overwhelmingly marvelous to see them running, jumping, proudly grinning in their graduating caps, long black robes, and waving their white scrolls for the reporters and their cameras.  Perhaps they're the latest  law-school graduates.  They'll decide for us the difference between  street justice and courtroom justice.  But, wait, hold on, are we mistaken, aren't those, yes, in this darkness what we believed to be graduating caps are actually full heads of naturally woolly hair spread atop their head and those aren't graduating robes they're -- why, in the darkness we presumed, hoping and projecting, that those bulky black T-shirts and jackets reaching to their voluminous britches hanging loosely below their knees, revealing their black butts as part of their robes, and those aren't white scrolls in their hands -- why they're actually bottles with white cloth protruding from them like, like -- my God -- Molotov Coctails, and they're threatening the police with them . .  . !"