Saturday, August 29, 2015

Relative To What?

"Remember when we spoke to that group and you said that after watching 'Roots' on TV you were so mad you wanted to put big hurt on white people?"
"And when you spoke you looked straight at me and said, 'Did you get mad enough to get rid of your white identity?'  I'd thought about it, but in those days most of the guys into taking Afrikan identities were into violence . . ."
"All this talk about black this and black that.  Who's black?"
" . . . and I'd have had to do it legally, go to court, change the name on my vital statistics -- all that paper work --"
"Yeah, would've been a tremendous inconvenience for you compared to what those people, black and white, portrayed in 'Roots' had to contend with . . ."

"Besides, everybody knew me as 'Sam' and they weren't going to suddenly start calling me Olatunde."
"I'd rather call you Olatunde than Sam.  What does it mean?"
" 'Honor comes again.'  My friends would be looking at me funny, as if I was a traitor or something."
"You could've gotten new friends."
"It's just so much trouble, going through so many changes just over a name -- and my relatives never would've  understood."
"There's more to a person's identity than a name.  You could call yourself Ching Lee, but that wouldn't make you a Chinese."

"What about black people and this hair thing?"
"Again, it takes more than a name and the way you wear your hair to give you an identity. You have to have a culture, and that requires a language -- sloppy English isn't a black language, it's just the sloppy English of poorly educated people . . ."
"We went through that Afro thing, trying to get blacks to wear their hair natural.  Now, over fifty years later, they'r still addicted to that hair thing.  Trying to make tacking ropes to it as a cultural feature to cover a fascination  for long, loose locks . . . and after a hundred years still following 'leaders' who teach them to blame whites for our self-hate, self-destruction, and all our problems as if we had no brains to think . . ."
"Liars . . . dummies -- Ghosts all?  Relative to what?"

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Connecting Orgies

Inherent worlds of throbbing monstrous lava rumbling discontent through millenniums and bursting, rocketing outwards, forming herculean majestic mountains, valleys, barren plains, germs creeping, sweeping green, flowery, kingly trees, gurgling following, flowing, reshaping, bringing minuscule puffs, peeps, deep down, clamoring, sick of lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, adventuring landward, groans, arms, legs creeping with centuries . . .

screams mingling amidst growling, gigantic forms crunching their gluttonous fill to more hunger and slimmer figures and vanishing in the dizzying buzz of saws and hammering iron, steel, and lumber, power swooning with masterful skill over weak, meek worthlessness entrapping borders, I-Me-My, You-Your-Yours . . . beggers, hoodlums, shysters crawling, bawling gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme  wrecking, the strong, drowning in guilt-ridden nonsense, caving, encouraging wrecking . . .

gently it drops, clean, clear as a smiling tear, another, and another, a flood, washing, quenching a thirst through countries, cities, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, cleansing, augmenting thoughts . . .

Monday, August 24, 2015

Some Came Running . . .

The plan had all the elements . . . well thought out, surprise, extreme dedication . . . except . . .

They'd feel the payback, enough of their blood hadn't yet been spilled,  he'd see them, arms, legs, faces of men, women, babies, maybe even pregnant women, blood splashing from their bodies . . . except . . .

Even if backup tried to interfere, the scorching of bullets tearing their bodies apart and tumbling them down into unthought of sudden death would reign . . . except . . .

Their torn, bleeding bodies would teach a lesson of fear, of his cunning and superiority that the world would never forget and he'd be be gone, laughing, free . . . except . . .

Except the filthy scumbag did not know the American reach, did not know that in every American community walk three, six, nine, twelve, thousands who like cubs from birth suck power, courage,  and teachings from the breast of their lioness mother to stand against evil.

Friday, August 21, 2015, three young Americans in France, far from their communities in America, recognized evil and withoug hesitation sprang into action, came running, defying death, conquering evil.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Profluent Profligate

"Doest thou think of thighs and my beauty?"

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours."

"Thigh doeth dither . . ."

"Would you answer --"

"Speak . . ."

"-- from the uncluttered conscience of intellectual
beauty or thigh voluptuous body?"

" . . . bring it hither . . ."

"Have you ever questioned any of thigh 'Shalt Nots'?"

"Doeth thigh never quiver?"

"Which did thigh defy?"

"Defiantly allowed them to flow in the River Thigh?"

"Why thigh defiance?"

"Oh, make them crave . . . you know the rave . . ."

"To dip in thy beauty?"

" . . . one, then two, and three . . ."

"And thigh husband?"

" . . . spent, burnt . . ."

"And I?"

"Thigh profluent profligate,"

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hounds Of Hunger

"You've been interviewing me for ten minutes and you ain't said nothing positive about our people yet . . ."
"If you're including me in that our people you might be somewhat presumptuous.  What have your people done positive or constructive -- rioting, looting, the same old noise, as the great Bard of Avon said:  '. . . sound and fury, signifying nothing . . .' "
"You can't hang that on our movement -- where you been!  We're a new movement . . ."
"There so many groups prancing and hollering out there who can keep up with them or cares to.  Besides, Miss Widipee, you called me."
"Well, I like the name of your radio show . . . Hounds of Hunger . . . that fits us . . ."

"Considering the whacky people you represent,  your organization sounds right for my show -- what did you say the name of your group is . . ?"
"We're the DMM -- the Dark Meat Movement . . . and all these people making speeches and holding discussions if they don't say sump'um 'bout Dark Meat we gon' crash in on'em . . ."
"And you call that positive and constructive?  Don't you think that all the time you waste trying to disrupt what other people are doing to resolve broader problems in our society and the world you could better use your time on the problems in your so-called communities?"
"We don't want to git into all that stuff.  We want people to pay attention to us.  That's why I wanted to be on your show . . ."

"As a famous General of your color said to some people attempting to use his name for selfish reasons:  'I'm your color but not your kind.' "
"We want people to recognize that our lives ain't worthless . . ."
"Don't tell us, show us.  Shout it in your so-called communities where you're killing each other like dummies and your 'leaders,' bootlegging racism, blame whites and police for the killings and all the problems of  your people . . . ."

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Inescapably Inseparable?

Rep: "Don't ask anyone else that."
Jeff:  "I suspect that thinking people from New York to California have considered it."
Rep:  "But whomever they can pinpoint as having said it they'll call an extremist and they'll  be coming after him or her with a padded cell at the ready."
Jeff:  "Who's this 'they?' "

Rep:  "Caucasians, Asians, Hindus, Semites, blacks, everybody important as populations in  the world --"
Jeff:  "And they're all represented right here --"
Rep:  "-- barking about their cultures and pretending to glorify and maintain them -- for example, the contradiction of the Caucasians and blacks here.  In other countries of this Hemisphere, there are blacks, Indians, and Mestizos openly identifying as Caucasians, but the blacks and Caucasians here pretend to be in constant conflict --"

Jeff:  "Why do you say 'pretend?' "
Rep:  "Because of those centuries of that unique 'Peculiar Institution' between them they can not conceive of having completely different identities.  Our country could not withstand it; enemies would take advantage of our strong separatism and march right in.  Half a handfull of blacks  refer to Swahili as their cultural language, but the masses of them think it's a joke.  In reality, these blacks are of an English world.  Their riots are nothing more than their swan-song, their one-word footnote, extinction, to their paragraph in the continuing volumn of American History.  Their extinction can not be stopped."
Jeff:  "I don't understand . . . you say our  country, but they when you refer to the blacks -- aren't you one . . ?"
Rep:  "I'll just say that the 'they' I told you about when we started talking will be coming for you in about three minutes."

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jungle Fever

"Hee! Hee! Ho! Ho! Ha! Ha!  Hear ye! Hear ye!  Ladies and gentlemen, sit back comfortably before your TV while we bring you once again what has become known here in Pissaruin as  the Jungle Fever -- just a moment, I see a man shouting something, sir, sir, excuse me -- "
"You talking to me . . ?"
"Yes sir, I -- "
"Is you blind, you can't see that um's a woman . . ?"
"Oh, excuse me, I'm so sorry.  You have the boisterous voice of a man . . ."

"You don't see these long plaits of a woman that I  have . . ?"
"Is that hair?  I thought those were ropes attached to your hair . . ."
"Well, up close they is ropes, but from a distance when I've had time to untwine'em and dye'em blond or red they looks like real hair . . . you see, we was back in the jungle for the summer, resting up, when we was suddenly called up to do this performance lak we did last year here in Pissaruin -- we was called Dem Lives back then, but now we changed that to Jungle Fever, that gives it a better show-biz sound -- "
"Do you plan to tear up, loot, and burn, and get people injured and arrested like last year . . ?"

"Let's jes say we hopes to put on a good show for our TV audience all over the world lak we always do -- don't they always say in show-biz, 'Break a neck' or a leg or sump'um lak that?  It was nice talking to you, but now I got to git back to strutting my stuff . . . ."
"Thank you, sir -- I mean miss . . . there you have it ladies and gentlemen, the beginning of the first of many episodes -- we hope for your entertainment -- of the newly named Jungle Fever here in Pissaruin, fresh out of their short rest in the jungle and ready to raise hell like they did last year . . . so stay informed through our TV station as to when and where the Jungle Fever will tear it up and tear it down next . . . ."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bootlegging Racism

I spotted him in the Hood, coming out of a storefront campaign office of a community agitator.
"What's up, my friend?  Haven't seen you on the corners lately," I said, "with those items from questionable sources that you're always peddling."
"You might not believe this, but I've put that chump change aside.  I'm now into politics, into the big money."
"You . .?"
"You ever hear of bootleg racism?"
"No.  What's it about?"
"It's like moonshine.  Everybody knows that moonshine ain' a patented whisky, but it'll get you where you wanna go."
"Where you wanna go?"
"Where these bootleggers of racism are shoveling out greenbacks to anybody who'll riot, loot, burn, and claim that they're victims of racism . . . when one of these hoodlums is caught breaking the law and claims -- or his or her friends or relatives claim -- that the police arrested him or her -- or tried to -- because he or she was black, that's bootlegging racism . . ."

"Hey, I didn't know that you had those kind of serious thoughts . . ."
"I've kept them to myself, trying to stay under radar, but all this No Justice No Peace-business, and propaganda against the police, and hammering the United States about racism --"
"As if racism isn't all over the world -- and thank God or we wouldn't have the right to associate with whom we please."
"And that's what got me thinking -- I was in the Army, you know, and after that I was a seaman and every country I went to in this Hemisphers, blacks and Indians were on the bottom of the totem pole, educationally, economically, and politically, and nobody in those countries or those bootlegging racism in this country has said a word about that open racism . . . theses other countries in this Hemisphere -- and in the world -- are a hundred years behind our country in race relations . . ."

"You know I've often thought that if the Allies in World War II had attacked only the Nazis in Berlin, the Nazis would have won the war.  The Nazis had to be attacked everywhere . . ."
"I've had those same thoughts and that caused me to see local and national hypocritical politicians, especially in our communities, as securing their longevity in office by bootlegging racism . . ."
"Are you saying that bootleggers of racism are in the chain of power in this government?"
"Sho nuff."
This government has these bootleggers of racism looking under every grain of sand for a racist, I thought.  Soon someone will be coming to our doors, saying:  "The government selected me for you."
Then watch the murder rate go up.