From birth and throughout his formative years he was exposed to the names and languages of people of different cultures -- and not in a disparaging way, as is the fate of millions of other children raised to hate people who speak a different language and practice different cultures or so-called cultures.
He escaped being painted into that restrictive, debilitating corner of so-called "black" culture that is noted primarily for producing "black" athletes. They are the one positive feature of that so-called "black" culture, although we know that before they open their mouths, they -- as 99.9% of Afrikan Americans -- won't be able to speak a word in any language but one honoring dead slavemasters and will have only a name honoring dead slavemasters. To defy that custom causes "blacks" the pain of Culture-ritis.
"Blacks," CARBON-COPIES, strut about boasting of black men this and black women that, but can't understand anything unless it's brought to them in the language of dead slavemasters.
Who can name another Afrikan American politician or leader with the cultural credentials of President Obama? His cultural credentials made him more acceptable to the masses of different ethnic groups.
Let History Record It.
I agree, and it's time we begin to attack that worthless "black" culture. It isn't black and it isn't a culture. How can we have a culture without a language? English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese are languages of European cultures.