". . . we put some kindlin' on them nigguhs heads didn' we?"
They broke out in raucous laughter, giving each other high-fives. There were eight or nine of them sitting around a table under a tree in the park. Could have been any park in any city in the United States. The city was sunny Los Angeles, 2009.
In 1972, some 37 years before, Richard Hatcher, the Afrikan American mayor of Gary, Indiana called for a national black convention to deal with the crime and violence in Afrikan American communities. Some 8000 delegates, Afrikan American political and civil-rights leaders and mayors attended the convention.
". . . you should'a seen the nigguh's eyes," one of the youths was saying, "when he seen my bat coming at his nigguh head --"
"Did'ja tune him up?" another said, smiles brightened faces in anticipation of laughter.
"Did I -- the nigguh's in the hospital ain't he?" The laughter came, fists pounding the table. Self-hate anyone?
At the Afrikan American convention in Gary, Indiana, the 8000 delegates had agreed that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life.
". . . but if the nigguh dies, you -- we all might go down," a youth at the table said.
"No problem," another scoffed. "We teenagers, they can't do nut'n to us . . ."
"And if we go to juvenile," another piped up, "we jes hook up wit' some mo' of our homies there . . ."
"Yeah," said another, "and if we git some lawyers and these nigguhs talking 'bout how we all come from broken homes and no daddies, and we po' young blacks wit' no role models -- shit, we ain't goin' no where . . ."
"Say that!" several around the table boasted, slapping high-fives.
In 1989, ABC hosted a 1-hour show narrated by three Afrikan American correspondents. Carol Simpson, one of the correspondents, put, in an experiment, pictures of black children and white children on a table and asked black children, "Who is the pretty one in this picture?" All of the black children pointed to the white children.
"Who is the smart one," she asked. All of the black children pointed to the white children. Those children are representative of what so-called Afrikan American "culture" has produced.
The moment one enters a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Hispanic or Italian or Arabic or Anglo or Jewish or Russian community, one knows it. The language of their respective culture is on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, and clubs. They have cultural centers teaching their unique language, names, dances, customs, history -- their unique identity. They have a strong cultural base, bond around it, promote it, and prosper.
Where is the Afrikan American cultural center that teaches and promotes Afrikan American culture in any Afrikan American community? There isn't one because there isn't any feature of an Afrikan American culture in existence, except for KWANZAA. And most of the people involved in that celebration -- after over forty years -- still can't correctly pronounce the Swahili words used in the celebration.
If Afrikan American "leaders" declared, some 37 years ago, that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life, what have they done about it. NOTHING.
Ninty-nine percent of "blacks" throughout the Western Hemisphere are still, in the 21st century, nothing more than shoddy examples of CARBON COPIES of Anglos or Spaniards or French people or Portuguese. A few are trying to melt into Arabic or Indian or Jewish culture.
Without a strong cultural base, "blacks" shall soon disappear as did the people who were Indians, but after the arrival of Spaniards they disappeared into "Latinos."