Saturday, December 12, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

THE GREAT WHITE, BLACK, RED, YELLOW, BROWN HOPE explains it. It's "Win for our TRIBE, our TOWN, our STATE, our NATION."

It came out of that peculiar time in the twentieth century when the white tribe could dictate that only white men could be seen as Heavywwight Champion of the world; black men, therefore, were not allowed to compete for that title.

A non-black did not care and could not even imagine the anger and bitterness pulsating the blood stream of members of the black tribe, and remaining just below the surface of the skin with this act of overt oppression.

Enter Jack Johnson.

Not just in the pugilistic arena did members of the black tribe seeth from the oppresion. They seethed from its monumental presence in the employment market, public eating and sleeping accomodations, and in POLITICS.

For over two centuries the United States -- and the world -- had been so accustomed to only men from the white tribe being Presidents in countries where the white tribe was the overwhelming majority that when Barack Obama, a man from the black tribe, became President of the United States, it stunned the CONSERVER members of the white tribe, and shocked black tribes all over the world.

'A man from that black tribe is President of the United States,' the cry went out from the CONSERVERS, 'the most powerful nation in the world! Why that is unthinkable, unbelievable, and unacceptable! Didn't they see our CONSERVER candidate not even deign to look at that black man during their debates?

'We must pray that he fails! We must be against every proposal he makes to get us out of this financial and military mess! We must preach that he's linked to the Muslim terrorists, that he's a socialist, a communist -- and not even born in the United States!'

Enter Sarah Palin.

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