Friday, January 15, 2010


WILL CONTINUE FOR YEARS. No one -- being politically correct -- dared mention this before this devastating earthquake; and nothing -- being especially politically correct in this crisis in Haiti -- will be said about it during these days of so much trauma; and certainly once the HEADLINES move on to some other eye-catching calamity, missing Haitians will no longer be mentioned.

Much is being ballyhooed about how wonderful and encouraging it is to see Haitians marching, singing and chanting to God in their terrible moments of distress.

Why couldn't they have been marching and singing and chanting protests years and years ago against corrupt PRESIDENTS and other POLITICIANS absconding from Haiti -- and missing -- with suitcases filled with millions of dollars?

Why couldn't they have been marching and protesting the illiteracy and the ignorant VOODOO religion taking over thier minds from their birth?

And why couldn't they have been marching against thousands of Haitians missing annually from the social struggle to improve their country, risking death in shark-infested waters to get into the United States where anyone can get on welfare, citizen or not, and wave the flag of their country which they abandonded and profess to love it so much once they're away from it.?

Is that why the masses of Haitians still live in trash-filled streets and card-board and corrugated tin shacks that any strong wind can send tumbling to the ground? Why no infrastructures exist there to cope with misfortunes? Why in this tragedy in their country Haitians will be looting and attacking each other?

Running to the United States by boat-loads is their INFRASTRUCTURE. Running across the border to the Dominican Republic was the INFRASTRUCTURE even when Trujillo, the former vicious dictator of the Dominican Republic, would slaughter them.

Haiti is -- after over two hundred years and in the 21st century --still the poorest, most backward country in the Western Hemisphere because its people have not marched for PROGRESS, and the U.S. governments that have been pouring millions of dollars into the country -- and other "black" countries everywhere for decades -- haven't had the courage to say to them: "IT'S TIME YOU PEOPLE STOOD ON YOUR OWN FEET AND STOPPED BEING THE WHITE PEOPLE'S BURDEN!"

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