Saturday, May 19, 2012

Minorities Contradic'

In the comin' of the minorities, intentionally or jes "open sesame" to mother nature, "None Flew Over The Coo-Coo Mess" or "It Was Nice Knowing You U.S.A.", is forecast for America's future. But both prognostications evidence a glaring contradiction that we look at and talk to day and night. From the moment the Spaniards set foot in the countries we now call Latin America some Indians there started harping "Adios, Indian identity, bienvenido whitening process." When the English brought Afrikan slaves into what is now the U.S.A. some slaves looked at the slavemasters' hair and skin and declared, "Us hab to change, git gud hair, git lookin' purty," resulting in red-hot iron combs and chemicals to straighten the hair of blacks throughout the world and tint it blond or hide it under white women's wigs, and bleaching creams to whiten their skin. Many "black" (carbon-copy)entertainers were -- and are -- famous for the transformation. It's as if these minorities have "hoof and mouth disease." Their mouths are yapping about their power as the new majority while their brains and feet are hoofing it to disappear in whiteness.

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