Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Tragedy In London

Millions around the world sat comfortably in their homes or clubs or bars and watched it happen.  Thousands at the stadium stood cheering, smiling, and shaking their fists with the joy of triumph as healthy young athletes marched in full of life and joy and hope. 

There had been whispers -- even warnings -- that it would happen.

Mothers and fathers so proud of their sons and daughters, and boyfriends and girlfriends of their sweethearts, marching by joyfully in the dazzling uniforms of their country.  Then the unthinkable occurred.  One's mind was deluged with it.  It reminded one of World War II when Jews were being murdered by those evil dogs Hitler and his Nazis; yet, there were so-called civilized, religious people who would not allow ships filled with Jews -- trying to escape that Holocaust-Hell -- to dock at their ports.

At the Olympics in London, once again "civilized," religious people would not allow one minute of silence to show respect and honor for the Jewish athletes who were cold-bloodily murdered before the entire world by evil Muslim terrorists at the Olympics in Munich in 1972.

Hopefully, the joy of the hypocrites, cowardly, crummy, creeps of the IOC, for Peace and Love and Brotherhood and Sisterhood watching the Olympics in London has been forever tainted.  Let History Record It.

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