Thursday, October 18, 2012

When Smiles Mean . . .

They had trained, practiced, and each felt prepared to send the other into a horizontal position.  They were on stage now, the center of attention.  They walk confidently to each other -- the usual four ropes marking the boundary of combat are absent in this battle.  They extend their hands -- without gloves.  They're wearing suits and ties, and they're smiling -- smiling?  When have we seen a fighter smiling as he tries to dominate his opponent with an unblinking, freezing stare?  The referee is there to assure that the fighters fight by the rules.  He or she is seated at a desk -- seated at a desk?  A referee?

Even as a crushing punch -- straight to the jaw or an unhinging blow is unleashed to the solar plexus the giver and the receiver smile -- smile?  The spectators react happily or sadly for their respective contender.  It's as if by some kinetic mix-up the impact of the blows have swerved from the giver and the receiver to the spectators.  But that's only when smiles mean mean smiles.

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