Saturday, July 13, 2013

Luck of the Draw?

These two voices were heard from a cloud over Sanford, Florida, then floated all over the world.

"Hey, they look different from each other," one said.  "Their hair is different; the color of their skin is different; some, especially the women of a certain color, have body-parts more symmetrical than women of other colors . . ."

"And haven't you read that some have a history of bows and arrows and others are associated with spears and knives; and still others have a history of pulling the trigger on long tubes and fireworks come out of one end and people fall over."

"Yeah, and haven't you noticed that those of the same color generally 'hang out' together, though they often turn on each other, going to war, killing each other?"

"Yes, and many -- looking alike -- and warring and killing each other with bows and arrows and spears and knives got Jap-slapped by some guys -- looking alike -- with those barrels causing fireworks and bodies falling . . ."

"Yeah, and the people with bows and arrows and spears and knives screamed:  'Hey, boss, give us some of dem thundering barrels and we give you some of us for slaves."

"And now there's this kid who just got killed by that guy who doesn't look like him and everybody recognizes that difference . . ."

"And these two guys involved in this case represent two groups that have been in conflict for centuries."

"And there're people charging that the difference in color of these two guys -- the man and the unarmed kid he shot and killed -- is noticed only because some left-leaning people pointed it out."

"And all these news commenters grinning and and laughing -- and getting wealthy discussing . . ."

"By the way, one commentator said: 'The man didn't mean to kill the kid when he shot him.'  The woman who said this was grinning, her God-given woolen hair hidden under a lank-haired wig.  In other words the man just shot the kid in the heart to scare him.  How'd you like to have her for a juror?"

"I guess it's the luck of the draw."

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