Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lost and Found

Lord, give me patience.  "My fellow politicians, finally, I can announce --"
"Madam Chairwoman, the American people --"
"Madam Chairwoman, everybody's always  speaking for the American people, but saying different--"
Lord, have mercy.  "Sir, if you will allow me to finish, I --"
"Madam Chairwoman, you don't understand.  I speak for the Hispanics and the U.S.A.'s going to be Hispanic.  It's now --"
"Huh . . !  What'd he say . . ?"
"Call security, he's crazy . . ."
"-- it's now Anglo-Hispanic, but soon it'll be Hispanic-Anglo, then later Hispanic.  After that, Adiós goodby, hello hóla --"
"Madam Chairwoman, I represent the GHC -- Greater Hispanic Commuinity -- and we don't agree with the compañero --"

Please, Lord, stay with me.  "Ladies and gentlemen, I was about to announce that finally --"
"Madam Chairwoman,  I represent the Black Ghett-In and and we don't speak Spanish, so what's gonna happen to us when the Hispanics take over? We don't have no businesses like them and they gonna show favoritism when theyget in charge of food stamps and welfare checks and --"
"A poco you Blacks don't show favoritism -- everybody does it.  We speak Spanish and English and you're still stuck in English --"
"Madam Chairwoman, I represent Native Americans -- we were here first, so we should get first shot at anything being given --"
Lord, 'Not my will but thy will be done.'  "Ladies and gentlemen, I was about to announce that finally the SHUT DOWN is over and --"
"Then, Madam Chairwoman, we can take up the issue of putting prayer rugs and interpreters for us Muslims in all the schools and offices and public toilets throughout the country?"
"Madam Chairwoman, what about us Asians?"
Lord, forgive me.  "Any more of you Lost and Found out there want to astound us with your eloquence and wisdom . . . ?"

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