Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Leader Shot Down

"Is there any news from our leader?" one of the reporters asked.
"The only news we have is no news," the spokesman for the leader said.
"Isn't that unusual for a leader to completely ignore the leader of another country --"
"Is the wound that severe?" a reporter cut in.
"Critical but not terminal in the sense that he can always get a TV show as a grinning tap dancer."

"Are they sure that they have the shooter?"
"Oh yes, no doubt about it.  There was this tension beween him and the shooter .  . ."
"Is it true that he felt upstaged by the shooter's leadership ability and experience on Isreal's battle field?"
"Well, the shooter is known throughout the world as a warrior on the battlefield and in politics, whereas our leader was never heard of until --"

"Is it true that his experience as a leader was limited to a classroom and some community work . . ."
"What about some of his close friends being black racists?"
"Well, now, racism is a part of one's right to choose his associates and racists, of course, are attracted to each other and use anti-white racism to appeal to the shallow-brained black masses . . ."
"Do you think that there will be any strain in the relations between our two countries or a thaw in the tension between the two leaders?"
"Well, be that as it may, the United States proves that a country can be a winner -- because of its people -- even if its leader is a loser and belongs in a classroom."

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