Thursday, December 3, 2015

You Happy Now, Scumbags!

Listen, you scumbags, this is what Muslim terrorists are thinking:

"Don't people jump over the fence surrounding your Capitol whenever they want?  Near the very  steps of your Capitol don't people scream hatred for the United States and shout with impunity that it be brought down?  Isn't this also our demand?  Nobody in the Capitol opens his or her mouth to condemn these anti-Americans.  Don't people march through the streets shouting death to the police with impunity?  Aren't the people raising hell in the streets the same people provoking racial disunity by race-hustling on university and college campuses?  Wasn't there a sign among these marchers praising ISIS?

"Now that your country is in danger and Americans in and out of the Armed Forces are prepared to defend your country don't you show  disrespect for them by calling terrorism 'work-place violence?'  Hell, we Muslim terrorists throughout the world know that we can use you hell raisers for propaganda against your own country.  Our violence in your country feeds off of your anti-American rhetoric and violence."

Are you happy now, you scumbags!

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