Friday, March 11, 2016

The Pope, Culture-Speak, Politics

Is there mistreatment of Indigenous people in any country south of the border of the United States?  Or did the Pope exaggerate?  Or did someone lie on the Pope?  It was reported that during the Pope's recent tour of countries south of our border that he scolded the people of a country for mistreating the Indigenous people.  In the United States -- and in the country where he allegedly scolded some people -- many will interpret this 'mistreatment' as Culture-Speak.  Culture-Speak is empowerment over Culture-losers.  When Europeans brought Culture-Speak into the now-Americas some of the Indigenous people said:  'We better wake up and smell the coffee and update our culture or this Culture-Speak will bury us.'  The Europeans took Culture-Speak to Afrika and rounded up a few million Culture-Losers and brought them to the now-Americas and some woke up, smelled the coffee, and are doing quite well.

But most of the blacks and Indigenous people refused to smell the coffee and passed a Loser-Spirit onto succeeding generations, especially in politics.  They created names and phrases in an attempt     to degrade the Culture-Speak people and make them feel so weak and guilty  that some of these Culture-Speak could only feel civilized by giving these Culture-Losers whatever they demanded.  In fact, some of these Culture-Speak people became politicians and took over the government in order to give these Culture-Losers more.  One of the names that these Culture-Losers use for maligning the Culture-Speak people is "racist".  In the presidential election of 2016, thousands of these ignorant, loud-mouthed Culture-Losers are attempting to defeat a presidential candidate who  represents strength, expertise, and power by calling  him a racist; they raise hell wherever he speaks.  Fortunately, some of the Culture-Speak people and their supporters are smashing some of these Culture-Losers in their damn mouth.

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