Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Giving Them . . .?

"Shhh . . .what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadahli, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

". . . but you're sexually abusing your children . . ."

"What about our indigenous rights being . . ."

"Not only are you sexually abusing your children in all your aborigine communities, the money that the Australian Government gives each of your communities for food, clothing, and health care is being used for alcohol -- drunkness and sexually abusing your children will destroy your people. That's why the government had to send soldiers and police into your communi . . ."

"The soldiers and police are taking away our human rights . . ."

The aborigines of Australia constitute 2 percent of Australia's population and have higher rates of unemployment, substance abuse, violence on each other, and shorter life expectancy than other Australians. Sound familiar?

Are there any ethnic groups in the U.S. that come to mind when we learn of the conditions of these aborigines and their complaints of human rights abuse when efforts are made by any government agency, local, state, or federal, to correct the problems that the people themselves are causing in their communities?

Is it any coincidence that the "cultures" of the black, red, and brown people -- as with the aborigines of Australia -- bit the dust when they came in conflict with the superior cultures of the Europeans?

Why, then, in these centuries of years has no agency from these superior European cultures dared to tell these incompetent people that it is their worthless "culture" that keeps them from advancing as a people, that they must throw off the disease of Culture-ritis (see blog entitled Definition) and update their "culture"?

Giving them welfare, building them homes, giving them food, giving them, giving them, giving them . . .

Why not force them to educate themselves and supply their own needs before they self-destruct out of existence?

Let History Record It.

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