Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.
Friday, August 28, 2009, as thousands of Americans filed pass the casket of Senator Ted Kennedy who devoted his life to Liberls' efforts to protect Americans from racist CONSERVERS, the CONSERVERS loaded onto buses to travel to 50 States to harangue against Liberals and their efforts to change the wrongs in American society.
To conserve or to change? To be CONSERVERS (reactionaries) or Liberals (Progressives)? Those are the questions.
In the days when blacks were chattel slaves in the Americas, the slaveholders were CONSERVERS and the Abolitionists were the Liberals, the Progressives. The CONSERVERS and the Liberals attended church and prayed faithfully.
The preachers of the CONSERVERS taught that blacks were not humans and that the teachings of Jesus Christ about humans loving each other did not apply to the black "heathens." The CONSERVERS prayed when they got out of bed every morning, prayed at breakfast, prayed at lunch, prayed at dinner (supper); they prayed at work, prayed at school, and prayed when they went to bed at night; they prayed that they could always keep blacks in chattel slavery.
The Liberals, the Abolitionists, prayed that the CONSERVERS would change, would accept the Christian values that they preached and prayed about, that they would believe that all people were the children of God. Many Abolitionists believed that the CONSERVERS were the personafication of evil, the Devil incarnate and should be destroyed. John Brown -- may his soul rest in peace -- was hanged, sacrificed his lfe in an armed attack against the slaveholding CONSERVERS.
Today, in August of the 21st century, when millions mourn the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, a Liberal who dedicated his life to fighting evil, the CONSERVERS, livid, grinding and gnashing their teeth, that a black man is President of the United States and has selected an Hispanic woman to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, they use radio shows, books, newspapers and magazines and travel throughout the United States teaching racial hatred.
Let History Record It.
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