Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Lightening Up

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"I wanna have a baby by a white man so my baby will have light skin and good hair," she said. She was a young CARBON COPY woman and she was on a nationally televised talk-show in 1996.

"Mejorando la raza" ("Improving the race"), they say in "Latin" (mestizo) America when a mestizo or white man fills a CARBON COPY woman's belly with a mulatto baby.

The deliberate, methodical effort of non-whites -- especially "black" and brown people -- throughout the western world and parts of Afrika to whiten themselves is proof of their inferiority. If one feels inferior, he or she is inferior. Witness CARBON COPY women -- in the 21st century -- still straightening their hair with red-hot iron combs or using 20,000 chemicals on it to simulate the hair of white women or hiding their hair under white women's wigs or attaching rope-like false plaits to it to have long hair to imitate the hair styles of the white woman. These CARBON COPY women of every generation have been passing that monumental inferiority complex onto their children.

Slow it down "black" people; slow it down brown people. Keep on grooving on the variety side, but use a contraceptive. In many countries -- Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, to name a few -- the Indian has disappeared. In others -- through Culture-ritis (see blog entitled Definition) -- the mestizos are slowly wiping them -- and the "blacks" -- out through the bedroom.

Having been born and raised in multiracial United States it would be boring and disgusting to live in a monoracial society where 95% of the people were all of one color. These non-white people need to update their culture to rid themselves of their destructive inferiority complex.

Let History Record It.

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