Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.
He was one man, surrounded by many Generals and Cabinet members -- experts in their fields -- and members of the House and Senate, and millions of citizens, thousands who voted for him, and thousands who voted against him.
If incorrect information was given to him, weren't there enough intelligent people supporting him and opposing him in this country to have prevented him from attacking Iraq?
Bashing former President G.W. Bush is comparable to bashing Hitler -- though his name is synonomous with evil -- for starting World War II, but saying nothing about the people in Germany and England and France and Russia and the United States who, obviously, were not intelligent and courageous enough -- being caught up in the beauty and wonderfullness of themselves -- to oppose his early evil moves. Six million Jewish men, women, and children would not have been viciously tortured and murdered.
It is comparable to blaming the reactionary, racist talk-show hosts for flaming the fires of hatred against President Obama, but saying nothing about their ignorant racist supporters. These talk-show bigots would have no radio show without their racist followers.
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