Saturday, August 15, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . One Size Fits All.

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"One size fits all." On August 8 & 9, 2009 at Chino California Prison, that belief is what caused that violence -- not overcrowding -- between "blacks" and Mexicans. The news agencies use the words "Hispanics" or "Latinos," but it's always primarily between "blacks" and Mexicans.

In the 15th century a.d., the Spaniards brought blacks from stoneage Afrika into stoneage Indianlands, now called the Americas. The Portuguese, French, and English followed on their heels with more blacks.

Now, we have "Latin" America. How can blacks and Indians be Caucasians -- as Latins are -- except in their brainwashed dreams.

Anti-white, anti-black, anti-brown, and anti-red feelings are now rampant throughout the Western Hemisphere. Given that ethnic groups compete in the economic, political, and cultural arenas, these racist feelings are not surprising. And it shouldn't be surprising that the group with overwhelming numerical superiority and the most advanced culture will be more prone to flex the most muscle -- witness the Mexican-American war, the Indian-American wars, the enslavement of Afrikans -- leaving those numerically inferior with Culture-ritis, and more likely to attack each other.

It's ironic that "blacks" and Mexicans should be in constant conflict. They have much in common; both groups have identity questions. The Mexicans do not take the identity of their Indian ancestors; and the "blacks" (carbon copies) do not take Afrikan identities as did Afrikan ancestors who got off of the slave boats in the Americas, although many pretend to identify with their Afrikan heritage.

And what happened to the thousands of black slaves that the Spaniards had in Mexico?

Many Mexicans and "blacks," without the culture of Caucasians providing them with jobs or hope of jobs to buy food would suffer greatly. Culture-ritis has kept "blacks" from creating businesses for themselves, and Culture-ritis has also motivated Mexicans for generations to run, walk, and crawl across scorching deserts -- many dieing in the attempt -- swim across rivers, tunnel across the border to get out of their country and into the United States for survival.

"Blacks" are always accusing only whites of being anti-black racists, as if there were no brown or red or yellow or "black" anti-black racists. If "blacks" dislike white racists so much why do they want the names and languages of whites? Why do they straighten their hair and dye it blond or red to simulate the hair of whites or hide their hair under white women's wigs, and use bleaching creams to lighten their skin, and worship in a religion that is totally white-oriented? Why wouldn't they take some religious beliefs from their Afrikan ancestors and update them? Answer: "Their so-called black culture (Culture-ritis) doesn't qualify them to think beyond what was passed on to them from dead slavemasters via "black" preachers.

Not everyone in these ethnic groups is guilty of racial hatred. But how do we distinguish them without a program? Unless there is personal contact, one can't. So, we have: "niggers are. . . . spics are. . . fish-bellies are. . . wops are. . . chinks are. . . redskins are. . . ."

Is there a way out of the mess? Only when we become tough enough to acknowledge that those who hide behind "One size fits all" are as common as dirt, and that there are always exceptions -- but keep your powder dry.

Let History Record It

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