Saturday, November 17, 2012


"You've been talking this crap for the ten years we've been in this prison . . ."
"But it's true, I'm here 'cause of what these racists done to me and my ancestors --"
"And you had nothing to do with acquiring that gun that you robbed that poor old woman with, then pulled the trigger on her, killing her, because she didn' have but three dollars and some change?"
"I had no power over that.  It was planned far back in time to happen."
"Well, what about your ancestors who sold their own people into slavery, that was planned far back in time?"
"Now wait, you need understanding.  You see, I identify with those who got off those slave boats and not with anybody else, especially those who sold us -- you see . . ."
"What about Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini and Tojo and Big Daddy Amin and all those ignorant dictators in Asia, Afrika, and Latin America down through the centuries, they couldn' help being corrupt and evil?  And what about all these Muslim terrorists screaming 'Kill the Americans and the Jews?' "
" . . . Well, uh, like I said, you need understanding . . ."
"And you're gonna tell the parole board that they need understanding?"
"Sho'nuff -- it's the truth."
"And if they deny you again?"
"It's 'cause they wrong, they's unjust . . ."
"You ever been to Goofit?"
"Naw.  Where is it?"
"Your next stop, the nut house."

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