Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who Elected Obama President?

"Us, our group, we did it -- without our votes he wouldn' be --"
"Hold on, wait a cotton-picking minute, think of what you're saying --"
"We know what we're saying -- everybody knows  it and is saying it --"
"But what about the other groups that voted --"
"Our votes put him over the top --"
"Without the hundreds of thousands of votes from other groups, what would your votes have been worth?"
"We're not talking 'what if,' we're talking 'what was reality,' 'what is reality'--"
"Okay, then what if someone from your group becomes a candidate for President, you gonna vote for him?"
"Of course. He's one of us, he knows what we want, he --"
"But what if people from other groups don't vote for him, you think just your votes can elect him?"
"Well, uh, we -- see, there you go with that 'what if ' stuff again . . ."
"No, I'm talking about someone being a President of all Americans, not just President of this group or that group."
"I still say he owes us for out votes -- and he has to give us what we want or we're gonna make his Party an 'offer they can't refuse' . . ."
"Oh, so you're gonna hijack millions of Americans through their political party?  You don't vote for a man or woman because he or she is good for our country, you vote for him or her because he or she is good for your group."

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