Sunday, August 31, 2014

O'reilly and Afrikan American "Culture"

Now that the inimitable Mr. Bill O'reilly, a white man, has publicly pointed out that Afrikan Americans need to undergo a cultural revamping can 'black' "leaders" and activists ignore that blaring shortcoming?  Yep, they certainly can.  They've been deliberately doing so for over one hundred years,

For an emotional moment in the '60s we traded in the hair-straightening parlors for wearing our hair natural in the Afro.  Jews supported us with the Is-fro and Italians with the It-fro; the Irish probably called theirs the Ir-fro or Iri-fro.  And in that emotional wave we lit up the streets in our Afrikan daishikis, as if a culture could be built around nothing more than a hair-do and some colored cloth.

In fact, the moment that the Afrikan language of Kiswahili was brought to us violence broke out between between factions that knew the importance of a unique language to a culture and those who riveted themselves into a rut with some nonsense about "revolution through the barrel of a gun."  Even those touting "total" integration -- which means totally disappearing into the people one wants to integrate wirh -- wanted nothing to do with studying and adopting a cultural language.

Once the emotional wave ebbed -- as is the nature of waves -- a new super 'black' hero was presented to us in the form of a hair-straightened pimp called Superfly and hair-straightening parlors were back in business. 

Once some enterprising white entrepreneur created a chemical that could convert kinky hair -- bad hair according to our inferiority complex -- to silky  straight hair -- good hair according to our complex -- any hope for creating a legitimate Afrikan American culture was buried under 'blacks' dying their hair blond or hiding it under white women's wigs.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson, Excuses, And Lies

"If you were a cop facing a screaming, savage mob threatening you how do you think that you'd feel about them?"
"I've lived here all my life -- fifty years --  and ain't never been involved in no mess like that."
"But how can you and your people be 70% of the population -- have lawyers, teachers, and preachers -- and in fifty years haven't figured out how to be prominent in the political and economic arena or how to get more than three black policemen on a force of 53 policemen?"
"I can't put my finger on what it is, but I know we can 'take it to the house' with them footballs and 'to the hoops' with them basketballs, but it's sump'um else we as a people ain't doing right."

"We went through this rioting, burning, shoot'n and loot'n in the '60s, over fifty years ago.  You'd think that we -- if we were intelligent -- we'd have advanced beyond that by the 21st cenury."
"But y'all was organized back then,  had some sincere leaders of groups.  These blabber-mouths out there today making excuses and lying on TV shows for scum among us is too corrupt to tell the truth.  They know our people have been brainwashed to hate anybody that criticizes us and that a person only has to say what we want to hear -- be the truth or a lie -- and our people will support him."
"That says more about us that it does about the people we're brain-washed against."
"Can't turn on the TV without hearing all that ignorant, lying mess.  I saw one with a big sign that read:  ISIS HERE."

"And all these agitators crying crocodile tears over 'the poor black man this' and 'the poor black man that.'  And nobody's telling him that he's a cultureless imitation of non-black people and that these agitators  are using him for cannon fodder."

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ferguson and Cannon Fodder

"Now," the rotund journalist said to the TV representative sitting across from him at a small table in her office.  "We know what to expect from some vote-hustling politician or community activist aspiring to one day be sitting in the White House.  Most protesters know that they're in a worthless subculture -- that's  the core of their problem -- but we stay away from that angle.  They play that -- quote unquote -- 'we-is-so-persecuted' card and if we ride that train it sells newspapers," he said and slapped the newspaper he held in his left hand.

"They advocate breaking the peace and the police are authorized to maintain the peace.  It's a gold mine for us," the TV representative said.  She was thin, with short brown hair, and wore no makeup on her solemn face.  "They're easily manipulated and love to see themselves on TV, so our pictures showing one being grappled by several police -- we edit out the protester's provocation, his or her face screwed up wild and crazy screaming in the face of the police  officer . . ."

"It's momentary gratification for one of them to be seen by the public as a poor, innocent 'abused' one by the police, but ultimately it's not worth anything, not changing anything except worsening attitudes towards them.  It's their responsibility to correct their shortcomings; ours is to exploit what we need to sale papers or draw attention to our TV news of their rioting -- always portraying them as the innocent victims incapable of breaking any law or of making a mistake or of lying."

"That's guaranteed to keep us in business."
"Isis must love them."
"Now if we could insinuate a connection there . . ."
"Think of how many more people we could have reading my newspaper and watching your TV news."

Friday, August 15, 2014

Ferguson Missouri And Race

The black preacher said:  "This is not about race . . . ."

What!  Shut up and get out of our face!  We've been watching what people who look like you have been doing in our schools, on our streets, and in your neighborhoods.  We now see them looting these stores, burning; we see and hear them attacking the police.  They call themselves Afrikan Americans.

Why do they call themselves that?  They can conceive of passing their life as giggling, inferior imitations of Anglos or Spaniards or French or Portuguese, but can't even imagine having an Afrikan identity (having an Afrikan name and speaking an Afrikan language).

Whites, descendents of Europeans, take European names and speak European languages, establishing their European identity.  Does that make us enemies?  Of course not!  But it highlights an unmentionable "untouchable."  Whites are noted for being grounded in features from European cultures; Afrikan Americans -- and "blacks" in general in the Americas -- are noted for the following phone call:

"Did you see me on TV?  We is being talked about everywhere -- in pool halls, barber shops, hair-straightening parlors, at supper tables, on street corners, buses and everywhere.  Ain't that sump'um.  Soon we is gon' have a policeman scared to touch us and we can do whatever we wants -- want that be sump'um? Lawdy, I can't wait . . . ."

Would these protesters, with their hair dyed blond or red, and others waving and grinning for the TV cameras be as vocal and physical protesting their hypocrisy with identity of our Afrikan ancestors?  But what would slave mentalities brainwashed that "we're all equal" and think that an illiterate thug is the equal of an Albert Einstein know about that.  Being a male and being a man are two different critters.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri

The grandmother and nine-year-old granddaughter watched TV in Ferguson.  In the street on the TV screen that night flashing red lights atop police cars vied with white lights from stores with shattered windows and smashed in doors and black men, women, and children who raced into the stores and ran back out with clothes piled high in their arms; other men and women hauled away furniture and TVs and cases of whiskey in pickup trucks.

"Why they acting so wild and ig'nant, grandmaw?" the granddaughter asked, her long hair in plaits, her black eyes wide.

"It don't mean nothing; jes somebody tell some lies and these po' ig'nant thangs start breaking and entering and lootin' and talking that civil rights stuff.  Like I always tell you, don't ever git involved in that foolishness.  That's why I moved away from 'em.  Po' ig'nant thangs still ain' got no culture to civilize theyselves.  They got no leaders who'll tell 'em the truth 'bout theyselves . . . got these leaders who make excuses for 'em using violence, using 'em to git mo' money from white folks.  That civil rights mess always make these po' ig'nant thangs think they got a right to riot and loot and destroy stuff.

"I don' go 'round 'em and don't want 'em coming 'round me.  Listen to what I tell you, 'Birds of a feather flock together.'  'Sociate wit' intelligent people -- ain' no intelligent people mixed up in that kind of mess . . . these ig'nant thangs ain' gonna change 'till they have leaders who tell 'em they need to change instead of always talking 'bout other people need to change -- turn to another channel, I'm sick of looking  at 'em."

Sunday, August 10, 2014


". . .I, the Commander-In-Chief, have ordered my Minister of Social Media to bring to me, your Commander-In-Chief, banners stating 'Commander-In-Chief' and to be placed about the walls of my office.  And, being the Commander-In-Chief, I, as Commander-In-Chief, am at this moment ordering all members in my administration to refer to me as 'The Commander-In-Chief'.  This is my strategy -- as your Commander-In-Chief -- to defeat the violence of our enemies.  It will instill blood-chilling fear of me -- as Commander-In-Chief -- in their hearts and minds . . .

"Now, I, as your Commander-In-Chief, know that I, as Commander-In-Chief, might seem somewhat repetitive in referring to myself as 'Commander-In-Chief'.  But, recognized world-wide as an experienced, masterful strategist, it is my latest strategic ploy to personify the axiom 'Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it'.  And it is a tactical move to implant in cynics an image of me -- as Commander-In-Chief -- in military uniform, machine gun in hand, leading troops up a hill against U.S. enemies.  I know that you will readily see yourselves following such a Commander-In-Chief as I up that hill . . . ."

Friday, August 1, 2014


The color-component strikes us with such force that we can't ignore it.  But why is it always Caucasians having to try to rescue black people from some calamity?  Never vice versa or a combination of both.

Afrika existed millenniums of years before the U.S. was thought of or even dreamed of.  So what have the black people of Afrika been doing -- or not doing -- in all those centuries of years?  Does anyone believe that it was  just bad luck or coincidence that EBOLA struck Afrika -- and not Europe -- some 50 years ago and now again, but not Europe or the U.S.?  Isn't a terrible disease a power and isn't it the MO of a power to attack the weakness of an opponent?  Notice how some Democrats, exploiting the word "humanitarian" and crying crocodile tears, try to use Latin American and Palestinian children to shamelessly propagandize against Republicans.

Day and night we ought to thank God -- or whatever powers that be -- that the continent of Afrika is not next door to the U.S.  Hordes of Afrikans infected with EBOLA would have smashed across our borders and EBOLA would  have seeped beneath our doorsills and into our rooms.  It takes only one infected body to spread EBOLA, a disease worse than AIDS and without a cure -- and spreading faster than expected.  Europe must be trembling.

As with cures for other diseases, if a cure for EBOLA is ever discovered it will be white doctors and scientists depended on to find it.  Where are th black doctors and scientists?  People of all cultures have doctors and scientists from their culture.  When "blacks" go to a doctor's office or a hospital in this 21st century 999 times out of 1000 they'll be treated by a Jew or a Caucasian or a Hindu or an Asian.  All during slavery white doctors took care of us.  Now, over a hundred and fifty years after slavery we can boast, "We've produced one black doctor out of a thousand.  Man, we sho' is progressing -- keep bouncing that basketball, boy!"