Sunday, August 31, 2014

O'reilly and Afrikan American "Culture"

Now that the inimitable Mr. Bill O'reilly, a white man, has publicly pointed out that Afrikan Americans need to undergo a cultural revamping can 'black' "leaders" and activists ignore that blaring shortcoming?  Yep, they certainly can.  They've been deliberately doing so for over one hundred years,

For an emotional moment in the '60s we traded in the hair-straightening parlors for wearing our hair natural in the Afro.  Jews supported us with the Is-fro and Italians with the It-fro; the Irish probably called theirs the Ir-fro or Iri-fro.  And in that emotional wave we lit up the streets in our Afrikan daishikis, as if a culture could be built around nothing more than a hair-do and some colored cloth.

In fact, the moment that the Afrikan language of Kiswahili was brought to us violence broke out between between factions that knew the importance of a unique language to a culture and those who riveted themselves into a rut with some nonsense about "revolution through the barrel of a gun."  Even those touting "total" integration -- which means totally disappearing into the people one wants to integrate wirh -- wanted nothing to do with studying and adopting a cultural language.

Once the emotional wave ebbed -- as is the nature of waves -- a new super 'black' hero was presented to us in the form of a hair-straightened pimp called Superfly and hair-straightening parlors were back in business. 

Once some enterprising white entrepreneur created a chemical that could convert kinky hair -- bad hair according to our inferiority complex -- to silky  straight hair -- good hair according to our complex -- any hope for creating a legitimate Afrikan American culture was buried under 'blacks' dying their hair blond or hiding it under white women's wigs.

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