Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, Dead Brains Walking

The natives were restless again.  When people of an ethnic group can't  -- or don't have the courage to --  cope intellectually with a group culturally superior to them they express their inferiority through violence.  And other inferior ethnic groups throughout the world use them for propaganda to express their own incompetence against people that they feel inferior to.  Anyone with intelligence knows that the dead-brained enemies, inside and outside our borders, are rejoicing at the chaos these dead-brains walking in our cities are causing by abusing the freedoms that we have in the U.S.  What is to be done with these inferior people?

The word "natives," put the color to it that comes to mind, conjures up low-class, dirt-poor, ignorant, backward, shabbily dressed whiners and beggers.  If we woke up one morning and they had disappeared from the Earth who would miss them?  What do they contribute to any society other than their whining and begging, alcoholism, drug addiction, petty crime, overcrowding in jails and prisons, a financial burden, running and jumping as a profession, and rioting and lootin'.

"We ain't stealing and lootin'  --  that's a lie," they bellow.  "We is revolutionaries liberating this stuff, liberating wine, whiskey, and beer, TVs, tennis shoes, clothes and furniture -- that's why we wear our britches low, showing our booties, we is revolutionaries . . . ."

Race-hustlers in black communities have elevated race hustling to a business.  They take black children of every generation and deaden their brains with "God made  us all equal."  Any intelligent person knows that's a lie.  But these children grow up seeing whites and all other groups as the symbol of success and blacks as less than they.  This fills them with envy and jealousy and self-hate, keeping them an endless supply of dead-brains for these "holy" race-hustlers to brain-wash and lead into self-destruction.

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