Saturday, November 1, 2014

Witchdoctor Murders

Pray for the thousands of American soldiers sent to that bedlam of EBOLA.  Afrika is like a place trapped and ruled by witchdoctors in a time-zone of illiteracy, wretched squalor, and zombi supersticion of the stone age.

For centuries the people there have been ruled by corrupt dictators who see them only as potential dollars and slaves.  These corrupt "leaders" have been getting rich with the millions of dollars sent from American and European governments to eradicate the poverty, but the rulers distribute the money among themselves and and the influential members of their clan.  And the witchdoctors, in addition to "removing" or "casting" evil spells for every bit of pittance these peasants can scrape up, receive rewards from the rulers for using their "holy" powers to keep the masses frightened and groveling.

Sooner or later, before the terrorists corral these hungry, half-naked masses, someone in the American and European governments must have the courage to read the riot act to these Afrikan "leaders" taking our tax dollars and vacationing and frolicking in Las Vegas and European cities.

In a whisper we hear:  "Oh, no, we can't say these things.  It's not diplomatic.  We'll hurt their  feelings.  Terrorists can walk in promising them more beans and rice and we'll have all of Afrika against us . . . why, my God, we must always show love -- even for those trying to kill us."

"But as long as illiteracy and uncleanliness are allowed to exist uncontested so will disease."

"Oh, God, please don't mention anything negative again.  We know that negative things must be corrected, but it helps to pretend that we don't see them."

"But the natives tell us that they must perform certain rituals with the bodies of their dead relatives and friends infected with EBOLA.  The witchdoctors told them that our medicine make them die.  They threaten to kill us in the villages -- can we mention that . . . ?"

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