Thursday, December 4, 2014

Euphemistically "Bliss"

We are told that ignorance is bliss.  So to be PC we are encouraged not to refer to them as ignorant cowards but, rather, as people who exist in a state between low intelligence and no intelligence expressing their "bliss."  When these rioters and looters, always accompaning "peaceful" disturbers of the peace screaming "No Justice No Peace," shatter show-windows with bricks, clubs, and trash cans and smash doors and walls of stores and homes and set them afire we musn't call them cowardly mobs, although show-windows, businesses, and homes can't fight back.

In 1982 when the rioters and looters were expressing their ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- in an area in Los Angeles, California that had many Korean business establishments the Koreans patrolled their establishments with AK47s, shotguns, rifles, and pistols.  The rioters and looters didn't go near those Korean businesses.  The Koreans were waiting to greet their "bliss" with bullets.  There's a teaching in that example.

Our Constitution gives us the right to protect our property.  It also gives us the right to have police with the authority to arrest law breakers.  These police are backed-up by the National Guard, the Marine Corps, the Army, Navy, and Air Force.  But it's common to see a man or woman resist police officers who attempt to arrest him or her.  Now, the police officers are armed with high-powered guns and clubs and the suspect has only his or her empty hands; yet, he or she will resist or attack the police officers.  With what ignorant -- oops, "blissful" -- temerity does the suspect recklessly expose himself or  herself to injury or death?  Has he or she never heard the expression "to be in a no win situation"?  Or could it be that the suspect knows that there is a multitude of sleezy, slimy, lying, blabber-mouth apologists -- many with law degrees -- and news reporters and commentators at the ready to rouse the ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- of the common horde with weeping, whining, moaning, and sobbing crys of "Police brutality" and wanting the police to be more kind to those who resist arrest?

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