Friday, December 26, 2014


"Everybody always do me wrong . . ." captures a time-honored theme of countless ditties called "blues" that millions of "connoisseurs of music" sob over.  One hears it in the anti-police braying of conniving protesters demonstrating in the streets.  Some two blocks behind the hell-raising demonstrators an interviewer speaks with an onlooker:

"Why aren't you down there with them?" the interviewer asked.
"I'm a college student."
"What those down there whooping and hollering need to be.  Test scores have even been lowered to help them pass the entrance exam at colleges and universities."
"Even then many of them drop out, claim the white teachers discriminate against them."
"How can they do that?  They're sitting in the same classroom with the white students, using the same books -- but they still graduate less educated than whites."
"They accuse the white teachers of whispering when they're near black students and talking louder when they're near white students."
"They probably don't even believe that foolishness themselves . . ."
"You see 'em down there loot'n and burning like fools -- and attacking police.  They'll believe anything as long as it's not intelligent."

"That's because race-hustlers, black and white -- especially in the media -- distorting the news in favor of the rioters can play on their childish emotions to keep them newsworthy and make them think that they can attack police with impunity.  While everybody else is progressing your people are going backwards.  Generations ago they started out trying to improve themselves and now, over a hundred years later, they're in worst condition than when they started out.  They weren't murdering each other and loot'n and burning.  They were doing constructive things, building, studying . . ."

"They"re not my people, they're -- young and old -- the demented disciples of the devil disguised as divine."

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