Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So Tough, Storm Troopers

Mobs of them, young, strong boys and men; destruction on their minds, wanting to tear something up.

Watch out they might be coming your way and they have no culture that gives them a unique identity from European  people, white, although they don't look white, and they don't accept responsibility for their actions.  They always accuse others, generally whites, of causing them to break laws or of being irresponsible.

"Look, there's one over there . . !" a tall husky one shouts, pointing at it.  It's all alone at the curb, minding it's own business, got four wheels, four doors, windows rolled up, weighing tons.

"Let's get it . . !" the mob with him shouts and they race to it.  Some jump on its top, stomping it, yelling; others crawl on its hood stomping, kicking and knocking out its windshield with clubs.  "Let's turn it over and set it on fire . . !" someone urged and they jumped to the ground and began pushing and kicking it until it crashed over on its side; they set it afire, jumping, laughing, clapping their hands, waving their fists over their heads.

"There's a store, let's get it . . !" another prompted and they raced to it, battering at its glass door with iron pipes and clubs, shattering the door and inside they slamed merchandise to the floor, taking wine, whiskey, and beer, leaving the store in flames.

They're young, strong, tough.  When questioned why they're rioting, they whine, "We ain't got no jobs and no opportunities -- and the police and everybody is agin us 'cause  we's black men . . !"

"If you think you're tough pro sports offers you limitless opportunities.  There're colleges and universities searching for tough guys like you to play football and basketball for them and give you an education, but you'll have to go up against tough guys who fight back on that football field.  They'll be coming at you with all the kindling and they gonna lay it on you.  And pro football and basketball teams will pay you millions, but they're not defenseless like cars and buildings.  And there's that boxing ring, and kick-boxing where you really have to bring it, but are you a bunch of sissies, tough only when you're with a wild mob?"

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Volcanoes erupting, earthquakes smashing and burying thousands of men, women, and babies alive; tornados, floods, and snow storms.  Planes falling out of the sky, one purposely flown into a mountain.
Men, women, and youngsters throughout the world thinking:  "We're gonna kill and plead insanity as our defense . . ."
Men, women, and youngsters throughout the world shooting and shouting:  "We're killing, and insanity will be our defense . . . !"

Think about it, Bubba:  Here we are on this magnetic rock called the planet Earth; we and it are revolving and evolving in all this space -- is it limitless?  Is there other life out there on other magnetic rocks with other views on what is moral or immoral or merely taboos?  Don't know where we came from and what the hell we're supposed to do here -- and after, if there is an after?

Ships and boats capsizing with swarms of men, women, and babies drowning trying to reach European people, Christian white people, to escape Islamist terrorists decapitating, raping, kidnaping, and enslaving in the name of Islam.

Many so-called black preachers and politicians, not interested in an Afrikan American culture, their faces heavy with solemnity as if pasted there by putrid putty, hustling rioting and violence for followers, telling them that they're rioting because of lack of opportunities.  After some 150 years so many exceptions made for them in education and in job-training programs for them and they don't have beaucoup opportunities?  Some so-called black "leaders" have been using that lie for decades, trying to hustle State and Federal funds every time some scumbags start rioting, looting, and burning.
Baltimore's turn now, like in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Miami, Detroit, and many other cities, for someone to say, ". . . give them opportunities to express their violence. . . ."  Why there're so many opportunities that thousands of illegal immagrants who can't even speak English come here every year to take advantage of these opportunities.

Hang in there, Bubba, love is still out there (underbreath we mutter:  "somewhere . . . see the long, hypocritical black faces trying to justify the rioting and violence? . . . ho-hum").

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Oops, Another Runner . . . Ho-Hum

The following three questions could be asked any day of any year:  "Don't these people know yet that they can't outrun a bullet?  Has their history brainwashed them to try to resolve a problem by running from it?  Doesn't that just inflame the problem?"  For some 150 years carbon-copies have been trying to march and riot their way out of confusion.  They've tried attacking the economic system, the political system, the military system, the educational system, every system but the cultural system.  There's no doubt that they -- in spite of all their "great" leaders -- have deliberately run from their lack of an Afrikan American culture or they wouldn't be strutting around with their hair tinted blonde or red, looking like two different inferior fools at the same time.

We repeat:  Culture doesn"t float out of clouds on a cotton sack.  People methodically create features of a culture to satisfy their economic, political, educational, and social needs, drawing upon a unique language that distinguishes them from people of another language.

"Have you ever been arrested?"
"Two or three times, petty stuff."
"Did you run from the police?"
"I didn't have no guilty concience 'bout nothin.'  Why should I run?"

Many of these 'po'-peaceful-innocent carbon-copies who the police are trying to arrest are the very law-breakers -- ignorant of any Afrikan American culture -- who are shooting up so-called black communities and killing carbon-copies.  They're encouraged to continue doing this because they know that these justice-peace-loving carbon-copies running from condemning them and propagandizing against the police are encouragement to continue breaking laws.

Monday, April 20, 2015

"Now 'You Gettin Down' "

"Hey, compatriota, come stai?"
"An Italian-speaking Hispanic.  What's up, compañero?"
"My friend, we've got to honor different languages and cultures.  Do you realize that the Hispanic is the new dynamic in this country?  In fact, numerically and lingustically we're the dueños of this Hemisphere --"
"And so-called 'black leaders' have kept carbon-copies beating on the Anglos ad infinitum about some chattel slavery that's been over for some 150 years -- that's 'old hat,' no matter how white leftists continue to urge the carbon-copies to keep drumming the propaganda, using them for cannon fodder . . ."

"The truth is, compañero, while many of your people fought against segregation with one hand, with the other they try to justify rioting and violence, and we Hispanics, especially we Mexicans, have taken a tortilla and quietly created a Taco Empire . . ."
"And carbon-copies have -- not so quietly -- been whining and bellowing, 'The police is unjustly jailing and killing our po' peaceful and innocent black men; NO JUSTICE NO PEACE' and they agitating for police to be killed -- and think about this: not even the most hard-hearted gangsters ever invited the scrutiny of the police by agitating to kill them.  But these dumb carbon-copies who don't own a gun or bullet factory or a bow 'n' arrow factory or a factory of darts or sling-shots or night-sticks or -- in fact -- a factory of anything, and they're going to attack the police?  To the powerless cultureless, all the tricks of deception, lying, exaggerated crying or grinning and bravura are practiced tools used  to escape the wrath or solicit favor from one representing the powerful culture.  Fear of change fades slowly."

"While politicians are practicing their Spanish over tacos, burritos, and enchiladas to croon for the Hispanic vote, 99% of your people are still stagnating in English."
"That doesn't include me.  I like to know what people around me are saying, might save my life."
"How about if I said hujambo or habari zako?"
"Now 'you gettin down.' "

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Savaging Young Girls

"Don't you think this affects all girls and women, even our society?"

"It comes under our freedom of expression.  So does desecrating the American flag -- ask some of these civil rights groups."

"But we're told that shouting 'fire' in a theater, when there is no fire, is against the law."

"Boys and girls having 'fun in the sun' on a public beach is no crime . . ."

"You mean savagely raping scantily-dressed defenseless young girls in public is more acceptable than shouting 'fire' in a theater when there's no fire?"

"A fire can injure people for life, cause a stampede, burning people alive."

"Not if there's no fire, and don't you think that savagely raping young girls can torture them for life? -- and what effect does such disrespect have on girls and women in general?"

"Granted, on some girls and women . . ."

"Do you think that some young girls, seeing themsellves disrespected -- their physical attributes constantly highlighted -- might be influenced to erase that image of them by joining ISIS?"

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


One would rather stand by the empty space of a seat on a bus, train, subway, link rail or streetcar rather than sit beside a person of a different race or ethnic group.  If it's a female who takes the empty space beside a male she wonders, "Is his ego going, 'open o' sesame.' ?"  If it's a male who sits beside a female, he assumes, "She thinks that I wanna jump in bed with her . . . I just wanna seat on this damn public transportation."
The same people who fill the churches, mosques, cathedrals, and Temples, and other houses of worship do this.
The same people who fill the high schools, colleges, and universities, and fill the jails and prisons do this.

"Oh, I don't discuss politics," some say.  "I don't have a television or a radio or computer.  Don't even read the newspapers."
"What do you think of the Boko Haram?"
"Boko Harem? Is that like polygamy, one man with all them wives?"
"Haram, not harem.  They're black Muslim terrorists in Afrika, kidnapping young girls, killing natives, burning villages.  Most of the people in the villages are illiterate, don't have radios and don't know what's going on in their country until the Boko Haram appears shooting, chopping off heads, kidnapping and torturing."
"Killing innocent people?  That's why I just read the Bible, go to Church, and pray.  I have nothing to do with politics."

"You don't vote?"
"Of course, I vote, but just in presidential elections."
"What do you judge presidential candidates on, their knowledg of foreign policy?"
"I don't know nothing about that foreign policy stuff.  I judge him by what he says about God."
"What do you know about ISIS?"
"Ice is?  What's that?"
"More Muslim terrorists slaughtering Christians, robbing, raping -- you ever been involved in trying to resolve social problems?"
"Problems.  Who needs problems?  My husband and I have our family, have our house, car and children and jobs, so we don't have time for no social problems."
"What would you and your family do if some terrorists tried to kidnap people in your community and blow it up?"
"We'd do just like the other good, innocent people, go to another community.  Let the police handle it -- and pray that these Muslims don't kill us good, innocent people."
"They say that there are no innocent people."

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"If God Threatens Me"

"Your Honor, my client pleads guilty of killing the 'thing' -- his word, Your Honor -- due to mistaken identity . . ."
"Counselor, are you saying that your client meant to kill someone else?"
"No, Your Honor, my client, as you can see, is elderly, uses a wheelchair, is a veteran of World War II, his eyesight and hearing are failing and he carries wounds from that cruel and inhuman march known as the Bataan March forced on American soldiers by the Japanese . . ."
"My God, Counselor, I, too, fought in that war that saved the world from Nazism, and although I fought in Europe, I, as the rest of the world, know of the torture suffered by our American soldiers during that Bataan March and in those concentration camps."

"Your Honor, my client is now 93-years -old and can no longer defend himself . . ."
"Counselor, it says here that he thought he was being attacked by this 'thing' he calls it . . ."
"Your Honor, he, like anyone who watches TV news, watched in horror as these 'things' as he called them, ran into stores ripping merchandise off of shelves, throwing it to the floor, taking other merchandise, especially beer, wine and whiskey, out of the store, setting businesses on fire, and he saw similar 'things' going about the streets knocking people down -- things he didn't believe that intelligent people would do -- and he convinced a Judge to allow him to carry a gun to defend himself . . ."
"Why does he call them 'thing?' Does he dislike them and is it profiling --?"
"As I said, Your Honor, his eyesight is failing and he can't distinguish their features so easily -- in fact, the one thing that enables him to recognize them is that they wear their britches down around their knees, exposing their butt in public and he associates that with dumb jungle animals that don't wear britches -- and he was wheeling down the sidewalk and saw this object running and jumping toward him blabbering who knows what and wearing its britches around its knees, he immediately thought of people who put britches and skirts on dogs and cats and other dumb animals and he believed that that thing coming toward him might be somebody's dumb pet animal that had gotten loose and he concluded, 'If a thing makes sounds like a dumb animal, acts like a dumb animal, it's a dumb animal and dangerous!"

"My God -- may God be my witness this day, Counselor.  You tell your client that whether I get removed from this bench, whether ignorant, lying mobs run through the streets screaming NO JUSIICE NO PEACE and HANDS UP  and even if God threatens to burn me in Hell for this ideating I shall not dishonor a single American soldier who suffered or died defending the world against evil.  Tell him that I sentence him to one second in jail and I suspend the sentence!  Get back out there, soldier -- and keep your gun-hand ready!"