Monday, April 20, 2015

"Now 'You Gettin Down' "

"Hey, compatriota, come stai?"
"An Italian-speaking Hispanic.  What's up, compañero?"
"My friend, we've got to honor different languages and cultures.  Do you realize that the Hispanic is the new dynamic in this country?  In fact, numerically and lingustically we're the dueños of this Hemisphere --"
"And so-called 'black leaders' have kept carbon-copies beating on the Anglos ad infinitum about some chattel slavery that's been over for some 150 years -- that's 'old hat,' no matter how white leftists continue to urge the carbon-copies to keep drumming the propaganda, using them for cannon fodder . . ."

"The truth is, compañero, while many of your people fought against segregation with one hand, with the other they try to justify rioting and violence, and we Hispanics, especially we Mexicans, have taken a tortilla and quietly created a Taco Empire . . ."
"And carbon-copies have -- not so quietly -- been whining and bellowing, 'The police is unjustly jailing and killing our po' peaceful and innocent black men; NO JUSTICE NO PEACE' and they agitating for police to be killed -- and think about this: not even the most hard-hearted gangsters ever invited the scrutiny of the police by agitating to kill them.  But these dumb carbon-copies who don't own a gun or bullet factory or a bow 'n' arrow factory or a factory of darts or sling-shots or night-sticks or -- in fact -- a factory of anything, and they're going to attack the police?  To the powerless cultureless, all the tricks of deception, lying, exaggerated crying or grinning and bravura are practiced tools used  to escape the wrath or solicit favor from one representing the powerful culture.  Fear of change fades slowly."

"While politicians are practicing their Spanish over tacos, burritos, and enchiladas to croon for the Hispanic vote, 99% of your people are still stagnating in English."
"That doesn't include me.  I like to know what people around me are saying, might save my life."
"How about if I said hujambo or habari zako?"
"Now 'you gettin down.' "

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