Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Volcanoes erupting, earthquakes smashing and burying thousands of men, women, and babies alive; tornados, floods, and snow storms.  Planes falling out of the sky, one purposely flown into a mountain.
Men, women, and youngsters throughout the world thinking:  "We're gonna kill and plead insanity as our defense . . ."
Men, women, and youngsters throughout the world shooting and shouting:  "We're killing, and insanity will be our defense . . . !"

Think about it, Bubba:  Here we are on this magnetic rock called the planet Earth; we and it are revolving and evolving in all this space -- is it limitless?  Is there other life out there on other magnetic rocks with other views on what is moral or immoral or merely taboos?  Don't know where we came from and what the hell we're supposed to do here -- and after, if there is an after?

Ships and boats capsizing with swarms of men, women, and babies drowning trying to reach European people, Christian white people, to escape Islamist terrorists decapitating, raping, kidnaping, and enslaving in the name of Islam.

Many so-called black preachers and politicians, not interested in an Afrikan American culture, their faces heavy with solemnity as if pasted there by putrid putty, hustling rioting and violence for followers, telling them that they're rioting because of lack of opportunities.  After some 150 years so many exceptions made for them in education and in job-training programs for them and they don't have beaucoup opportunities?  Some so-called black "leaders" have been using that lie for decades, trying to hustle State and Federal funds every time some scumbags start rioting, looting, and burning.
Baltimore's turn now, like in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Miami, Detroit, and many other cities, for someone to say, ". . . give them opportunities to express their violence. . . ."  Why there're so many opportunities that thousands of illegal immagrants who can't even speak English come here every year to take advantage of these opportunities.

Hang in there, Bubba, love is still out there (underbreath we mutter:  "somewhere . . . see the long, hypocritical black faces trying to justify the rioting and violence? . . . ho-hum").

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