Sunday, June 28, 2015

Way Things Are Going

"My son and daughter would not rob or steal or kill nothing . . ."
"But why did he have that gun and resisted arrest --?"
"I don't b'lieve none of that mess -- them police must be planted that gun on him and they jes lying 'bout him resisting arrest.  I didn' raise him or  my daughter to do such thangs . . ."
"Your daughter interfered with the police trying to arrest . . ."
"They jes lying -- if I'd been there I wouldn' 'lowed them to put a hand on my chilluns . . . "

"How old are your children?"
"The boy is 16 and the girl 14."
"Do they belong to any gangs?"
"I ain gon' lie . . . I don' know who they hang 'round wit' and what they do when they leave this house, but I don' b'lieve they do . . . "
"What kind of activities do they participate in?"

"They plays basketball and shoots pool with them kids that they hang out wit down at the recreation center . . ."
"Are they in school?"
"Yeah, but they ain teaching them chilluns nuthin in them no'count schools . . ."
"Do you help them with their school assignments?"
"I an got no education, I can't help nobody wit' nuthin . . ."

"They're young and interested in diversity, but do you think that letting them end up in prison and being integrated with criminals is helpful?  That is, does integration enhance and refine or damage diversity?"
"I un'erstan 'damage,' but not 'inants,' and that other word I thank it mean 'rufing up' somebody . . ."
"Don't worry about it.  Now, employers can't ask a job applicant whether he or she has done time in prison.  Way things are going even one of your 'chilluns' can get out of prison and aspire to be President."
"Lawd, have mercy -- don' scare me like that.  The Lawd gon' come back and send us all straight to Hell . . . ."

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