Sunday, November 22, 2015

Is Black Meat Mortal?

"Why are you walking the streets with that sign?"
" 'Cause I'm scared, doctor."
""Of what?"
"I think I'm abnormal or going mad."
"I think I had a dream of God talking to me."
"Are you a preacher?"
"No.  I'm just a normal person.  That's why it's hard to believe that God talked to me."
"What did you and God talk about?"
"First, I believe that God is a Spirit, so I can't see It and It's voice came out of this white cloud high in the sky at night when I was sleep or thought I was sleep.  And the voice said, 'Who are you?  What is your identity?'  And I thought, If this is God It should  know who I am.  But I gave It my name and It said:

'That's a European identity.  I didn't make any black Europeans.  What're you doing with it?'
'I can't lie, God, because you'll know I'm lying.  This identity gets a lot of exceptions made for me.  It can get into colleges and universities over other people who're more qualified to be there. It can get me jobs I'm not qualified for.  It can get me roles in movies and plays just because I have this identity.  God, if I was writing a book I could fill pages with the exceptions made -- still in the 21st century -- for me because of this identity.  But I believe you already know of them.  And you know, God, sometimes I wonder, with all the exceptions made for black people, is black meat mortal?  Does it never feel pressured to question some things that we're taught because it is immortal?'
'You ever hear of a word called brain?'
'Oh, my God, yes/.'
'Just think of all the marvels created in the world by a race of people using their brain.  Then think of the people who want leaders who will tell them what to think and what not to think, what to do and what not to do.  Think of how many of your people, acting like zombies, have never created any marvels.'  And that's why I'm scared, doctor, and walking around with this sign."

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