Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Open The Gates!

"How selfish and unfeeling of you to even think of asking them for an identification.  Don't you dare detain them at some gate or fence.  There are thousands behind them pushing and cursing them not to block their way.  They all just want to get to some country where they, like the illegal immigrants, can get on welfare, free lodging, free garments, free food, money and a car while their countrymen whom they left behind are fighting to defend and improve their homeland.  We hear their cries, feel their suffering.  They have walked, limping with pain and hunger, hundreds of miles from country to country, fear haunting them through dark nights on rickety boats, many washed overboard by mountainous waves in the darkness, drowning them and wailing babies in their arms in dark, icy water.

"And we lie warm and safe in our wide comfortable beds; oh, how guilty we feel, how guilty we are for enjoying our blessed America that our forefathers and mothers fought and died building.  We listen to our politicians shouting, 'Open the gates, let the thousands come in, let them all in, let these poor suffering souls come to us; think of how they, like the illegal immigrants, will repay us with votes for our party for they shall surely organize and demand their right to vote, and other rights, oh, the people of my party will support them in obtaining their rights.  The people of my party are such compassionate people, with such values.  That's who we are in my party . . . .' "

"What!"  You mean that the politicians of your party are so super intelligent that without seeing even a single refugee among the thousands that want to come into our country they know that there are no disguised Muslim terrorists among them, even though they also know that subterfuge and abusing women are dominant  features of their culture?  Wouldn't it be poetic justice if these people pleading for these refugees to flood our country, as in Europe, were the first to be killed by those who turned out to be disguised Muslim terrorists?

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