Saturday, January 30, 2016

Get Your Head Outta . . .

"You look at these people and you listen to them, and you think, 'Are they civilized'?  In all the generations of our existence they haven't figured out who is the most influential person or persons misguiding us.  In the arms of our mothers we'r taken to this person before we can talk or walk or even wonder, 'When in the hell is somebody gonna explain to me what in the hell I've gotten myself into in this phenomenon called life'?  People say that when we're born we get hit  on the rump to awaken life in us.  Are they sure that it's not our head that they hit?  What if our head is in our rump and our rump is in our head?  That means that the moment that we're born they give us a concussion.

"Even the people who've been in charge of building and defending the U.S.A. and defending and modernizing countless other countries teach us, 'Get your  head outta your _ ss, boy'.  These days it's popular to talk about football, basketball, and other contact sports -- that's another thing, why do we have to pretty up everything?  'Contact sports' . . . 'smashing activity' is more accurate.  'Contact' means to get in touch with.  A  man and a woman get in 'contact', get in 'touch' in bed.  But in those 'smashing activities', sending somebody to paradise is not what they have in mind.  They're trying to send somebody's rump to  hell.  Which brings us back to the man who influenced us from birth, that peculiar preacher.  He's considered peculiar because he was formed, not knowing how to read or write, in a 'situation' called 'that peculiar institution'.  His 'brand' of preaching did not include teaching us a unique culture as preachers of other ethnic groups did their flock because we didn't have a culture -- and still don't.  He 'branded' us with a kind of 'hallelujah-misery' that taught us to squeeze our eyes shut, frown, play some rollicking piano, cut some hot dance steps while jumping over pews, throwing our heads back and screaming, 'Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Lord for giving us this game that we can use forever in protest marches to con white people out of green backs.' "

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