Wednesday, April 27, 2016

" . . . after last night . . . "

"Honey, gambling's like alcohol or drugs, it can hook you up."
"No, this is the first time -- and the last -- but this is special . . ."
"Not once last night, not twice, but five times he stepped up to the plate and five times he hit a homerun.  So after last night I'm willing to let you off the bet . . ."
"No, the doctor said I'm gonna have twins, a boy and a girl, and I want my daughter's name to mark this great chance for women."
"And I want every birthday of the boy to mark the astonishing conquest of this man who overcame incredible enemies, political, being called a racist --"
"It was the same with that one in 2008."

"But that was such an upheaval in our country and the entire world between blacks and whites that nothing was going to stop millions of us from being a part of that historical moment."
"Now, I want my soon to be daughter to be a part of this beautiful moment in history by being named after that woman our votes --"
"But when we look back on the entire history of our country, we -- if we're truthful -- have to admit what culture the people came from who led our country to its greatness and we need another man from that culture to make us great again . . ."

"Or a woman from that culture."
"I never thought I'd hear one of you women admit that about women from that culture."
"Whether we admit it or not, everybody can see that they're different."
"And it's not just their blond hair."
"Blond hair looks natural on whites . . . it makes black-skinned people look like clowns."

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