Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why Let Them Vote?

". . . tell the truth!" the man shouted.  You turn to your friend and say, "Doesn't he know that he has about as much chance of getting the truth from some mob hustling 'black' as an elephant trying to impregnate an ant?"
"Yet, he has to be admired and congratulated for having the nerve to ask them for the truth.  Can you imagine some black politician, from the highest  position to the lowest or some black preacher having the courage and the honesty to ask a black mob to tell the truth rather than saying what  he thinks the mob wants to hear?"
"That rioting 'n looting that began in Ferguson, Missouri  and spread to other cities is an example of that . . ."
"And you'd think this was the 17th century when all this whining and lying about all of us being equal began and not the 21st century."

"When mobs of ignorant people have for centuries placed their so-called cultural, educational, political, and economic foundation in the hands of so-call blacks who could tell the biggest lies they've been acquiescing to lies for so long that they've forgotten how to recognize or tell the truth."
"Educated people can think, can create cultural features that encourage them to establish businesses to provide jobs for themselves and not be dependent on non-black people or a government to take care of them; educated people don't become predictable, empty-headed pawns for a political party; don't become noted for petty crime, rioting, fratricidal tendencies, resisting arrest and marching through the streets accusing the police of arresting them 'for nothing', and calling for police to be killed."
"The problem is centered around identity . . . people calling themselves black. but taking their identity from people who don't identify as black."

"They should be consistent as some of these people calling themselves French or Spaniards -- French and Spaniards are white you know.  But many of these people look like Indians and Afrikans -- and half the time you don't know whom you're looking at and they're all racists these 'people of color' calling everybody else racists.  But they're consistent in taking French and Spanish names and the French and Spanish language."
"If people are confused about their identity why the hell should they be allowed to vote?"

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