Thursday, October 16, 2014

EBOLA Symbol

Columbus Day always brings out these rag-tag losers trying to disparage Columbus' dangerous voyages on the high seas to what today we call the Americas.  These losers trudge up from only God or the Devil knows where some unheard of "sterling" contributions to the world's progress from primitive cultures.

"If you don't have a history, invent one," someone contested years ago in response to this shameless lying against the courage and achievements of Columbus.  Just existing -- dogs and cats exist -- dosen't give anyone a  history.  Contributing something of note to the world gives people a history.

Providence, coincidence, cause and effect -- blame EBOLA on the culprit of our choice, one inescapable certainty is that EBOLA is a symbol of cowardice, hypocrisy,  and lies.  For dedcades and generations we've welcomed apolitical people running into our country from the political struggles to improve conditions in their own country. Instead of telling them the truth we, groveling with PC for a vote, welcome them under the flag of "Oh, we're a country of immigrants . . . give us your hungry . . . ."  That was only relevant over a hundred years ago, in another time.  They tell us of their pride in their culture and their love for their country and we grin, bobbing and weaving, submerging their minds in self-eulogizing garbage, not daring to mention the rundown, backward towns and villages they come out of.  EBOLA and other diseases did not incubate in economically thriving cities with  high emphasis on hygiene and sanitation and modern medical facilities.

Disease and chaos accompany people who are not told that political corruption and powerful drug trafficking cartels, ruthless violence and wretched poverty are functioning in that culture that they boast of.  Disease, illiteracy, and chaos destroy black people whose so-called leaders are not condemned for filling the heads of black children and adult zombis with lies that thousands of years ago "superior" black geniuses built pyramids in Egypt, flew space ships to the moon and created everything in the world, including dirt and icewater.  Strange, these "superior" black geniuses didn't have sense enough to create an educational system or culture to pass their great intelligence on to succeeding "superior" black generations.

The next time one of these geniuses steps up as a candidate he might hear:
"Okay,you guys, whose ancestors' 'superior' culture landed you in cotton fields and cane fields have had your no-experience-necessary shot.  Now, we guys, whose ancestors 'inferior' culture prepared us to build this nation and other nations will take it from here -- before our nation is destroyed by EBOLA, ISIS, and scum-bag thugs (male and female, in and out of politics) . . . ."

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