Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Think No Speak

But if we have these people called "leaders of their people" and are known as race-hustlers and have only a cheap carbon-copy subculture how . . .
"Now there are things we might think, but political correctness . . ."
What about thousands of people who might be walking across our borders with EBOLA or some other disease from living in filthy villages . . .
"Please now, let us not . . ."

And what about that problem of protecting the President and his family?
"We don't want to go there.  Too many extenuating circumstances . . . you know that he's the first, uh, I mean you know that out of all these people always whining about "racism" that our country is the only country in this Hemisphere that has elected the first . . . uh . . ."
You mean the first black President?
"It's one of those  things we think, but, you know, don't say."

But everybody knows that hundreds of thousands of naieve so-called blacks and whites voted for him -- making history -- because he's black.
"And, of course, many voted for him believing he had the ability . . ."
And, of course, many of his moves now have a multitude saying that he doesn't have the experience . . .
"But, please, don't say that out loud."

What about the woman?
"What woman?"
What if the person in charge of those assigned to protect him and his family had been a man?
"Oh, God please don't . . ."

It's like whenever there's a confrontation between a cop and a black we think that the black's lying, but never say it.  And always trying to harmonize black and white, the most opposing of the opposites, and thinking:  Too many so-called blacks live their one life on Earth as nothing more than inferior imitations of Anglos or inferior imitations of Spaniards or inferior imitations of the Frecnch . . .
"Oh, God, please stop . . ."
And always screaming "racism" but thinking:  It ain't nothing but freedom of choice.

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