Monday, October 20, 2014


"Go I," he answered when the destinyof his people called its sons and daughters to stand against the evil attacking them; known and admired the world over for their superb culture and intellectual prowess; cruelly, without mercy, persecuted and scattered through centuries by anti-Semitic scum to distant lands, yet always united by the love of Zion.  Balfour Declaration returns Israel to the Jews, signed by the powerful nations of the world, including Britian that later withdrew its support.  "But Arabs, Muslim terrorists, are attacking the Jews in Israel, killing, robbering, raping Jewish women, you must allow more Jews into Israel to help their people.  Arab Muslims, terrorists, are joining the Nazis.  The Jews are trying to escape the Holocaust, Britian."  "What do we British care.  It's not to our advantage to help the Jews, the Arabs will not like us.  We want to be a power mong them."  Anti-Jewish racist scum you're sending thousands of helpless Jews to their death.  History will remember your evil forever!  Jews, inheritors of to wise up, of to tighten up, of to David Ben-Gurion up; carry the pain of missles, rockets, and bombs slamming into bodies of Jewish men, women, and children; in military or civilian dress never free of the battlefield, never free of the streets, shopping centers, hospitals, schools, and homes exploding about him with the broken bodies of Jewish men, women, and children.

Camelot Poll they later called the meeting.  The 200-seat assembly room was packed, many crowded against the walls.  It was a special time in the history of Camelot.  They made special exceptions.  A spokesman representing the Attorney General.  Chains circled the ankles and wrists of the accused in the round cage at the front of the room.  A full-faced beard covered his face.  "I did these murders and bombings in the name of my religion," he boasted.
"No," the spokesman for the Attorney General shouted to the meeting.  "He did not kill those 33 Americans in the name of his religion --"
"You fool!  You think you know more about why I'm slaughtering Americans than I who plan the murders -- I'm a terrorist for my God!"
"Netanyahu-up!" someone shouted from the grumbling rukus at the back of the room.  The word brought a sudden hush in the room, heads turning, and it seemed to fuel the accused.  He bounced wildly against the bars.
"I propose to you that these people saying that they're in Islam, they'r not Muslims and have nothing to do with Islam," the Attorney General's spokesman said to the people.
"Who massacred helpless Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972 ?" yelled one from the sidewall.
"Anyone afraid to say that Muslim terrorists did it dishonors those massacred athletes and is a danger to civilized people!"
Again came voices from the back:  "Netanyahu-up!"

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