Sunday, February 8, 2015

Democracy Blinked, Anarchy Winked

"When a police officer in a  town in Massachusetts had a slight misunderstanding with a black and you weren't even there, I thought:  'With all the economic problems and foreign policy headaches our country has why the hell is he sticking his nose in that local misunderstanding, agitating it racially, publicizing it nationally and internationally?'  "Is that when it happened?"
"No," he answered, grinning.  "You're smart enough to know the crowd I was playing to when I made that move."

"Was it after your people had taken over the educational system from kindergarten through colleges and universities and everybody had to remove all symbols of Christianity, not allow any Bibles around or Christians to speak on campuses?"
"Not then."

"Was it when that over 200-hundred pound teenager attacked a police officer in some Florida town and got killed and race-hustling scum rioted, loot'n and burning?"
"Not  then."

"Was it when preachers and scum-bag politicians and other race-hustlers exploited that Florida rioting and a black, weighing over 300 pounds died in New York while resisting arrest?"
"Not then, either."

"Was it when you spoke at the UN and included your concern for the disturbances in our cities and I wondered:  'If mobs are screaming in the streets against police and getting several police killed in our country what the hell business is it of empty-headed hustlers from starving, backward grass-hut countries?' "
"No.  After meek minds had been pounded for generations with guilt for being people of a strong, advanced culture and kicking butts -- as strong cultures always do to people in cultures not up to par militarily -- I wanted to go down in history for changing that . . ."

"You're going DOWN in history, no doubt about that, trying to justify the viciousness of terrorisrts by condemning Christians for defending themselves hundreds of years ago . . ."

". . . and I, one day, soothed these weak minds with 'There's only one America, we're one people.'  And they -- in spite of my lack of experience -- couldn't get into those voting booths fast enough,
making it easy  for me to openly  put my arms around a known race-baiter and trust a nation that hates Israel and wants a nuclear bomb."

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