Saturday, July 18, 2015

Can't Call Him "Terrorist?"

". . . we have no idea what motivates these individuals to carry out these killings, this distruction . . ."

 "But, sir, our High Office -- the most powerful in the world -- that you occupy is constantly in touch  with international intelligence agencies and you mean to tell us that you don't consider a Muslim to be a terrorist after he's attacked two Armed Forces Recruiting Centers and killed members of our Armed Forces?  Couldn't his hatred of Americans be enough of a motivating force to qualify him as a terrorist?"
"We have no proof of this being the work of a terrorist, and until all the facts are in we can not accuse this individual of being a terrorist."

"But, sir, Muslim terrorists throughout the world are calling for men and women in all nations to rise up and join them in killing Americans, civilians, soldiers, and police in their respective countries, and young people are identifying with these terrorists.  Are you telling us that this Muslim's killing of these members of our Armed Forces was a case of mistaken identity, that this terrorist didn't know that he was going to find members of our Armed Forces there?  He thought he was going to find American men, women, and children there singing, praying, and reading Bibles?  And if a loner hasn't been proven to be a card-carrying terrorist affiliated with some terrorist group neither you nor I or anyone can call him a terrorist?"

"Now, please, let us not get off into nonsense.  Just as we could not call that Muslim who killed all those members of our Armed Forces at Fort Hood a terrorist -- he was merely a work-disturber -- we can not call this lone individual a terrorist for carrying out the work of terrorists by killing members of our Armed Forces . . ."

"Please forgive my nonsense, sir, but how have you managed to remain in our High Office this long without being impeached or encouraged to resign?"

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