Monday, July 13, 2015

Timely Self-Adjusted Pill

"Dr., my mind is in turmoil.  I can't sleep without being haunted by nightmares.  I can eat only snacks.  I'm tormented by the fear of falling . . . I need a pill that self-adjusts to treat any problem that disturbs me at a given time . .  ."
"How long have you had this problem, sir?"
"For several weeks -- ever since they took the pole away that displayed that flag . . ."
"Oh, you wanted the flag to remain?"
"It's not about the flag, Dr., it's about the hole that the flagpole left . . . they tried to cover it, but it's still there beneath the cover.  I see it everywhere I go, in the floors of my apartment, swallowing me up in bed at night, even walking with me down the streets and I stumble, thinking I'm suddenly seeing a bottomless black pit in front, on my sides, in back of me -- I'm constantly about to be hit by cars as I jump from that hole that I seem about to fall into.  You've got to help me Dr. . . ."

"How did you feel about the flag?"
"Going along with some others, I wanted to see it go, but since I've been having these nightmares about that hole I -- I'm a devout Christian and I know the Lawd works in mysterious ways -- maybe the Lawd's trying to tell me something . . ."
"Like what?"
"Like it wasn't my flag and maybe if I and some of my people had a flag that represented -- in a special way -- a historic experience I might not want anybody to take it from us -- and this hole ain't just touching me, it's causing people to react to my jumpingness, and people all over the world -- people who ain't never even been to our country and don't know nothing about its history is upset about this flag-business . . ."
"You say that the Lord works in mysterious ways . . . you think that maybe the Lord brought this hole-business to you to teach something -- and won't give you any peace until you do . . ?"

"You mean refill that hole with that flagpole displaying that flag . . ?"
"Well, meaningful statues, momuments, art, and books around that flag are being desecrated . . . you're trampling on the sacrifices and heroism portrayed in the lives of hundreds of thousands of souls, men, women, and children who honored that flag or despised it; are they to be erased, destroyed, as if they never lived?  Can the true history of the people arguing against that flag be told by them entertaining only a view defiling the flag?  Where does the destruction end?"

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