Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Bow-Wow Cometh

"In my country there is no racial problem -- nobody have race."
"How long has this been going on?"
"In  all countries in this Hemisphere we once have only RU YU people, but you LA LA people come in ships, take over country and make babies with RU YU women.  Now in all these countries we all wanna be LA LA people."
"But I've seen many in these countries who still look like RU YU people, your ancestors . . ."
"Soon LA LA men give all RU YU women babies and all RU YU people soon disappear like BU HOO people that you LA LA people brought on ships to pick cotton and cut cane on plantations . . ."

"What happened to the BU HOO people in y'alls countries?"
"We no want people who look like BU HOO people in our families.  We make BU HOO people want babies who look like LA LA people.  Now if you see BU HOO people they know we no like'em and -- like us -- they say they LA LA people, even though they still look like BU HOO people."
"But we LA LA people believe in the LA LA race, believe in the five races . . . that's why we provide RU YU and BU HOO people with housing, food, clothing, education, jobs . . ."
"LA LA people smart -- one race okay, but five races no good . . ."

"You'll still have to deal with the billions of CHINU CHINU and billions of HINYU HINYU people to have only one race . . ."
"Pee on you . . . you know where that expression come from?"
"No, but all you RU YU and BU HOO people do is sit around talking about the wise sayings passed down from y'alls ancestors . . ."
"Well, our ancestors passed down to us that one day long ago the RU YU, LA LA, and BU HOO men were sitting on the ground in a circle discussing the Great Spirit and wondering if IT had to eliminate the race or races that contributed the least to human advancement what race or races would it be, and a dog came by.  The dog stared at them for a time and then went around sniffing at each man, and each time it sniffed a RU YU or BU HOO man it peed on him."

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