Friday, July 31, 2015

For Whom The Phrase Turns

Back early just for the following:

"We wants everybody who turned our phrase into sump'm else to 'pologize!"
"But why shouldn't  it apply to all --"
"Naw -- hell naw -- we meant it for us and nobody else -- it's our thang -- if we'd meant it for everybody --"
"But don't you see how much more powerful -- and sincere --"
"You can't question us 'bout no sincere when we putting our butts on the line out here -- that phrase means us and jes us . . ."

"I grant that you people thought it up -- and I'm so sorry that I didn't give you people credit for your creativity, but I must insist that the rukus that you people are making by wanting to apply it just  to black people . . ."
"Then put 'black' back in it cause we don't want nobody profiting on this but us -- and we want a 'pology for taking 'black' out of it!"

"Okay, okay, I'm so terribly sorry that I took the word 'black' out of it, but it seemed kind of racist just applying it to black people --"
"Racist?  How dare you call us black people racist.  We been taught by our leaders that black people can't be racists 'cause it  takes economic power to be racist -- we ain' got no economic power, no education power, no --"
"But you had your own stores, restaurants, hotels, and other businesses -- and your own schools and teachers, but you people gave all that up just to be among us --"
"Now, see, there you go accusing us, making it our fault --"
"Oh, please forgive me my ignorance -- oh, my Holy Lord, I'm just blind to your people's intelligence and fairness.  Please forgive me, I'm just so sorry . . ."
"Now, you is talking lak we wants to hear you talk . . . everytime we disagree wit' y'all we want  to hear y'all 'pologizing else we gon' be lak 'ICE-IS,' cause confusion . . . ."

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