"Everybody always do me wrong . . ." captures a time-honored theme of countless ditties called "blues" that millions of "connoisseurs of music" sob over. One hears it in the anti-police braying of conniving protesters demonstrating in the streets. Some two blocks behind the hell-raising demonstrators an interviewer speaks with an onlooker:
"Why aren't you down there with them?" the interviewer asked.
"I'm a college student."
"What those down there whooping and hollering need to be. Test scores have even been lowered to help them pass the entrance exam at colleges and universities."
"Even then many of them drop out, claim the white teachers discriminate against them."
"How can they do that? They're sitting in the same classroom with the white students, using the same books -- but they still graduate less educated than whites."
"They accuse the white teachers of whispering when they're near black students and talking louder when they're near white students."
"They probably don't even believe that foolishness themselves . . ."
"You see 'em down there loot'n and burning like fools -- and attacking police. They'll believe anything as long as it's not intelligent."
"That's because race-hustlers, black and white -- especially in the media -- distorting the news in favor of the rioters can play on their childish emotions to keep them newsworthy and make them think that they can attack police with impunity. While everybody else is progressing your people are going backwards. Generations ago they started out trying to improve themselves and now, over a hundred years later, they're in worst condition than when they started out. They weren't murdering each other and loot'n and burning. They were doing constructive things, building, studying . . ."
"They"re not my people, they're -- young and old -- the demented disciples of the devil disguised as divine."
Friday, December 26, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Hands Dripping Blood
Ignorant mobs of them marched through the streets, shouting for police to be killed. Now that two innocent police officers have been murdered can these race-hustling scumbags "breath?" What do these whooping and hollering scum do now? They can't outgun the police and the Armed Forces.
Many marching in the streets and yelling about "racism" received their first training on "racism" from race-hustlers in pulpits. There's more variety in dirt than in these one-dimensional church-nurtured whiners of "racism." That's why some "black" politicians, no matter how high they sit on the political totem pole, find it too tormenting to try to be more than a "black" community race-hustler. That's the sum-total of their political experience. Race-hustling in so-called black communities is a talk-show, an industry enriching some and strangling weak-minded, incompetent "blacks" from generation to generation.
Many marching in the streets and yelling about "racism" received their first training on "racism" from race-hustlers in pulpits. There's more variety in dirt than in these one-dimensional church-nurtured whiners of "racism." That's why some "black" politicians, no matter how high they sit on the political totem pole, find it too tormenting to try to be more than a "black" community race-hustler. That's the sum-total of their political experience. Race-hustling in so-called black communities is a talk-show, an industry enriching some and strangling weak-minded, incompetent "blacks" from generation to generation.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Why Some Can't
"It's difficult to recruit black men for the police force," an official recently said, commenting on all the brass on the sreets, TV, and radio about white police and blacks. Now imagine a beautiful Duchess and a Prince, her husband, coming to the United States and someone has them pose for a picture with a black basketball player. The Prince is dressed in a dark suit and tie, a topcoat fits the Duchess snugly. She stands between the Prince and the basketball player. The black basketball player, huge beside her, is dressed in his red basketball trunks and matching sleevless jersey as if he had just stepped off the basketball court. He must have been sweaty -- and his right arm was around the Duchess' shoulder! What! The difference in their race is obvious; we can imagine the difference in their class, their education, and their social status throughout the world. What could the Prince have been thinking standing there knowing some dude, a black basketball player, had his arm around his wife's shoulder. Who could have subjected the Duchess and basketball player, so opposite in class, to taking such a photo?
"Maybe the Law of Opposites," the guy the official was talking to said.
"That's my point. Some things are so different in us it's like built into our DNA. I say 'built in' because when our butts first hit the air on this magnetic rock we call the Earth we didn't know anything about colors. And there's this business of positive - negative, beautiful - ugly, high class - low class about "black" and white and people of other colors built into the DNA of all of us. Now, for just a moment, like a streak of greased lightening on the back of a speeding bullet let us return to that time when intellectually superior people segregated themselves from intellectually inferior people and decided: 'Maybe if we hired some black policemen they would be more acceptable to black people than we are. We just won't let them try to arrest white people, especially in some southern towns, because then we will have one hellish problem. So to be a policeman a black man had to be a tough, mental superman, had to conquer that feeling of humiliation, and had to try to put police man over that black man built into him. And every time he tried to arrest a black he had to do mental calisthenics, knowing he was going to hear: 'I ain't done nothing, brother man,' the man would say. 'I'm a police officer,' he'd tell him. 'I know that,' the man would say, 'but you still one of us, brother, give me a break . . .' He'd repeat, I'm a police officer' and the man would say, 'You ain't nothing but an ol' uncle tom . . . .' Every time he had to arrest one it took a little out of him. All these people screaming white police this and black people that I wonder if we can ever be absolutely harmonized."
"What about relativity? Every time you say 'absolutely' you bring in relativity."
"Relativity is the Gestapo."
"You think that basketball player was ignorant of the protocol to be observed with royalty because he was black?"
"If people on the street, TV, and radio are so ignorant about police think what they'd be like without police."
"Maybe the Law of Opposites," the guy the official was talking to said.
"That's my point. Some things are so different in us it's like built into our DNA. I say 'built in' because when our butts first hit the air on this magnetic rock we call the Earth we didn't know anything about colors. And there's this business of positive - negative, beautiful - ugly, high class - low class about "black" and white and people of other colors built into the DNA of all of us. Now, for just a moment, like a streak of greased lightening on the back of a speeding bullet let us return to that time when intellectually superior people segregated themselves from intellectually inferior people and decided: 'Maybe if we hired some black policemen they would be more acceptable to black people than we are. We just won't let them try to arrest white people, especially in some southern towns, because then we will have one hellish problem. So to be a policeman a black man had to be a tough, mental superman, had to conquer that feeling of humiliation, and had to try to put police man over that black man built into him. And every time he tried to arrest a black he had to do mental calisthenics, knowing he was going to hear: 'I ain't done nothing, brother man,' the man would say. 'I'm a police officer,' he'd tell him. 'I know that,' the man would say, 'but you still one of us, brother, give me a break . . .' He'd repeat, I'm a police officer' and the man would say, 'You ain't nothing but an ol' uncle tom . . . .' Every time he had to arrest one it took a little out of him. All these people screaming white police this and black people that I wonder if we can ever be absolutely harmonized."
"What about relativity? Every time you say 'absolutely' you bring in relativity."
"Relativity is the Gestapo."
"You think that basketball player was ignorant of the protocol to be observed with royalty because he was black?"
"If people on the street, TV, and radio are so ignorant about police think what they'd be like without police."
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Lugubrious Lubrication
"Sikiliza, Cheko (Listen, Cheko), Who're these white Hispanics and black Caucasians?"
"Ah, my Mzingativu, you wanna chat, wanna track this gritty squeaking, sivyo (right)?"
"Ndiyo (yes)."
"Well, the people in Spain call themselves and are called Spaniards, not white Spaniards. They are of the Caucasian race, white. I don't know how we tell the difference between a Spaniard and a white Spaniard if they'er both Hispanics."
"Cheko, the same is puzzling about black Caucasians. How can they be black and Caucasian at the same time? Whichever race they're trying to identify with the other is tugging at them and they can't feel free with either race. They're just out there blowing in the wind without a race."
"Some blacks call themselves Latins, but Latins are of the Caucasian race -- there's no Latin race. Just because an Englishman or a Spaniard impregnates a black woman that doesn't make either baby a Caucasian. Blacks who want the identities of people who don't identify as black hate themselves. That's why they're self-destructing with these identities, with illiteracy, drugs, alcohol, crime, murdering each other, and filling jails and prisons. They can't conceive of speaking Swahili, an Afrikan language."
"Were you born in the United States, Cheko?"
"Why are you not like the others?"
"I avoid them wherever they are -- Afrika, Europe, the United States, and countries south of the U.S. border. They honor the people whose identity they have. I honor our ancestors who got off those slave ships."
"I think that those who call themselves white Hispanics don't want to be identified with the blacks and Indians among them. Doesn't that make them racists?"
"They have a culture, they have a culture that puts them in charge, but the blacks and Indians among them don't seem to have a culture. If you watch Hispanic TV shows and movies it's extremely rare that you see an Indian or a black in charge of anything or doing anything -- and with that I hope that I've answered some of your question. Kwa heri, Mzingativu (goodbye, Mzingativu)."
"Kwa heri ya kuonana, Cheko (goodbye until we meet again, Cheko)."
"Amani iwekwako (peace be upon you)."
"Ah, my Mzingativu, you wanna chat, wanna track this gritty squeaking, sivyo (right)?"
"Ndiyo (yes)."
"Well, the people in Spain call themselves and are called Spaniards, not white Spaniards. They are of the Caucasian race, white. I don't know how we tell the difference between a Spaniard and a white Spaniard if they'er both Hispanics."
"Cheko, the same is puzzling about black Caucasians. How can they be black and Caucasian at the same time? Whichever race they're trying to identify with the other is tugging at them and they can't feel free with either race. They're just out there blowing in the wind without a race."
"Some blacks call themselves Latins, but Latins are of the Caucasian race -- there's no Latin race. Just because an Englishman or a Spaniard impregnates a black woman that doesn't make either baby a Caucasian. Blacks who want the identities of people who don't identify as black hate themselves. That's why they're self-destructing with these identities, with illiteracy, drugs, alcohol, crime, murdering each other, and filling jails and prisons. They can't conceive of speaking Swahili, an Afrikan language."
"Were you born in the United States, Cheko?"
"Why are you not like the others?"
"I avoid them wherever they are -- Afrika, Europe, the United States, and countries south of the U.S. border. They honor the people whose identity they have. I honor our ancestors who got off those slave ships."
"I think that those who call themselves white Hispanics don't want to be identified with the blacks and Indians among them. Doesn't that make them racists?"
"They have a culture, they have a culture that puts them in charge, but the blacks and Indians among them don't seem to have a culture. If you watch Hispanic TV shows and movies it's extremely rare that you see an Indian or a black in charge of anything or doing anything -- and with that I hope that I've answered some of your question. Kwa heri, Mzingativu (goodbye, Mzingativu)."
"Kwa heri ya kuonana, Cheko (goodbye until we meet again, Cheko)."
"Amani iwekwako (peace be upon you)."
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Euphemistically "Bliss"
We are told that ignorance is bliss. So to be PC we are encouraged not to refer to them as ignorant cowards but, rather, as people who exist in a state between low intelligence and no intelligence expressing their "bliss." When these rioters and looters, always accompaning "peaceful" disturbers of the peace screaming "No Justice No Peace," shatter show-windows with bricks, clubs, and trash cans and smash doors and walls of stores and homes and set them afire we musn't call them cowardly mobs, although show-windows, businesses, and homes can't fight back.
In 1982 when the rioters and looters were expressing their ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- in an area in Los Angeles, California that had many Korean business establishments the Koreans patrolled their establishments with AK47s, shotguns, rifles, and pistols. The rioters and looters didn't go near those Korean businesses. The Koreans were waiting to greet their "bliss" with bullets. There's a teaching in that example.
Our Constitution gives us the right to protect our property. It also gives us the right to have police with the authority to arrest law breakers. These police are backed-up by the National Guard, the Marine Corps, the Army, Navy, and Air Force. But it's common to see a man or woman resist police officers who attempt to arrest him or her. Now, the police officers are armed with high-powered guns and clubs and the suspect has only his or her empty hands; yet, he or she will resist or attack the police officers. With what ignorant -- oops, "blissful" -- temerity does the suspect recklessly expose himself or herself to injury or death? Has he or she never heard the expression "to be in a no win situation"? Or could it be that the suspect knows that there is a multitude of sleezy, slimy, lying, blabber-mouth apologists -- many with law degrees -- and news reporters and commentators at the ready to rouse the ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- of the common horde with weeping, whining, moaning, and sobbing crys of "Police brutality" and wanting the police to be more kind to those who resist arrest?
In 1982 when the rioters and looters were expressing their ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- in an area in Los Angeles, California that had many Korean business establishments the Koreans patrolled their establishments with AK47s, shotguns, rifles, and pistols. The rioters and looters didn't go near those Korean businesses. The Koreans were waiting to greet their "bliss" with bullets. There's a teaching in that example.
Our Constitution gives us the right to protect our property. It also gives us the right to have police with the authority to arrest law breakers. These police are backed-up by the National Guard, the Marine Corps, the Army, Navy, and Air Force. But it's common to see a man or woman resist police officers who attempt to arrest him or her. Now, the police officers are armed with high-powered guns and clubs and the suspect has only his or her empty hands; yet, he or she will resist or attack the police officers. With what ignorant -- oops, "blissful" -- temerity does the suspect recklessly expose himself or herself to injury or death? Has he or she never heard the expression "to be in a no win situation"? Or could it be that the suspect knows that there is a multitude of sleezy, slimy, lying, blabber-mouth apologists -- many with law degrees -- and news reporters and commentators at the ready to rouse the ignorance -- oops, "bliss" -- of the common horde with weeping, whining, moaning, and sobbing crys of "Police brutality" and wanting the police to be more kind to those who resist arrest?
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy!
A policeman sat in a straight-back chair outside the room. A woman lay on her back in the hospital room he guarded. Her shooting had gone international and so had support for her, especially in the Middle East and Afrika where rag-tag third world, jack-ass countries with anti-American agendas demonstrated in her favor.
Even in that loose-fitting white linen robe she could be a model, the reporter sitting beside her bed thought. She was tall, her body parts symmetrically connected. "Why did you shoot the cop?" he asked.
"I didn't like the way he looked at me. They always bullying us po' innocent 'people of color' . . ."
"How was he looking at you?"
"He wasn't exactly looking at me . . ."
"I don't understand."
"He was looking at my titties . . ."
"Where were they?"
"In my brassiere, minding they own business."
"So how could he see them?"
"I got this soft tan skin and I know the tops of 'em, round and smooth, looking inviting peeping up from my brassiere . . . I like to show 'em like that to give 'em some air. They jiggle like they grinning every time I move my arms . . ."
"And that's why you shot him?"
"I and my nephew was sitting in this restaurant eating a sandwich and he was drinking a soda in a booth and a couple of times he glanced over in our direction and my nephew, big as a football player, suddenly pointed at him and said, 'Come on.' We went over there and my nephew said, 'You ain't got no right to be bullying us 'cause we people of color' and the cop looked surprised like he didn't understand, and that's when my nephew hit him so hard in the jaw, knocked him in the corner of the booth and the cop was snatching his gun out and my nephew fell on him and they was struggling when I heard the shot and my nephew fell back, clutching his chest, and while the cop was staring at him I thought, 'He killed my unarmed nephew for nothing, my harmless nephew,' and while I was tearimg that gun from him it went off and killed him and now they got me here for my nerves, waiting for trial . . ."
"But you're head of that group campaigning against bullying . . ."
"That's why all these same people in schools, on TV shows, preachers, and others against bullying is supporting my case and I know that all them people rioting is wit' me. Even the President --and he wasn't there when it happened -- he done said something 'bout it, so you tell my story and nothing will happen to me."
Even in that loose-fitting white linen robe she could be a model, the reporter sitting beside her bed thought. She was tall, her body parts symmetrically connected. "Why did you shoot the cop?" he asked.
"I didn't like the way he looked at me. They always bullying us po' innocent 'people of color' . . ."
"How was he looking at you?"
"He wasn't exactly looking at me . . ."
"I don't understand."
"He was looking at my titties . . ."
"Where were they?"
"In my brassiere, minding they own business."
"So how could he see them?"
"I got this soft tan skin and I know the tops of 'em, round and smooth, looking inviting peeping up from my brassiere . . . I like to show 'em like that to give 'em some air. They jiggle like they grinning every time I move my arms . . ."
"And that's why you shot him?"
"I and my nephew was sitting in this restaurant eating a sandwich and he was drinking a soda in a booth and a couple of times he glanced over in our direction and my nephew, big as a football player, suddenly pointed at him and said, 'Come on.' We went over there and my nephew said, 'You ain't got no right to be bullying us 'cause we people of color' and the cop looked surprised like he didn't understand, and that's when my nephew hit him so hard in the jaw, knocked him in the corner of the booth and the cop was snatching his gun out and my nephew fell on him and they was struggling when I heard the shot and my nephew fell back, clutching his chest, and while the cop was staring at him I thought, 'He killed my unarmed nephew for nothing, my harmless nephew,' and while I was tearimg that gun from him it went off and killed him and now they got me here for my nerves, waiting for trial . . ."
"But you're head of that group campaigning against bullying . . ."
"That's why all these same people in schools, on TV shows, preachers, and others against bullying is supporting my case and I know that all them people rioting is wit' me. Even the President --and he wasn't there when it happened -- he done said something 'bout it, so you tell my story and nothing will happen to me."
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Ferguson, Dead Brains Walking
The natives were restless again. When people of an ethnic group can't -- or don't have the courage to -- cope intellectually with a group culturally superior to them they express their inferiority through violence. And other inferior ethnic groups throughout the world use them for propaganda to express their own incompetence against people that they feel inferior to. Anyone with intelligence knows that the dead-brained enemies, inside and outside our borders, are rejoicing at the chaos these dead-brains walking in our cities are causing by abusing the freedoms that we have in the U.S. What is to be done with these inferior people?
The word "natives," put the color to it that comes to mind, conjures up low-class, dirt-poor, ignorant, backward, shabbily dressed whiners and beggers. If we woke up one morning and they had disappeared from the Earth who would miss them? What do they contribute to any society other than their whining and begging, alcoholism, drug addiction, petty crime, overcrowding in jails and prisons, a financial burden, running and jumping as a profession, and rioting and lootin'.
"We ain't stealing and lootin' -- that's a lie," they bellow. "We is revolutionaries liberating this stuff, liberating wine, whiskey, and beer, TVs, tennis shoes, clothes and furniture -- that's why we wear our britches low, showing our booties, we is revolutionaries . . . ."
Race-hustlers in black communities have elevated race hustling to a business. They take black children of every generation and deaden their brains with "God made us all equal." Any intelligent person knows that's a lie. But these children grow up seeing whites and all other groups as the symbol of success and blacks as less than they. This fills them with envy and jealousy and self-hate, keeping them an endless supply of dead-brains for these "holy" race-hustlers to brain-wash and lead into self-destruction.
The word "natives," put the color to it that comes to mind, conjures up low-class, dirt-poor, ignorant, backward, shabbily dressed whiners and beggers. If we woke up one morning and they had disappeared from the Earth who would miss them? What do they contribute to any society other than their whining and begging, alcoholism, drug addiction, petty crime, overcrowding in jails and prisons, a financial burden, running and jumping as a profession, and rioting and lootin'.
"We ain't stealing and lootin' -- that's a lie," they bellow. "We is revolutionaries liberating this stuff, liberating wine, whiskey, and beer, TVs, tennis shoes, clothes and furniture -- that's why we wear our britches low, showing our booties, we is revolutionaries . . . ."
Race-hustlers in black communities have elevated race hustling to a business. They take black children of every generation and deaden their brains with "God made us all equal." Any intelligent person knows that's a lie. But these children grow up seeing whites and all other groups as the symbol of success and blacks as less than they. This fills them with envy and jealousy and self-hate, keeping them an endless supply of dead-brains for these "holy" race-hustlers to brain-wash and lead into self-destruction.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Culture-less, Clue-less
"My mama and daddy gave me this name . . ." he was saying.
"I don't care who gave it to you, it's from people of a different culture," the man told him.
"I don't know nothing 'bout some people who got off a slave boat -- my language is English and um is who I is and that's all um is. I ain' trying to be sump'um I ain't."
Years back even when it had been brought to them with burning buildings, bullets, blood, dying -- and heard all over the world -- they had peed in their britches like frightened mamas' boys. Westernized "blacks" without a unique culture are walking in a mine field throughout the world, doomed to self-destruct.
If an Afrikan American is a politician and represents the U.S.A. among politicos from other countries and cultures he or she is at a tremendous disadvantage. These politicos in other countries have been accustomed for centuries to dealing with Anglos or white-skinned politicos; they've seen Afrikan American politicians in newspapers, magazines, movies, and on television primarily involved in community politics, demonstrating and haranguing against discrimination and for more food stamps and bigger welfare checks. Politicians in "black" communities are expected to compete with each other for black approval and votes by taking issues that can be bent to accuse whites for blacks lack of education, for blacks being drug addicts and alcoholics, for stealing, robbing, raping, assaulting, murdering and filling jails and prisons. Black politicians are never associated with being concerned about internaional affairs or foreign policy -- neither are their constituents.
Dignitaries born into centuries-old cultures pass on cultural features and customs to their children a need to be loyal to a firm foundation in their identity. They do not know -- because it isn't PC to mention -- that Afrikan Americans have no foundation in a firm, unique identity; once Afrikan Americans issue from their mother in birth they hit the deck and they'er on their own, zeroing in on European languages, names, and customs. Slowly it seeps into them that something's not according to Hoyle in them, and they wonder who's responsible.
"Go git yo hair cut, boy, that preacher don't want you coming to Jesus' house wit' yo hair all woolly," his mama warns him. "And you come wit' me, girl, them preachers don't want to look at no nappy-haired girls. We got to go git our hair straightened, and we need some mo' bleaching cream for our skin." Self-hate tinged with madness passed down generation after generation. A foreign dignitary knows none of this; he knows only that he's shaking the hand of a black smacking gum who has no unique culture, has the identity of people who don't identify as black, and his political experience is limited to issues that he can bend to accuse whites of "racism."
"I don't care who gave it to you, it's from people of a different culture," the man told him.
"I don't know nothing 'bout some people who got off a slave boat -- my language is English and um is who I is and that's all um is. I ain' trying to be sump'um I ain't."
Years back even when it had been brought to them with burning buildings, bullets, blood, dying -- and heard all over the world -- they had peed in their britches like frightened mamas' boys. Westernized "blacks" without a unique culture are walking in a mine field throughout the world, doomed to self-destruct.
If an Afrikan American is a politician and represents the U.S.A. among politicos from other countries and cultures he or she is at a tremendous disadvantage. These politicos in other countries have been accustomed for centuries to dealing with Anglos or white-skinned politicos; they've seen Afrikan American politicians in newspapers, magazines, movies, and on television primarily involved in community politics, demonstrating and haranguing against discrimination and for more food stamps and bigger welfare checks. Politicians in "black" communities are expected to compete with each other for black approval and votes by taking issues that can be bent to accuse whites for blacks lack of education, for blacks being drug addicts and alcoholics, for stealing, robbing, raping, assaulting, murdering and filling jails and prisons. Black politicians are never associated with being concerned about internaional affairs or foreign policy -- neither are their constituents.
Dignitaries born into centuries-old cultures pass on cultural features and customs to their children a need to be loyal to a firm foundation in their identity. They do not know -- because it isn't PC to mention -- that Afrikan Americans have no foundation in a firm, unique identity; once Afrikan Americans issue from their mother in birth they hit the deck and they'er on their own, zeroing in on European languages, names, and customs. Slowly it seeps into them that something's not according to Hoyle in them, and they wonder who's responsible.
"Go git yo hair cut, boy, that preacher don't want you coming to Jesus' house wit' yo hair all woolly," his mama warns him. "And you come wit' me, girl, them preachers don't want to look at no nappy-haired girls. We got to go git our hair straightened, and we need some mo' bleaching cream for our skin." Self-hate tinged with madness passed down generation after generation. A foreign dignitary knows none of this; he knows only that he's shaking the hand of a black smacking gum who has no unique culture, has the identity of people who don't identify as black, and his political experience is limited to issues that he can bend to accuse whites of "racism."
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Low And Outside
The bottom of the ninth inning and the bases loaded. The score 3 to zero in favor of the team fielding. Two outs. The count on the batter three balls two strikes. Victory or defeat riding on the last pitch. It has to be a homer.
The team fielding has stolen bases, tried to injure opposing players sliding into bases, threatened referees, been at the top of its raunchy game all season long; yet carrying the support of the masses by bribing them with encouragement when they riot in the streets for more foodstamps, more welfare checks, against alleged police brutality, for open borders for illegal immigrants, terrorists, criminals, diseased people, and demanding that such people be able to vote without identification, and demanding their rights from a country that they're not a citizen of, always bellowing: "No justice no peace!"
The team at bat has endured insults of being called racists for believing that people have the right to choose whom they want to associate with; are called persecutors of the poor and are cursed for being against abortion; disparged for not wanting to distribute their hard earned wealth among those who refuse to accept responisbility for their actions.
The team at bat has prepared intelligently, has studied the opposing team's favorite pitch from all angles, knows by the pitcher's blink or twitch of a jaw muscle how fast the pitch will come. It is that team's bread-and-butter pitch. Years of perfecting the tactic of bending the truth, of labeling anyone a racist who dares criticize some low-life criminal "of color," or of condemning some race-hustling preacher or politician rides in this pitch and when it reaches the plate the batter slams it out of the park and rounds the bases shouting: "There's your Justice!"
The team fielding has stolen bases, tried to injure opposing players sliding into bases, threatened referees, been at the top of its raunchy game all season long; yet carrying the support of the masses by bribing them with encouragement when they riot in the streets for more foodstamps, more welfare checks, against alleged police brutality, for open borders for illegal immigrants, terrorists, criminals, diseased people, and demanding that such people be able to vote without identification, and demanding their rights from a country that they're not a citizen of, always bellowing: "No justice no peace!"
The team at bat has endured insults of being called racists for believing that people have the right to choose whom they want to associate with; are called persecutors of the poor and are cursed for being against abortion; disparged for not wanting to distribute their hard earned wealth among those who refuse to accept responisbility for their actions.
The team at bat has prepared intelligently, has studied the opposing team's favorite pitch from all angles, knows by the pitcher's blink or twitch of a jaw muscle how fast the pitch will come. It is that team's bread-and-butter pitch. Years of perfecting the tactic of bending the truth, of labeling anyone a racist who dares criticize some low-life criminal "of color," or of condemning some race-hustling preacher or politician rides in this pitch and when it reaches the plate the batter slams it out of the park and rounds the bases shouting: "There's your Justice!"
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Witchdoctor Murders
Pray for the thousands of American soldiers sent to that bedlam of EBOLA. Afrika is like a place trapped and ruled by witchdoctors in a time-zone of illiteracy, wretched squalor, and zombi supersticion of the stone age.
For centuries the people there have been ruled by corrupt dictators who see them only as potential dollars and slaves. These corrupt "leaders" have been getting rich with the millions of dollars sent from American and European governments to eradicate the poverty, but the rulers distribute the money among themselves and and the influential members of their clan. And the witchdoctors, in addition to "removing" or "casting" evil spells for every bit of pittance these peasants can scrape up, receive rewards from the rulers for using their "holy" powers to keep the masses frightened and groveling.
Sooner or later, before the terrorists corral these hungry, half-naked masses, someone in the American and European governments must have the courage to read the riot act to these Afrikan "leaders" taking our tax dollars and vacationing and frolicking in Las Vegas and European cities.
In a whisper we hear: "Oh, no, we can't say these things. It's not diplomatic. We'll hurt their feelings. Terrorists can walk in promising them more beans and rice and we'll have all of Afrika against us . . . why, my God, we must always show love -- even for those trying to kill us."
"But as long as illiteracy and uncleanliness are allowed to exist uncontested so will disease."
"Oh, God, please don't mention anything negative again. We know that negative things must be corrected, but it helps to pretend that we don't see them."
"But the natives tell us that they must perform certain rituals with the bodies of their dead relatives and friends infected with EBOLA. The witchdoctors told them that our medicine make them die. They threaten to kill us in the villages -- can we mention that . . . ?"
For centuries the people there have been ruled by corrupt dictators who see them only as potential dollars and slaves. These corrupt "leaders" have been getting rich with the millions of dollars sent from American and European governments to eradicate the poverty, but the rulers distribute the money among themselves and and the influential members of their clan. And the witchdoctors, in addition to "removing" or "casting" evil spells for every bit of pittance these peasants can scrape up, receive rewards from the rulers for using their "holy" powers to keep the masses frightened and groveling.
Sooner or later, before the terrorists corral these hungry, half-naked masses, someone in the American and European governments must have the courage to read the riot act to these Afrikan "leaders" taking our tax dollars and vacationing and frolicking in Las Vegas and European cities.
In a whisper we hear: "Oh, no, we can't say these things. It's not diplomatic. We'll hurt their feelings. Terrorists can walk in promising them more beans and rice and we'll have all of Afrika against us . . . why, my God, we must always show love -- even for those trying to kill us."
"But as long as illiteracy and uncleanliness are allowed to exist uncontested so will disease."
"Oh, God, please don't mention anything negative again. We know that negative things must be corrected, but it helps to pretend that we don't see them."
"But the natives tell us that they must perform certain rituals with the bodies of their dead relatives and friends infected with EBOLA. The witchdoctors told them that our medicine make them die. They threaten to kill us in the villages -- can we mention that . . . ?"
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Name It Claim It
Just looking at him, tall and sturdy, standing on a corner downtown, one didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for him. One passer-by engaged him.
"Excuse me, I notice that you have half of your head bald and the other half 1/3rd is kinky-haired, another 1/3rd is cut close with some little design carved into it, and the last 1/3rd has rope-looking plaits attached to a patch of real hair and hanging to your waist. Does all that have some significance?"
"Trying to figure out who I am. Changes keep rolling in."
"Is that why you've got one of your trouser legs rolled up?"
"Yeah that style rolled in around the '70s or '80s. And this chew-stick you see in my mouth, that came into black culture 'round then, too . . ."
"Chewing on a stick is black culture?"
"Ah-gah, goo goo, woo . . . black English, it means 'yes'."
"Where'd you learn that? It sounds Afrikan."
"It just now rolled in."
"We've meekly, like frightened sheep, surrendered our identity as black people. Ever notice that whenever these people talk about black culture or black identity they never mention that we need a real language or we're just cheap imitations of Europeans?"
"A language is serious business; that's why I'm just dealing with this outside-the-head stuff, especially hair. We been in this hair thing for over a hundred years. Some dudes still just cover it up with them do-dah rags running down the back of their head, like they piggy-backing on the Arabs."
"Guess they just figure if we piggy-backing on the Europeans who kicked our butts then we might as well piggy-back on the Arabs who kicked our butts, too. People who want the identity of those who kicked their butts are an abomination. We need a language that identifies us like European languages identify Europeans, Asian languages Asians . . . long as we can't speak any language but a European we're locked in the European world -- a white world, talk about black this and black that all we want; can't understand anything unless it's brought to us in a European language, a language of the white world. How long you been doing this?"
"Today makes a week."
"So after a week who do you think you are?"
"It ain't rolled in yet . . ."
"Excuse me, I notice that you have half of your head bald and the other half 1/3rd is kinky-haired, another 1/3rd is cut close with some little design carved into it, and the last 1/3rd has rope-looking plaits attached to a patch of real hair and hanging to your waist. Does all that have some significance?"
"Trying to figure out who I am. Changes keep rolling in."
"Is that why you've got one of your trouser legs rolled up?"
"Yeah that style rolled in around the '70s or '80s. And this chew-stick you see in my mouth, that came into black culture 'round then, too . . ."
"Chewing on a stick is black culture?"
"Ah-gah, goo goo, woo . . . black English, it means 'yes'."
"Where'd you learn that? It sounds Afrikan."
"It just now rolled in."
"We've meekly, like frightened sheep, surrendered our identity as black people. Ever notice that whenever these people talk about black culture or black identity they never mention that we need a real language or we're just cheap imitations of Europeans?"
"A language is serious business; that's why I'm just dealing with this outside-the-head stuff, especially hair. We been in this hair thing for over a hundred years. Some dudes still just cover it up with them do-dah rags running down the back of their head, like they piggy-backing on the Arabs."
"Guess they just figure if we piggy-backing on the Europeans who kicked our butts then we might as well piggy-back on the Arabs who kicked our butts, too. People who want the identity of those who kicked their butts are an abomination. We need a language that identifies us like European languages identify Europeans, Asian languages Asians . . . long as we can't speak any language but a European we're locked in the European world -- a white world, talk about black this and black that all we want; can't understand anything unless it's brought to us in a European language, a language of the white world. How long you been doing this?"
"Today makes a week."
"So after a week who do you think you are?"
"It ain't rolled in yet . . ."
Friday, October 24, 2014
Worst Enemy
A strong culture or weak culture is relative. Each consists of features, some strong, others weak and must be updated, even discarded, to remain relevant to changing times. When people believe that they suffer injustice from those of a different culture isn't it proper, even prudent, that they examine features of their respective culture believed to be hampering their defense?
One wouldn't be surprised to think that what he's hearing from a criminal is a lie, especially if the criminal is on trial for murder and is facing the death penalty. But when an accused from a certain culture places his or her hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth and nothing but the truth there are millions of people who snicker or cover their mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. Experience has taught them by being of the same culture as the accused and being the lowest people on society's economic totem pole, for whatever reason, that stealing anything from a shoe string to a doughnut hole and getting away with it by lying in court then he or she is worthy of kingly or queenly respect and admiration. In the streets crowing "No justice, no peace!" and bellowing their empty-headed anti-police harangues encourages radicals to join them to raise hell even if they know they're lying about something. Only once, to be excused from jury duty, was one heard to say: "The truth, your Honor, is these people have such a reputation for bending the truth that I'd believe almost anything a policeman said about him or her."
In the Middle East, for millions of people, lying and deceiving are such centuries-old practices that they are accepted as an integral part of most cultures and have had countries and tribes imbroiled in an endless circus of assassinating, kidnapping, terrorism, murdering, gassing, overthrowing governments and tribes, enslaving, warring, and massacring.
Many of these whining bellyachers are renowned for saying: "We're our worst enemy."
One wouldn't be surprised to think that what he's hearing from a criminal is a lie, especially if the criminal is on trial for murder and is facing the death penalty. But when an accused from a certain culture places his or her hand on the Bible and swears to tell the truth and nothing but the truth there are millions of people who snicker or cover their mouth to keep from bursting out laughing. Experience has taught them by being of the same culture as the accused and being the lowest people on society's economic totem pole, for whatever reason, that stealing anything from a shoe string to a doughnut hole and getting away with it by lying in court then he or she is worthy of kingly or queenly respect and admiration. In the streets crowing "No justice, no peace!" and bellowing their empty-headed anti-police harangues encourages radicals to join them to raise hell even if they know they're lying about something. Only once, to be excused from jury duty, was one heard to say: "The truth, your Honor, is these people have such a reputation for bending the truth that I'd believe almost anything a policeman said about him or her."
In the Middle East, for millions of people, lying and deceiving are such centuries-old practices that they are accepted as an integral part of most cultures and have had countries and tribes imbroiled in an endless circus of assassinating, kidnapping, terrorism, murdering, gassing, overthrowing governments and tribes, enslaving, warring, and massacring.
Many of these whining bellyachers are renowned for saying: "We're our worst enemy."
Monday, October 20, 2014
"Go I," he answered when the destinyof his people called its sons and daughters to stand against the evil attacking them; known and admired the world over for their superb culture and intellectual prowess; cruelly, without mercy, persecuted and scattered through centuries by anti-Semitic scum to distant lands, yet always united by the love of Zion. Balfour Declaration returns Israel to the Jews, signed by the powerful nations of the world, including Britian that later withdrew its support. "But Arabs, Muslim terrorists, are attacking the Jews in Israel, killing, robbering, raping Jewish women, you must allow more Jews into Israel to help their people. Arab Muslims, terrorists, are joining the Nazis. The Jews are trying to escape the Holocaust, Britian." "What do we British care. It's not to our advantage to help the Jews, the Arabs will not like us. We want to be a power mong them." Anti-Jewish racist scum you're sending thousands of helpless Jews to their death. History will remember your evil forever! Jews, inheritors of to wise up, of to tighten up, of to David Ben-Gurion up; carry the pain of missles, rockets, and bombs slamming into bodies of Jewish men, women, and children; in military or civilian dress never free of the battlefield, never free of the streets, shopping centers, hospitals, schools, and homes exploding about him with the broken bodies of Jewish men, women, and children.
Camelot Poll they later called the meeting. The 200-seat assembly room was packed, many crowded against the walls. It was a special time in the history of Camelot. They made special exceptions. A spokesman representing the Attorney General. Chains circled the ankles and wrists of the accused in the round cage at the front of the room. A full-faced beard covered his face. "I did these murders and bombings in the name of my religion," he boasted.
"No," the spokesman for the Attorney General shouted to the meeting. "He did not kill those 33 Americans in the name of his religion --"
"You fool! You think you know more about why I'm slaughtering Americans than I who plan the murders -- I'm a terrorist for my God!"
"Netanyahu-up!" someone shouted from the grumbling rukus at the back of the room. The word brought a sudden hush in the room, heads turning, and it seemed to fuel the accused. He bounced wildly against the bars.
"I propose to you that these people saying that they're in Islam, they'r not Muslims and have nothing to do with Islam," the Attorney General's spokesman said to the people.
"Who massacred helpless Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972 ?" yelled one from the sidewall.
"Anyone afraid to say that Muslim terrorists did it dishonors those massacred athletes and is a danger to civilized people!"
Again came voices from the back: "Netanyahu-up!"
Camelot Poll they later called the meeting. The 200-seat assembly room was packed, many crowded against the walls. It was a special time in the history of Camelot. They made special exceptions. A spokesman representing the Attorney General. Chains circled the ankles and wrists of the accused in the round cage at the front of the room. A full-faced beard covered his face. "I did these murders and bombings in the name of my religion," he boasted.
"No," the spokesman for the Attorney General shouted to the meeting. "He did not kill those 33 Americans in the name of his religion --"
"You fool! You think you know more about why I'm slaughtering Americans than I who plan the murders -- I'm a terrorist for my God!"
"Netanyahu-up!" someone shouted from the grumbling rukus at the back of the room. The word brought a sudden hush in the room, heads turning, and it seemed to fuel the accused. He bounced wildly against the bars.
"I propose to you that these people saying that they're in Islam, they'r not Muslims and have nothing to do with Islam," the Attorney General's spokesman said to the people.
"Who massacred helpless Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972 ?" yelled one from the sidewall.
"Anyone afraid to say that Muslim terrorists did it dishonors those massacred athletes and is a danger to civilized people!"
Again came voices from the back: "Netanyahu-up!"
Thursday, October 16, 2014
EBOLA Symbol
Columbus Day always brings out these rag-tag losers trying to disparage Columbus' dangerous voyages on the high seas to what today we call the Americas. These losers trudge up from only God or the Devil knows where some unheard of "sterling" contributions to the world's progress from primitive cultures.
"If you don't have a history, invent one," someone contested years ago in response to this shameless lying against the courage and achievements of Columbus. Just existing -- dogs and cats exist -- dosen't give anyone a history. Contributing something of note to the world gives people a history.
Providence, coincidence, cause and effect -- blame EBOLA on the culprit of our choice, one inescapable certainty is that EBOLA is a symbol of cowardice, hypocrisy, and lies. For dedcades and generations we've welcomed apolitical people running into our country from the political struggles to improve conditions in their own country. Instead of telling them the truth we, groveling with PC for a vote, welcome them under the flag of "Oh, we're a country of immigrants . . . give us your hungry . . . ." That was only relevant over a hundred years ago, in another time. They tell us of their pride in their culture and their love for their country and we grin, bobbing and weaving, submerging their minds in self-eulogizing garbage, not daring to mention the rundown, backward towns and villages they come out of. EBOLA and other diseases did not incubate in economically thriving cities with high emphasis on hygiene and sanitation and modern medical facilities.
Disease and chaos accompany people who are not told that political corruption and powerful drug trafficking cartels, ruthless violence and wretched poverty are functioning in that culture that they boast of. Disease, illiteracy, and chaos destroy black people whose so-called leaders are not condemned for filling the heads of black children and adult zombis with lies that thousands of years ago "superior" black geniuses built pyramids in Egypt, flew space ships to the moon and created everything in the world, including dirt and icewater. Strange, these "superior" black geniuses didn't have sense enough to create an educational system or culture to pass their great intelligence on to succeeding "superior" black generations.
The next time one of these geniuses steps up as a candidate he might hear:
"Okay,you guys, whose ancestors' 'superior' culture landed you in cotton fields and cane fields have had your no-experience-necessary shot. Now, we guys, whose ancestors 'inferior' culture prepared us to build this nation and other nations will take it from here -- before our nation is destroyed by EBOLA, ISIS, and scum-bag thugs (male and female, in and out of politics) . . . ."
"If you don't have a history, invent one," someone contested years ago in response to this shameless lying against the courage and achievements of Columbus. Just existing -- dogs and cats exist -- dosen't give anyone a history. Contributing something of note to the world gives people a history.
Providence, coincidence, cause and effect -- blame EBOLA on the culprit of our choice, one inescapable certainty is that EBOLA is a symbol of cowardice, hypocrisy, and lies. For dedcades and generations we've welcomed apolitical people running into our country from the political struggles to improve conditions in their own country. Instead of telling them the truth we, groveling with PC for a vote, welcome them under the flag of "Oh, we're a country of immigrants . . . give us your hungry . . . ." That was only relevant over a hundred years ago, in another time. They tell us of their pride in their culture and their love for their country and we grin, bobbing and weaving, submerging their minds in self-eulogizing garbage, not daring to mention the rundown, backward towns and villages they come out of. EBOLA and other diseases did not incubate in economically thriving cities with high emphasis on hygiene and sanitation and modern medical facilities.
Disease and chaos accompany people who are not told that political corruption and powerful drug trafficking cartels, ruthless violence and wretched poverty are functioning in that culture that they boast of. Disease, illiteracy, and chaos destroy black people whose so-called leaders are not condemned for filling the heads of black children and adult zombis with lies that thousands of years ago "superior" black geniuses built pyramids in Egypt, flew space ships to the moon and created everything in the world, including dirt and icewater. Strange, these "superior" black geniuses didn't have sense enough to create an educational system or culture to pass their great intelligence on to succeeding "superior" black generations.
The next time one of these geniuses steps up as a candidate he might hear:
"Okay,you guys, whose ancestors' 'superior' culture landed you in cotton fields and cane fields have had your no-experience-necessary shot. Now, we guys, whose ancestors 'inferior' culture prepared us to build this nation and other nations will take it from here -- before our nation is destroyed by EBOLA, ISIS, and scum-bag thugs (male and female, in and out of politics) . . . ."
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Talk Show
"Can he rap?"
They were six men sitting at a maroon table in a tiny office.
"He can bring it, make you want to jump up and shake your fist and holler and all that stuff . . ."
"What's his plan?" one wantd to know.
"It ain' no question of a plan,"another answered. "It's 'bout making them people think we must have some kind of plan or we wouldn't be asking them for money . .."
"He got any backing in our community ?" one interrupted.
"Sho' he got some backing," the one who'd started the conversation said. "In fact, even if he ain' he can make 'em think he got us backing . . ."
"I agree wit' that," the one who had asked the question said. "In fact, we ain' never had no sho'nuff foundation plan. We been marching and rioting and begging and threatening with these rapping leaders for over a hundred years and we still behind everbody in everything 'cept dying our hair blond and putting rings in our ears and noses and looking like two different fools at the same time . . . we still marching and rioting -- and now we done mixed the profiling and police brutality in the rapping . . .
"We got these anti-American folks all over the world supporting everything we say and don't know if we lying or not," one broke in.
"I bet if they woke up one morning and saw a thousand of us getting off airplanes with our suitcases and looking lost they wouldn't support that . . ." one said.
"Yes they will," another said. "We'll jes play dumb on 'em like we do the white folks here and they'll take care of us."
"Jes tell the rapper leader to hit hard on that profiling and police brutality -- and we need to take a lot of them ig'nant young people wit' us . . ." one said.
"But they'll blow our peaceful front," another interrupted. "They looks like what they is -- dumb thugs . . ."
"But they used to going to jail," another cut in. "The rapper leaders got to be free to speak for the masses. Anythang anybody wants to know 'bout our people they come to us leaders. We git all the glory for our people's progress . . . anyhow, it, after all, ain' nothing but a li'l spor't."
They were six men sitting at a maroon table in a tiny office.
"He can bring it, make you want to jump up and shake your fist and holler and all that stuff . . ."
"What's his plan?" one wantd to know.
"It ain' no question of a plan,"another answered. "It's 'bout making them people think we must have some kind of plan or we wouldn't be asking them for money . .."
"He got any backing in our community ?" one interrupted.
"Sho' he got some backing," the one who'd started the conversation said. "In fact, even if he ain' he can make 'em think he got us backing . . ."
"I agree wit' that," the one who had asked the question said. "In fact, we ain' never had no sho'nuff foundation plan. We been marching and rioting and begging and threatening with these rapping leaders for over a hundred years and we still behind everbody in everything 'cept dying our hair blond and putting rings in our ears and noses and looking like two different fools at the same time . . . we still marching and rioting -- and now we done mixed the profiling and police brutality in the rapping . . .
"We got these anti-American folks all over the world supporting everything we say and don't know if we lying or not," one broke in.
"I bet if they woke up one morning and saw a thousand of us getting off airplanes with our suitcases and looking lost they wouldn't support that . . ." one said.
"Yes they will," another said. "We'll jes play dumb on 'em like we do the white folks here and they'll take care of us."
"Jes tell the rapper leader to hit hard on that profiling and police brutality -- and we need to take a lot of them ig'nant young people wit' us . . ." one said.
"But they'll blow our peaceful front," another interrupted. "They looks like what they is -- dumb thugs . . ."
"But they used to going to jail," another cut in. "The rapper leaders got to be free to speak for the masses. Anythang anybody wants to know 'bout our people they come to us leaders. We git all the glory for our people's progress . . . anyhow, it, after all, ain' nothing but a li'l spor't."
Friday, October 3, 2014
Babies all over the country were boo-hooing. Actually, they weren't babies. They were only boo-hooing like babies.
"Why are they boo-hooing?"
They were all over a hundred years old and they had been born boo-hooing and were now dying, boo-hooing.
"But how can anyone with a brain live or survive in a world of mistakes, corruption, cruelty, laughter, hate, love, work, play, kinky-haired, lank-haired, short haired, long haired, no haired, rope-haired,
progress, and in less than two hundred years -- starting with nothing -- become the most powerful, progressive country in the world?"
Oh, these boo-hooing babies had nothing to do with making us great. Why, in World War II Germany and Japan were literally bombed out of existance, but some 25 years later had rebuilt to be economic powers. And they accomplished that with help from us and utilizing the strong features of their legitimate culture.
"But what has that got to do with these boo-hooing babies?"
These boo-hooing babies say that over a hundred years ago -- before any of these boo-hooing babies were born -- some blacks decided that they wanted to live in their own country, didn't want to live among non-blacks, wanted to return to the continent of their ancestors. We helped them to get back to the land of their ancestors and set up their own country, although they knew nothing of the weak, worthless culture of their dead ancestors who were enslaved in the first place by those of a stronger culture -- even MOTHER NATURE has methods of keeping the EARTH from being over-populated.
"But why are they boo-hooing?"
Well, they feel that black people are like babies, don't know how to help themselves, don't have a culture, don't know how to grow up and be men and women and progress . . .
"Oh, these boo-hooing babies feel that black people are so stupid that they're like children and have to be taken care of forever . . ."
"Why are they boo-hooing?"
They were all over a hundred years old and they had been born boo-hooing and were now dying, boo-hooing.
"But how can anyone with a brain live or survive in a world of mistakes, corruption, cruelty, laughter, hate, love, work, play, kinky-haired, lank-haired, short haired, long haired, no haired, rope-haired,
progress, and in less than two hundred years -- starting with nothing -- become the most powerful, progressive country in the world?"
Oh, these boo-hooing babies had nothing to do with making us great. Why, in World War II Germany and Japan were literally bombed out of existance, but some 25 years later had rebuilt to be economic powers. And they accomplished that with help from us and utilizing the strong features of their legitimate culture.
"But what has that got to do with these boo-hooing babies?"
These boo-hooing babies say that over a hundred years ago -- before any of these boo-hooing babies were born -- some blacks decided that they wanted to live in their own country, didn't want to live among non-blacks, wanted to return to the continent of their ancestors. We helped them to get back to the land of their ancestors and set up their own country, although they knew nothing of the weak, worthless culture of their dead ancestors who were enslaved in the first place by those of a stronger culture -- even MOTHER NATURE has methods of keeping the EARTH from being over-populated.
"But why are they boo-hooing?"
Well, they feel that black people are like babies, don't know how to help themselves, don't have a culture, don't know how to grow up and be men and women and progress . . .
"Oh, these boo-hooing babies feel that black people are so stupid that they're like children and have to be taken care of forever . . ."
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Think No Speak
But if we have these people called "leaders of their people" and are known as race-hustlers and have only a cheap carbon-copy subculture how . . .
"Now there are things we might think, but political correctness . . ."
What about thousands of people who might be walking across our borders with EBOLA or some other disease from living in filthy villages . . .
"Please now, let us not . . ."
And what about that problem of protecting the President and his family?
"We don't want to go there. Too many extenuating circumstances . . . you know that he's the first, uh, I mean you know that out of all these people always whining about "racism" that our country is the only country in this Hemisphere that has elected the first . . . uh . . ."
You mean the first black President?
"It's one of those things we think, but, you know, don't say."
But everybody knows that hundreds of thousands of naieve so-called blacks and whites voted for him -- making history -- because he's black.
"And, of course, many voted for him believing he had the ability . . ."
And, of course, many of his moves now have a multitude saying that he doesn't have the experience . . .
"But, please, don't say that out loud."
What about the woman?
"What woman?"
What if the person in charge of those assigned to protect him and his family had been a man?
"Oh, God please don't . . ."
It's like whenever there's a confrontation between a cop and a black we think that the black's lying, but never say it. And always trying to harmonize black and white, the most opposing of the opposites, and thinking: Too many so-called blacks live their one life on Earth as nothing more than inferior imitations of Anglos or inferior imitations of Spaniards or inferior imitations of the Frecnch . . .
"Oh, God, please stop . . ."
And always screaming "racism" but thinking: It ain't nothing but freedom of choice.
"Now there are things we might think, but political correctness . . ."
What about thousands of people who might be walking across our borders with EBOLA or some other disease from living in filthy villages . . .
"Please now, let us not . . ."
And what about that problem of protecting the President and his family?
"We don't want to go there. Too many extenuating circumstances . . . you know that he's the first, uh, I mean you know that out of all these people always whining about "racism" that our country is the only country in this Hemisphere that has elected the first . . . uh . . ."
You mean the first black President?
"It's one of those things we think, but, you know, don't say."
But everybody knows that hundreds of thousands of naieve so-called blacks and whites voted for him -- making history -- because he's black.
"And, of course, many voted for him believing he had the ability . . ."
And, of course, many of his moves now have a multitude saying that he doesn't have the experience . . .
"But, please, don't say that out loud."
What about the woman?
"What woman?"
What if the person in charge of those assigned to protect him and his family had been a man?
"Oh, God please don't . . ."
It's like whenever there's a confrontation between a cop and a black we think that the black's lying, but never say it. And always trying to harmonize black and white, the most opposing of the opposites, and thinking: Too many so-called blacks live their one life on Earth as nothing more than inferior imitations of Anglos or inferior imitations of Spaniards or inferior imitations of the Frecnch . . .
"Oh, God, please stop . . ."
And always screaming "racism" but thinking: It ain't nothing but freedom of choice.
Friday, September 19, 2014
EBOLA Without Warning
Part Two
On the backpage to the frontpage story the picture of throngs of blacks in Monrovia Liberia swarmed outside the gates of the U.S. Embassy pleading for the United States to send soldiers to save Liberians from the war between Liberia's government troops and rebel forces. Images of millions of starving, illiterate blacks in dirty, tattered clothes across the continent of Afrika -- in the 21st century -- intruded; followed by the tribal massacres in Rwanda in the 1990s . . . black men with machetes dripping blood, chopping off the heads, the arms and legs of hundreds of thousands of helpless black men, women, and children.
Today, in 2014, Liberia with EBOLA, in the news again . . . the President sending thousands of troops into Afrika to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease. The troops will clash with villagers led by so-called "leaders" who keep them gripped by stoneage superstitions against health workers and modern medicine. Villagers will actually stone foreigners who risk their life to help them. In fact, how could theses geniuses sending soldiers into Afrika figure out how to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease, but have no idea how to rid young "black" thugs of such self-hate that they want to kill anybody who looks like them? And aren't they afraid that some of these soldiers will be infected with EBOLA and return to the United States with it?
'Maybe self-hate is a clever way of keeping the population of people of color under control . . .'
'What do you mean "people of color"?'
'Black people.'
'But all people have color.'
'No, white is the absence of color.'
'Others say that "black" is the absence of color.'
'If I come into your paint shop and say I want some of that absence of color paint, what would you give me?'
'If it were my shop, I would give you a quick kick in the butt to get your crazy ass out of my face.'
Visited the Gaslamp Quarter in the East Village of modern downtown San Diego that evening . . . feeling an admiriation entangled with a disconnection as I walked the blocks of elegant cafes with sidewalk tables . . . cassually dressed white men and women chatting over white plates, sparkling wine glasses in hand in the warm evening.
Aftercwards went up around University and 29th Street to the Claire de Lune Cafe Shop and listened to the poetry and prose of writers taking their turn at life via an open-mike. Thought intruded: One day, talk to them about some of these intrusions that come without warning . . . maybe . . . .
On the backpage to the frontpage story the picture of throngs of blacks in Monrovia Liberia swarmed outside the gates of the U.S. Embassy pleading for the United States to send soldiers to save Liberians from the war between Liberia's government troops and rebel forces. Images of millions of starving, illiterate blacks in dirty, tattered clothes across the continent of Afrika -- in the 21st century -- intruded; followed by the tribal massacres in Rwanda in the 1990s . . . black men with machetes dripping blood, chopping off the heads, the arms and legs of hundreds of thousands of helpless black men, women, and children.
Today, in 2014, Liberia with EBOLA, in the news again . . . the President sending thousands of troops into Afrika to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease. The troops will clash with villagers led by so-called "leaders" who keep them gripped by stoneage superstitions against health workers and modern medicine. Villagers will actually stone foreigners who risk their life to help them. In fact, how could theses geniuses sending soldiers into Afrika figure out how to curtail and abolish the EBOLA disease, but have no idea how to rid young "black" thugs of such self-hate that they want to kill anybody who looks like them? And aren't they afraid that some of these soldiers will be infected with EBOLA and return to the United States with it?
'Maybe self-hate is a clever way of keeping the population of people of color under control . . .'
'What do you mean "people of color"?'
'Black people.'
'But all people have color.'
'No, white is the absence of color.'
'Others say that "black" is the absence of color.'
'If I come into your paint shop and say I want some of that absence of color paint, what would you give me?'
'If it were my shop, I would give you a quick kick in the butt to get your crazy ass out of my face.'
Visited the Gaslamp Quarter in the East Village of modern downtown San Diego that evening . . . feeling an admiriation entangled with a disconnection as I walked the blocks of elegant cafes with sidewalk tables . . . cassually dressed white men and women chatting over white plates, sparkling wine glasses in hand in the warm evening.
Aftercwards went up around University and 29th Street to the Claire de Lune Cafe Shop and listened to the poetry and prose of writers taking their turn at life via an open-mike. Thought intruded: One day, talk to them about some of these intrusions that come without warning . . . maybe . . . .
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
EBOLA Without Warning
Part One
EBOLA brings it back . . . strolling with the crowd that sunlight afternoon in June of 2003 . . . Old Town San Diego in Historic Park. Stern eyes in white faces looked in my driection, but could not see me. They stared from the walls of the first public school, general store, dentist office, saloon, and court house, evidencing the foundation of modern San Diego, California.
Words intruded as if they pulled on boots and strapped on guns for some "heart to heart." They rode hard on that day's front-page story in the local newspaper. A black man on a motorcycle, chashed by a cop's car, crashed into a building and died on impact. A mob of blacks blamed the white cop for the black's death. They rioted, burning the homes of blacks. A picture of two black teenagers in XL white T-shirts standing near the smolderig ashes of one of the homes covered half the front page.
A black man interviewed in the story complained: "They rioted out of frustration of no jobs." . . . a decades-old excuse pulled out and "dusted off" whenever blacks rioted. Pictures of thousands of blacks in cap and gown graduating with business degrees for generations from colleges and universities instantly annoyed me. Where were the the black businesses to employ black people as other cultural groups created jobs to provide work for their people? We didn't have a culture that encouraged us to create businesses as one of its features. In fact did we have a culture or just a subculture of inferior imitations of features from Anglo culture? June 19th, just three days away, known as JUNTEENTH and celebrated for over a hundred years by blacks in certain regions of the country as the date of our ancestors emancipation from slavery . . . still haven't created a culture; still glorifying the identities of the Anglos, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and Arabs.
EBOLA brings it back . . . strolling with the crowd that sunlight afternoon in June of 2003 . . . Old Town San Diego in Historic Park. Stern eyes in white faces looked in my driection, but could not see me. They stared from the walls of the first public school, general store, dentist office, saloon, and court house, evidencing the foundation of modern San Diego, California.
Words intruded as if they pulled on boots and strapped on guns for some "heart to heart." They rode hard on that day's front-page story in the local newspaper. A black man on a motorcycle, chashed by a cop's car, crashed into a building and died on impact. A mob of blacks blamed the white cop for the black's death. They rioted, burning the homes of blacks. A picture of two black teenagers in XL white T-shirts standing near the smolderig ashes of one of the homes covered half the front page.
A black man interviewed in the story complained: "They rioted out of frustration of no jobs." . . . a decades-old excuse pulled out and "dusted off" whenever blacks rioted. Pictures of thousands of blacks in cap and gown graduating with business degrees for generations from colleges and universities instantly annoyed me. Where were the the black businesses to employ black people as other cultural groups created jobs to provide work for their people? We didn't have a culture that encouraged us to create businesses as one of its features. In fact did we have a culture or just a subculture of inferior imitations of features from Anglo culture? June 19th, just three days away, known as JUNTEENTH and celebrated for over a hundred years by blacks in certain regions of the country as the date of our ancestors emancipation from slavery . . . still haven't created a culture; still glorifying the identities of the Anglos, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and Arabs.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Women and Men Violently
There are no prisons for women. Why should there be? No woman has ever said a provocative vulgar word to a man or another woman or a child. No woman has ever drowned her baby or babies. No woman has ever thrown her baby out of a second or third-story window or flung one into a garbage disposal. No woman has ever robbed or stolen. No woman has ever committed a "hit 'n' run," And no woman ever poisened or shot or slit a man's throat. No woman has ever been sentenced to death by a court.
That's why there are no prisons for women. Women are the only humans who have never sinned and never will sin. They will go on living sinless lives becaise never having committed a sin, what is there about them that needs correcting?
And what about men? Is it true that Jesus said: ". . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . . ." Did He mean that just for the people of His time? Careful, now.
That's why there are no prisons for women. Women are the only humans who have never sinned and never will sin. They will go on living sinless lives becaise never having committed a sin, what is there about them that needs correcting?
And what about men? Is it true that Jesus said: ". . . for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God . . . ." Did He mean that just for the people of His time? Careful, now.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
O'reilly and Afrikan American "Culture"
Now that the inimitable Mr. Bill O'reilly, a white man, has publicly pointed out that Afrikan Americans need to undergo a cultural revamping can 'black' "leaders" and activists ignore that blaring shortcoming? Yep, they certainly can. They've been deliberately doing so for over one hundred years,
For an emotional moment in the '60s we traded in the hair-straightening parlors for wearing our hair natural in the Afro. Jews supported us with the Is-fro and Italians with the It-fro; the Irish probably called theirs the Ir-fro or Iri-fro. And in that emotional wave we lit up the streets in our Afrikan daishikis, as if a culture could be built around nothing more than a hair-do and some colored cloth.
In fact, the moment that the Afrikan language of Kiswahili was brought to us violence broke out between between factions that knew the importance of a unique language to a culture and those who riveted themselves into a rut with some nonsense about "revolution through the barrel of a gun." Even those touting "total" integration -- which means totally disappearing into the people one wants to integrate wirh -- wanted nothing to do with studying and adopting a cultural language.
Once the emotional wave ebbed -- as is the nature of waves -- a new super 'black' hero was presented to us in the form of a hair-straightened pimp called Superfly and hair-straightening parlors were back in business.
Once some enterprising white entrepreneur created a chemical that could convert kinky hair -- bad hair according to our inferiority complex -- to silky straight hair -- good hair according to our complex -- any hope for creating a legitimate Afrikan American culture was buried under 'blacks' dying their hair blond or hiding it under white women's wigs.
For an emotional moment in the '60s we traded in the hair-straightening parlors for wearing our hair natural in the Afro. Jews supported us with the Is-fro and Italians with the It-fro; the Irish probably called theirs the Ir-fro or Iri-fro. And in that emotional wave we lit up the streets in our Afrikan daishikis, as if a culture could be built around nothing more than a hair-do and some colored cloth.
In fact, the moment that the Afrikan language of Kiswahili was brought to us violence broke out between between factions that knew the importance of a unique language to a culture and those who riveted themselves into a rut with some nonsense about "revolution through the barrel of a gun." Even those touting "total" integration -- which means totally disappearing into the people one wants to integrate wirh -- wanted nothing to do with studying and adopting a cultural language.
Once the emotional wave ebbed -- as is the nature of waves -- a new super 'black' hero was presented to us in the form of a hair-straightened pimp called Superfly and hair-straightening parlors were back in business.
Once some enterprising white entrepreneur created a chemical that could convert kinky hair -- bad hair according to our inferiority complex -- to silky straight hair -- good hair according to our complex -- any hope for creating a legitimate Afrikan American culture was buried under 'blacks' dying their hair blond or hiding it under white women's wigs.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Ferguson, Excuses, And Lies
"If you were a cop facing a screaming, savage mob threatening you how do you think that you'd feel about them?"
"I've lived here all my life -- fifty years -- and ain't never been involved in no mess like that."
"But how can you and your people be 70% of the population -- have lawyers, teachers, and preachers -- and in fifty years haven't figured out how to be prominent in the political and economic arena or how to get more than three black policemen on a force of 53 policemen?"
"I can't put my finger on what it is, but I know we can 'take it to the house' with them footballs and 'to the hoops' with them basketballs, but it's sump'um else we as a people ain't doing right."
"We went through this rioting, burning, shoot'n and loot'n in the '60s, over fifty years ago. You'd think that we -- if we were intelligent -- we'd have advanced beyond that by the 21st cenury."
"But y'all was organized back then, had some sincere leaders of groups. These blabber-mouths out there today making excuses and lying on TV shows for scum among us is too corrupt to tell the truth. They know our people have been brainwashed to hate anybody that criticizes us and that a person only has to say what we want to hear -- be the truth or a lie -- and our people will support him."
"That says more about us that it does about the people we're brain-washed against."
"Can't turn on the TV without hearing all that ignorant, lying mess. I saw one with a big sign that read: ISIS HERE."
"And all these agitators crying crocodile tears over 'the poor black man this' and 'the poor black man that.' And nobody's telling him that he's a cultureless imitation of non-black people and that these agitators are using him for cannon fodder."
"I've lived here all my life -- fifty years -- and ain't never been involved in no mess like that."
"But how can you and your people be 70% of the population -- have lawyers, teachers, and preachers -- and in fifty years haven't figured out how to be prominent in the political and economic arena or how to get more than three black policemen on a force of 53 policemen?"
"I can't put my finger on what it is, but I know we can 'take it to the house' with them footballs and 'to the hoops' with them basketballs, but it's sump'um else we as a people ain't doing right."
"We went through this rioting, burning, shoot'n and loot'n in the '60s, over fifty years ago. You'd think that we -- if we were intelligent -- we'd have advanced beyond that by the 21st cenury."
"But y'all was organized back then, had some sincere leaders of groups. These blabber-mouths out there today making excuses and lying on TV shows for scum among us is too corrupt to tell the truth. They know our people have been brainwashed to hate anybody that criticizes us and that a person only has to say what we want to hear -- be the truth or a lie -- and our people will support him."
"That says more about us that it does about the people we're brain-washed against."
"Can't turn on the TV without hearing all that ignorant, lying mess. I saw one with a big sign that read: ISIS HERE."
"And all these agitators crying crocodile tears over 'the poor black man this' and 'the poor black man that.' And nobody's telling him that he's a cultureless imitation of non-black people and that these agitators are using him for cannon fodder."
Monday, August 18, 2014
Ferguson and Cannon Fodder
"Now," the rotund journalist said to the TV representative sitting across from him at a small table in her office. "We know what to expect from some vote-hustling politician or community activist aspiring to one day be sitting in the White House. Most protesters know that they're in a worthless subculture -- that's the core of their problem -- but we stay away from that angle. They play that -- quote unquote -- 'we-is-so-persecuted' card and if we ride that train it sells newspapers," he said and slapped the newspaper he held in his left hand.
"They advocate breaking the peace and the police are authorized to maintain the peace. It's a gold mine for us," the TV representative said. She was thin, with short brown hair, and wore no makeup on her solemn face. "They're easily manipulated and love to see themselves on TV, so our pictures showing one being grappled by several police -- we edit out the protester's provocation, his or her face screwed up wild and crazy screaming in the face of the police officer . . ."
"It's momentary gratification for one of them to be seen by the public as a poor, innocent 'abused' one by the police, but ultimately it's not worth anything, not changing anything except worsening attitudes towards them. It's their responsibility to correct their shortcomings; ours is to exploit what we need to sale papers or draw attention to our TV news of their rioting -- always portraying them as the innocent victims incapable of breaking any law or of making a mistake or of lying."
"That's guaranteed to keep us in business."
"Isis must love them."
"Now if we could insinuate a connection there . . ."
"Think of how many more people we could have reading my newspaper and watching your TV news."
"They advocate breaking the peace and the police are authorized to maintain the peace. It's a gold mine for us," the TV representative said. She was thin, with short brown hair, and wore no makeup on her solemn face. "They're easily manipulated and love to see themselves on TV, so our pictures showing one being grappled by several police -- we edit out the protester's provocation, his or her face screwed up wild and crazy screaming in the face of the police officer . . ."
"It's momentary gratification for one of them to be seen by the public as a poor, innocent 'abused' one by the police, but ultimately it's not worth anything, not changing anything except worsening attitudes towards them. It's their responsibility to correct their shortcomings; ours is to exploit what we need to sale papers or draw attention to our TV news of their rioting -- always portraying them as the innocent victims incapable of breaking any law or of making a mistake or of lying."
"That's guaranteed to keep us in business."
"Isis must love them."
"Now if we could insinuate a connection there . . ."
"Think of how many more people we could have reading my newspaper and watching your TV news."
Friday, August 15, 2014
Ferguson Missouri And Race
The black preacher said: "This is not about race . . . ."
What! Shut up and get out of our face! We've been watching what people who look like you have been doing in our schools, on our streets, and in your neighborhoods. We now see them looting these stores, burning; we see and hear them attacking the police. They call themselves Afrikan Americans.
Why do they call themselves that? They can conceive of passing their life as giggling, inferior imitations of Anglos or Spaniards or French or Portuguese, but can't even imagine having an Afrikan identity (having an Afrikan name and speaking an Afrikan language).
Whites, descendents of Europeans, take European names and speak European languages, establishing their European identity. Does that make us enemies? Of course not! But it highlights an unmentionable "untouchable." Whites are noted for being grounded in features from European cultures; Afrikan Americans -- and "blacks" in general in the Americas -- are noted for the following phone call:
"Did you see me on TV? We is being talked about everywhere -- in pool halls, barber shops, hair-straightening parlors, at supper tables, on street corners, buses and everywhere. Ain't that sump'um. Soon we is gon' have a policeman scared to touch us and we can do whatever we wants -- want that be sump'um? Lawdy, I can't wait . . . ."
Would these protesters, with their hair dyed blond or red, and others waving and grinning for the TV cameras be as vocal and physical protesting their hypocrisy with identity of our Afrikan ancestors? But what would slave mentalities brainwashed that "we're all equal" and think that an illiterate thug is the equal of an Albert Einstein know about that. Being a male and being a man are two different critters.
What! Shut up and get out of our face! We've been watching what people who look like you have been doing in our schools, on our streets, and in your neighborhoods. We now see them looting these stores, burning; we see and hear them attacking the police. They call themselves Afrikan Americans.
Why do they call themselves that? They can conceive of passing their life as giggling, inferior imitations of Anglos or Spaniards or French or Portuguese, but can't even imagine having an Afrikan identity (having an Afrikan name and speaking an Afrikan language).
Whites, descendents of Europeans, take European names and speak European languages, establishing their European identity. Does that make us enemies? Of course not! But it highlights an unmentionable "untouchable." Whites are noted for being grounded in features from European cultures; Afrikan Americans -- and "blacks" in general in the Americas -- are noted for the following phone call:
"Did you see me on TV? We is being talked about everywhere -- in pool halls, barber shops, hair-straightening parlors, at supper tables, on street corners, buses and everywhere. Ain't that sump'um. Soon we is gon' have a policeman scared to touch us and we can do whatever we wants -- want that be sump'um? Lawdy, I can't wait . . . ."
Would these protesters, with their hair dyed blond or red, and others waving and grinning for the TV cameras be as vocal and physical protesting their hypocrisy with identity of our Afrikan ancestors? But what would slave mentalities brainwashed that "we're all equal" and think that an illiterate thug is the equal of an Albert Einstein know about that. Being a male and being a man are two different critters.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Ferguson, Missouri
The grandmother and nine-year-old granddaughter watched TV in Ferguson. In the street on the TV screen that night flashing red lights atop police cars vied with white lights from stores with shattered windows and smashed in doors and black men, women, and children who raced into the stores and ran back out with clothes piled high in their arms; other men and women hauled away furniture and TVs and cases of whiskey in pickup trucks.
"Why they acting so wild and ig'nant, grandmaw?" the granddaughter asked, her long hair in plaits, her black eyes wide.
"It don't mean nothing; jes somebody tell some lies and these po' ig'nant thangs start breaking and entering and lootin' and talking that civil rights stuff. Like I always tell you, don't ever git involved in that foolishness. That's why I moved away from 'em. Po' ig'nant thangs still ain' got no culture to civilize theyselves. They got no leaders who'll tell 'em the truth 'bout theyselves . . . got these leaders who make excuses for 'em using violence, using 'em to git mo' money from white folks. That civil rights mess always make these po' ig'nant thangs think they got a right to riot and loot and destroy stuff.
"I don' go 'round 'em and don't want 'em coming 'round me. Listen to what I tell you, 'Birds of a feather flock together.' 'Sociate wit' intelligent people -- ain' no intelligent people mixed up in that kind of mess . . . these ig'nant thangs ain' gonna change 'till they have leaders who tell 'em they need to change instead of always talking 'bout other people need to change -- turn to another channel, I'm sick of looking at 'em."
"Why they acting so wild and ig'nant, grandmaw?" the granddaughter asked, her long hair in plaits, her black eyes wide.
"It don't mean nothing; jes somebody tell some lies and these po' ig'nant thangs start breaking and entering and lootin' and talking that civil rights stuff. Like I always tell you, don't ever git involved in that foolishness. That's why I moved away from 'em. Po' ig'nant thangs still ain' got no culture to civilize theyselves. They got no leaders who'll tell 'em the truth 'bout theyselves . . . got these leaders who make excuses for 'em using violence, using 'em to git mo' money from white folks. That civil rights mess always make these po' ig'nant thangs think they got a right to riot and loot and destroy stuff.
"I don' go 'round 'em and don't want 'em coming 'round me. Listen to what I tell you, 'Birds of a feather flock together.' 'Sociate wit' intelligent people -- ain' no intelligent people mixed up in that kind of mess . . . these ig'nant thangs ain' gonna change 'till they have leaders who tell 'em they need to change instead of always talking 'bout other people need to change -- turn to another channel, I'm sick of looking at 'em."
Sunday, August 10, 2014
". . .I, the Commander-In-Chief, have ordered my Minister of Social Media to bring to me, your Commander-In-Chief, banners stating 'Commander-In-Chief' and to be placed about the walls of my office. And, being the Commander-In-Chief, I, as Commander-In-Chief, am at this moment ordering all members in my administration to refer to me as 'The Commander-In-Chief'. This is my strategy -- as your Commander-In-Chief -- to defeat the violence of our enemies. It will instill blood-chilling fear of me -- as Commander-In-Chief -- in their hearts and minds . . .
"Now, I, as your Commander-In-Chief, know that I, as Commander-In-Chief, might seem somewhat repetitive in referring to myself as 'Commander-In-Chief'. But, recognized world-wide as an experienced, masterful strategist, it is my latest strategic ploy to personify the axiom 'Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it'. And it is a tactical move to implant in cynics an image of me -- as Commander-In-Chief -- in military uniform, machine gun in hand, leading troops up a hill against U.S. enemies. I know that you will readily see yourselves following such a Commander-In-Chief as I up that hill . . . ."
"Now, I, as your Commander-In-Chief, know that I, as Commander-In-Chief, might seem somewhat repetitive in referring to myself as 'Commander-In-Chief'. But, recognized world-wide as an experienced, masterful strategist, it is my latest strategic ploy to personify the axiom 'Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it'. And it is a tactical move to implant in cynics an image of me -- as Commander-In-Chief -- in military uniform, machine gun in hand, leading troops up a hill against U.S. enemies. I know that you will readily see yourselves following such a Commander-In-Chief as I up that hill . . . ."
Friday, August 1, 2014
The color-component strikes us with such force that we can't ignore it. But why is it always Caucasians having to try to rescue black people from some calamity? Never vice versa or a combination of both.
Afrika existed millenniums of years before the U.S. was thought of or even dreamed of. So what have the black people of Afrika been doing -- or not doing -- in all those centuries of years? Does anyone believe that it was just bad luck or coincidence that EBOLA struck Afrika -- and not Europe -- some 50 years ago and now again, but not Europe or the U.S.? Isn't a terrible disease a power and isn't it the MO of a power to attack the weakness of an opponent? Notice how some Democrats, exploiting the word "humanitarian" and crying crocodile tears, try to use Latin American and Palestinian children to shamelessly propagandize against Republicans.
Day and night we ought to thank God -- or whatever powers that be -- that the continent of Afrika is not next door to the U.S. Hordes of Afrikans infected with EBOLA would have smashed across our borders and EBOLA would have seeped beneath our doorsills and into our rooms. It takes only one infected body to spread EBOLA, a disease worse than AIDS and without a cure -- and spreading faster than expected. Europe must be trembling.
As with cures for other diseases, if a cure for EBOLA is ever discovered it will be white doctors and scientists depended on to find it. Where are th black doctors and scientists? People of all cultures have doctors and scientists from their culture. When "blacks" go to a doctor's office or a hospital in this 21st century 999 times out of 1000 they'll be treated by a Jew or a Caucasian or a Hindu or an Asian. All during slavery white doctors took care of us. Now, over a hundred and fifty years after slavery we can boast, "We've produced one black doctor out of a thousand. Man, we sho' is progressing -- keep bouncing that basketball, boy!"
Afrika existed millenniums of years before the U.S. was thought of or even dreamed of. So what have the black people of Afrika been doing -- or not doing -- in all those centuries of years? Does anyone believe that it was just bad luck or coincidence that EBOLA struck Afrika -- and not Europe -- some 50 years ago and now again, but not Europe or the U.S.? Isn't a terrible disease a power and isn't it the MO of a power to attack the weakness of an opponent? Notice how some Democrats, exploiting the word "humanitarian" and crying crocodile tears, try to use Latin American and Palestinian children to shamelessly propagandize against Republicans.
Day and night we ought to thank God -- or whatever powers that be -- that the continent of Afrika is not next door to the U.S. Hordes of Afrikans infected with EBOLA would have smashed across our borders and EBOLA would have seeped beneath our doorsills and into our rooms. It takes only one infected body to spread EBOLA, a disease worse than AIDS and without a cure -- and spreading faster than expected. Europe must be trembling.
As with cures for other diseases, if a cure for EBOLA is ever discovered it will be white doctors and scientists depended on to find it. Where are th black doctors and scientists? People of all cultures have doctors and scientists from their culture. When "blacks" go to a doctor's office or a hospital in this 21st century 999 times out of 1000 they'll be treated by a Jew or a Caucasian or a Hindu or an Asian. All during slavery white doctors took care of us. Now, over a hundred and fifty years after slavery we can boast, "We've produced one black doctor out of a thousand. Man, we sho' is progressing -- keep bouncing that basketball, boy!"
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Palestinians, Jews, et al.
". . . we give our children to Hamas . . ! screamed the wild-eyed women dressed in tattered flowing black gowns, their heads covered with black rags. Hundreds of them lofted babies over their heads as they huddled near armed terrorists filling a shelter built by the UN to protect non-military personnel. Other women knelt about the shelter beating their heads with their fists and shouting, "Death to the Jews! We will kill them all for killing our innocent children . . .!" Still others, turning, twisting, whirling about, shaking their fists over their heads, their faces contorted, their tongues flapping, screamed ceaselessly.
Given that they dedicated their children -- and themselves -- to be used as shields for terrorists to hide behind as they shot rockets at Jews one had to question whether their screaming and weeping was anything more than histrionics for the news cameras filming them.
"Oh, the pictures of poor innocent Palestinian children wounded and killed by Jews attacking are heart-wrenching in America and throughout the world," a reporter, in tears, murmured.
One of the women rushed up to him, shaking her tiny fist in his face and growling: "You bad people, no be like America president. Him good friend to Muslim people. Him send much money -- Palestinian people use money build tunnels to Isreal for kill Jews! Much friends of him good friends to Muslims, too . . . soon we go America -- kill Americans. Muslim people good people, Christian people no good people . . . we kill all no Muslim people! We kill American children in school, in hospital, in street, sleep in bed. We kill! Kill! Kill for Hamas!" She jerked around, leaving the reporter.
"Oh, I just agonize for the poor, innocent, abused Palestinian people," the reporter moaned.
Given that they dedicated their children -- and themselves -- to be used as shields for terrorists to hide behind as they shot rockets at Jews one had to question whether their screaming and weeping was anything more than histrionics for the news cameras filming them.
"Oh, the pictures of poor innocent Palestinian children wounded and killed by Jews attacking are heart-wrenching in America and throughout the world," a reporter, in tears, murmured.
One of the women rushed up to him, shaking her tiny fist in his face and growling: "You bad people, no be like America president. Him good friend to Muslim people. Him send much money -- Palestinian people use money build tunnels to Isreal for kill Jews! Much friends of him good friends to Muslims, too . . . soon we go America -- kill Americans. Muslim people good people, Christian people no good people . . . we kill all no Muslim people! We kill American children in school, in hospital, in street, sleep in bed. We kill! Kill! Kill for Hamas!" She jerked around, leaving the reporter.
"Oh, I just agonize for the poor, innocent, abused Palestinian people," the reporter moaned.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Chaos Now
In other words chaos suddenly popped into existance yesterday or last night or today; that is, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Iran and all the rest of the hot spots of ignorant, backward people had no warlords of tribes and vicious political factions held in check by dictators. The moment a dictator bit the dust thousands of dissenting forms just suddenly materialized from outer space with instant extremist political views.
The chaos that has had so-called "great black leaders" and "civil rights activists" and "black revolutionaries" and leftists trembling in nightmares for generations lurks under the heading SELF- HATE. The most anti-black and anti-indigenous people are not whites -- constantly accused of racial animosity -- but so-called "blacks" and Indians."
The Europeans who had moved on to gun powder, nation-building, education, science, and inventions went into Afrika and came into what we call the Americas, saw blacks and indigenous people riveted into tepees, grass huts, bows and arrows, and spears and knives.
"Hey, this is gonna be 'good rocking'. These funny-looking people need to wake up and 'smell the coffee'," the Europeans logically concluded. They returned to their ships, ate breakfast, then went back on shore, kicked butt, colonized, and returned to Europe in time for lunch. In the aftermath, a couple of astute indigenous dudes in the Americas and a few in Afrika 'smelled the coffee' and thought, "These funny-looking people from across the pond 'got it going on'. We better copy their style."
One would think that "blacks" and indigenous people would prefer the identity of our original ancestors over that of the Europeans who kicked the butts of our indigenous and Afrikan ancestors. But today's "blacks" and indigenous people -- and other "people-of-color" lackeys -- would "rather fight than switch."
Think we're seeing chaos now? Scum-bag reporters and news commentators continue to always show only images of the police trying to subdue some scum-bag thug -- especially if he or she is a "scum-bag of color" -- and never show the thug initiating the attack, encouraging other dumb scum-bags to resist arrest so that they use them for sensational "news" and to promote chaos."
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
President of the World
"You're grinning," I said in what I heard as in a dream. "And it's strange that you should still be grinning, given your bungling of unconditional support for the Jews when evil Palestinians -- like Nazis -- are attacking the Jews.
"What naive idealistic nonsense made you think that you could be President of the world? Didn't you know of the rep that Presidents of our country had when times were so rough that nobody ever smiled, before you learned to walk or talk? Presidents in those days belonged to a race that produced men who took charge.
"They went into Asia where they were outnumbered a million to one by Asians and they took over; went into Afrika and they -- again outnumbered a milliion to one -- took over; kept keeping it up in "Latin America" (a name that disrespects the indigenous people there). In every country that they entered as Presidents of the United States they were looked upon and accepted as The President, The most powerful man in the world.
"The people of the world looked upon the Presidents of our country as men of a race who could tell us black citizens where we could live in a city and where we couldn't; what public place we could enter and what place we couldn't; where we could sit down and where we couldn't; where we could drink water and where we couldn't. The people -- even blacks -- throughout the world knew that they could enter our country and only had to disrespect us and they would be accepted by people of The President's race.
"You were not old enough in the '60s when we -- and whites -- "sold out," went into the streets with fire and bullets and spilling blood. You were never even part of a neighborhood teenage gang or group poised 24-hours a day to "throw down" on those we considered our enemies.
"People of the world -- especially Asians and Arabs and "Latin" Americans (most indigenous people don't call themselves "Latins") -- never saw in their country one of our race in such a high position as you occupy. They do not see you as The President, The most powerful man in the world. Do you find that funny? You're still grinning."
"What naive idealistic nonsense made you think that you could be President of the world? Didn't you know of the rep that Presidents of our country had when times were so rough that nobody ever smiled, before you learned to walk or talk? Presidents in those days belonged to a race that produced men who took charge.
"They went into Asia where they were outnumbered a million to one by Asians and they took over; went into Afrika and they -- again outnumbered a milliion to one -- took over; kept keeping it up in "Latin America" (a name that disrespects the indigenous people there). In every country that they entered as Presidents of the United States they were looked upon and accepted as The President, The most powerful man in the world.
"The people of the world looked upon the Presidents of our country as men of a race who could tell us black citizens where we could live in a city and where we couldn't; what public place we could enter and what place we couldn't; where we could sit down and where we couldn't; where we could drink water and where we couldn't. The people -- even blacks -- throughout the world knew that they could enter our country and only had to disrespect us and they would be accepted by people of The President's race.
"You were not old enough in the '60s when we -- and whites -- "sold out," went into the streets with fire and bullets and spilling blood. You were never even part of a neighborhood teenage gang or group poised 24-hours a day to "throw down" on those we considered our enemies.
"People of the world -- especially Asians and Arabs and "Latin" Americans (most indigenous people don't call themselves "Latins") -- never saw in their country one of our race in such a high position as you occupy. They do not see you as The President, The most powerful man in the world. Do you find that funny? You're still grinning."
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Ever Wonder wandering?
Ever wonder what the world would be like without our artists? Without people who play music, sing, dance, paint, sculpture, perform, write? A person who can release his or her inspiration, joy, sorrow, humor, sarcasm, anger, love, lonliness, is blessed. Have you recorded, written, performed any pieces? Or are you a self-fulfilling artist? That is, do you just release when you want to express your mood?
Ever wonder about the IQ of these hypocritical, lying Palestinians who openly scream that they're going to kill all Jews? They attack Jews, then moan and whine, "Oh, world, see how these Jews are kicking our butts? And we po' people ain't done nothing to them. Oh, we po' ignorant people is all so innocent. Please, world, make these Jews understand that they shouldn't kill us po' ignorant people just because we is trying to kill them!"
And they address this ignorance to "sob-sisters" -- white Americans addicted to "white guilt" -- and misguided Europeans (English, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and their imitation carbon-copies and copper-copies).
Ever wonder at the IQ of these po' parents who run to fling their children atop boxcars to travel unprotected thousands of miles, being hungry, dirty, sick, and sexually molested so that their po' parents can one day use them as passports to the U.S. where they can live "la dulce vida" without having done anything to deserve it?
Ever wonder whether these po' parents ever belonged to an organization to improve the society of their worthless country or if they ever thought about the tons of blood millions of men and women lost for years in making the U.S. the greatest country on this magnetic rock revolving and evolving in space and called the planet Earth?
Is your art in your blood as music is in the blood of musicians, acting in the blood of actors, and writing in the blood of writers? Keep up the good work and cheer up this war-torn, angry world with your art.
Ever wonder about the IQ of these hypocritical, lying Palestinians who openly scream that they're going to kill all Jews? They attack Jews, then moan and whine, "Oh, world, see how these Jews are kicking our butts? And we po' people ain't done nothing to them. Oh, we po' ignorant people is all so innocent. Please, world, make these Jews understand that they shouldn't kill us po' ignorant people just because we is trying to kill them!"
And they address this ignorance to "sob-sisters" -- white Americans addicted to "white guilt" -- and misguided Europeans (English, Spaniards, French, Portuguese, and their imitation carbon-copies and copper-copies).
Ever wonder at the IQ of these po' parents who run to fling their children atop boxcars to travel unprotected thousands of miles, being hungry, dirty, sick, and sexually molested so that their po' parents can one day use them as passports to the U.S. where they can live "la dulce vida" without having done anything to deserve it?
Ever wonder whether these po' parents ever belonged to an organization to improve the society of their worthless country or if they ever thought about the tons of blood millions of men and women lost for years in making the U.S. the greatest country on this magnetic rock revolving and evolving in space and called the planet Earth?
Is your art in your blood as music is in the blood of musicians, acting in the blood of actors, and writing in the blood of writers? Keep up the good work and cheer up this war-torn, angry world with your art.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Black Female Culture
What the hell is it? Where the hell is it? Maybe it's black female natural hair hiding under a white woman's wig. Perhaps it's black female hair tinted blond or red, colors associated with the hair of whites. Could it be the custom of attaching black ropes to black female hair so it can hang long like the white woman's hair. Isn't hair common even for dumb animals -- dogs, horses, sheep, gorillas, apes, skunks? People who allow others to warp them with an inferiority complex don't have a culture worth a damn.
A language is the doorway to a people's culture. What is the cultural language of black female culture? Did black females create it from European languages or did it float down to earth from outer space written on a cotton sack? People methodically create a culture for socio-economic reasons. We take our identities from its language; write our books and music in its language; and our customs are identified by its language.
A monumental majority of so-called blacks glorify the identities of Europeans and Arabs -- people who don't even identify as Blacks. What does that tell us about "blacks" supposedly identifying with "black" culture?
Kwanzaa is the one legitimate black cultural feature that we Afrikan Americans have. But today, some fifty years after an Afrikan American created it we can't find a single black community built around its Seven Principles; we find many celebrating Kwanzaa who can't even pronounce its Swahili words.
Now, after learning that there's a "black female culture," we know why we have all these "black" boys filled with self-hate and killing other "blacks," in spite of tons of so-called "great black" leaders, writers, teachers, preachers, and college graduates for over a hundred years. These "black" boys raised in homes under the influence of "black female culture" are frustrated and confused by an infruriating affront to their male nature.
"Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation"
A language is the doorway to a people's culture. What is the cultural language of black female culture? Did black females create it from European languages or did it float down to earth from outer space written on a cotton sack? People methodically create a culture for socio-economic reasons. We take our identities from its language; write our books and music in its language; and our customs are identified by its language.
A monumental majority of so-called blacks glorify the identities of Europeans and Arabs -- people who don't even identify as Blacks. What does that tell us about "blacks" supposedly identifying with "black" culture?
Kwanzaa is the one legitimate black cultural feature that we Afrikan Americans have. But today, some fifty years after an Afrikan American created it we can't find a single black community built around its Seven Principles; we find many celebrating Kwanzaa who can't even pronounce its Swahili words.
Now, after learning that there's a "black female culture," we know why we have all these "black" boys filled with self-hate and killing other "blacks," in spite of tons of so-called "great black" leaders, writers, teachers, preachers, and college graduates for over a hundred years. These "black" boys raised in homes under the influence of "black female culture" are frustrated and confused by an infruriating affront to their male nature.
"Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation"
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