Friday, July 31, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . sin raza (raceless)

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Indian-looking, Afrikan-looking, from head to foot. But they do not identify as Indians or Afrikans. They disparage Indian-looking and Afrikan-looking people. Who are they?

Only Indians occupied these lands that we now call the Americas. They were of the Indian race, with Indian names and speaking Indian languages and practicing Indian cultures. Now -- 21st century -- we meet no people in the streets with Indian names, hear no Indian languages.

Europeans came; they are of the caucasian race; they identify with European names, European languages, European cultures.

Afrikans were brought in; they were of the black race, but now -- 21st century -- 99.9% want no Afrikan names, want no Afrikan language, practice no Afrikan culture.

The Latins (Italians, Spaniards, French, and Portuguese), European people with Latin names, languages, and cultures fill the Americas. Latins are of the caucasian race.

But these Indian-looking, Afrikan-looking people do not identify as Indians or Afrikans, and their "wonderful" cultures keep them begging caucasians for jobs. Who are they? Because of their Indian and Afrikan blood they can not be caucasians. So who are these raceless racists who want to wipe Indians and "blacks" from the face of the Earth? Then, when anyone says, "You people have Indian or Afrikan blood," they can reply, "How can you say that? Do you see any Indian-looking or Afrikan-looking people among us?"

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Obama culture

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

From birth and throughout his formative years he was exposed to the names and languages of people of different cultures -- and not in a disparaging way, as is the fate of millions of other children raised to hate people who speak a different language and practice different cultures or so-called cultures.

He escaped being painted into that restrictive, debilitating corner of so-called "black" culture that is noted primarily for producing "black" athletes. They are the one positive feature of that so-called "black" culture, although we know that before they open their mouths, they -- as 99.9% of Afrikan Americans -- won't be able to speak a word in any language but one honoring dead slavemasters and will have only a name honoring dead slavemasters. To defy that custom causes "blacks" the pain of Culture-ritis.

"Blacks," CARBON-COPIES, strut about boasting of black men this and black women that, but can't understand anything unless it's brought to them in the language of dead slavemasters.

Who can name another Afrikan American politician or leader with the cultural credentials of President Obama? His cultural credentials made him more acceptable to the masses of different ethnic groups.

Let History Record It.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Strangling

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat onlyin whispers."
Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.
He sat in the corner and saw the man. He did not know he saw him. The man bent down with the small brush and began painting the floor black. From the corner, he saw that, too. But did not know that he saw.
Eventually, the man had painted almost the entire floor black. He and the kid had been cornered. They had no room to move without stepping in the black stuff. The kid was only a month old and did not know that he did not know what he did not know.
Only many years later when he looked back on that experience to pass it on to his kid did he realize that he had rolled and lolled the first times of his life in that blackness -- that left no room for any thought of any other color.
Let History Record It.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Cops 'n' "blacks."

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

They rioted, burning down some of their homes. A picture of two "black" teenagers in long white T-shirts standing near the smoldering ashes of one of the homes was on the front page of the San Diego newspaper and many out of State newspapers. I sat in the library reading the story.

They rampaged through the streets, setting houses afire in Benton Harbor, Michigan, population 11,000 -- "blacks" 8,000 strong. It was June 19, 21st century; June 19 is called JUNETEENTH by "blacks" and is celebrated as the day many slaves belatedly learned that they had been freed from slavery. How ironic that in this 21st century -- over a hundred years after slavery -- they should celebrate that day of freedom by rioting and burning some homes of "blacks"; but a "black," fleeing a white policeman, had crashed his motorcycle into a building and had been killed on impact.

Would a reasoning person -- who did not witness the confrontation between the "black" and the policeman -- blame the policeman because the "black" showed disrespect for his authority by fleeing, and ended up crashing into a building?

Of course not.

That incident in Benton Harbor came to mind on hearing President Obama refer, on July 22, 21st century, to the encounter between an Afrikan American professor, Henry L. Gates, and a white policeman in Cambridge. He was not at the scene of the incident and didn't know who said what. With the United States drowning in horrendous, scary unemployment, military, and financial problems, how does the President of the United States have time to meddle in a petty he-said-they-said problem of racial whining?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . meek streak

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

I agree with most of what you said. I would add, however, that "blacks" have been using that excuse of being shorn (as with sheep) of Afrikan culture for over a hundred years. In Afrika, as in the Americas, because of the many worthless features of Afrikan cultures, Arabs and European colonizers have made millions of "blacks" their inferior CARBON-COPIES.

I submit to you that if someone takes something from you, you take it back; you don't just go on whining about it ad infinitum -- unless you're a meek hypocrite. Coming out of slavery, these CARBON-COPIES had been imitating the features of the culture of the English, Spaniards, French, and Portuguese -- all white people -- for centuries, and their communities developed parallel -- as carbon-copies -- with the white communities.

These "blacks"should have broken from that Culture-ritis producing disease in the '60s when they and whites put their lives on the line and were dragged into jails and prisons, beaten bloody in the streets -- especially by white Christians in the South -- to take the CARBON-COPIES from their meek acceptance of white identities and customs. In fact, in the '60s Dr. Maulana Karenga brought Swahili and the first uniquely Afrikan American celebration, Kwanzaa, to the CARBON-COPIES. But, today, over forty years later, the Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba) of Kwanzaa still aren't practiced in any Afrikan American community in the U.S. And the vast majority of Afrikan Americans would die 20,000 deaths rather than speak Swahili or any other Afrikan language.

These CARBON-COPIES -- identifying with the Afrikan ancestors who got off the boats on the shores of the Americas -- can look to the Afrika of today and select those cultural features that are conducive to progress, and flush any ignorant, superstitious crap down the toilet. People bond together around their unique names, language, and customs, and they support the people of their group, economically, politically, and socially. People of a strong culture -- such as as the Jews -- are noted for producing scientists, physisists, surgeons, philosophers, highly acclaimed teachers, writers, artists, in short, intellectual giants.

Let History Record It

Friday, July 17, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . GLOBALIZING OF HUMANS

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat in whispers."

Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.

GLOBALIZING OF HUMANS? The masses in the streets don't think about your GLOBALIZING OF HUMANITY. People of all societies and religions have been taught for centuries by tribal and racial slaughtering to judge one another along stereotypical racial lines.

And knowing that our survival depends on keeping our knowledge of those conflicts at the forefront of our mind, we see members of a different race or ethnic group as a possible enemy until he or she proves to be otherwise. As the Jews have "circled the wagons" and said: "Never again," we can learn much from them.

Let History Record It.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"Shhh...what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.

Culture-ritis, unlike arthritis which generally attacks the elderly, is a disease that ferments in the minds of enfants at birth. Many observers of the disease in a child, however, postulate that the disease incubates in the child even as it is forming in its mother's womb, contending that a trait of it --the capacity to think intelligently or not -- is inherited from the father and mother.

Culture-ritis, like arthritis, causes severe pain, but it is in the mind and not physical parts of the body that it causes its havoc, twisting the mind into gnarled, ugly, excruciating agony; and this agony of cullture-ritis is aggrevated when the affected persons are asked to think objectively of the worth of their "culture" -- in the context of the 21st century.

There is irrefutable evidence that the disease, culture-ritis, afflicts "people of color" -- so-called "blacks" (carbon copies), Indians, and mestizos more than people of the white race.

There is such fear of being "politically incorrect" in this 21st century that the truth that we have just written is avoided, leaving those who need to hear it riveted in their incompetence.

Let History Record It.